Need help in converting verilog module without input & output ports into synthesizable. Because module without input/output ports is not synthesizable

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Need help in converting verilog module without input & output ports into synthesizable. Because module without input/output ports is not synthesizable


我为我的项目创建了一个Verilog模块,并获得了预期的输出(但它没有测试台,它通过使用 $readmemh 从一个.txt文件中读取所需的输入数据)



需要帮助使这个代码可综合(需要显示平面和DC输出 -






I created a verilog module for my project, and getting the expected output (but it doesn't has a testbench, it takes required input data by reading a .txt file using $readmemh)

But a module without input or output ports cant be synthesized.

Need to synthesize it using cadence to get area, power reports (Not dumping it on FPGA). If required another top module which instantiates this module can also be used.

Need help to make this code synthesizable (Planar and DC outputs are required to be displayed -

Input : clk

Outputs :
Y_Planar_output, Cb_Planar_output, Cr_Planar_output, Y_DC_output_corner, Y_DC_output_left, Y_DC_output_top.

Any extra input/output ports if required can be used to make it synthesizable)


module hevc_v6;

//Registers to store file contents and reference buffer for Y, Cb and Cr
reg [7:0] Y_data[0:291];
reg [7:0] Y_ref_buffer[0:34];

reg [7:0] Cb_data[0:82];
reg [7:0] Cb_ref_buffer[0:18];

reg [7:0] Cr_data[0:82];
reg [7:0] Cr_ref_buffer[0:18];

//Reading pixel values from text file
initial $readmemh("Luma_Y_data_16x16.txt", Y_data);
initial $readmemh("Chroma_Cb_data_8x8.txt", Cb_data);
initial $readmemh("Chroma_Cr_data_8x8.txt", Cr_data);

//Registers for Matrix
reg [7:0] Y_luma_matrix [0:15][0:15];
reg [7:0] Cb_chroma_matrix [0:7][0:7];
reg [7:0] Cr_chroma_matrix [0:7][0:7];

//Registers for Planar and DC prediction outputs for Y, Cb and Cr
reg [11:0] Y_Planar_output [0:15][0:15];
reg [11:0] Y_DC_output_corner;
reg [11:0] Y_DC_output_left [1:15];
reg [11:0] Y_DC_output_top [1:15];

reg [11:0] Cb_Planar_output [0:7][0:7];

reg [11:0] Cr_Planar_output [0:7][0:7];

//Extra registers for Planar prediction
//Luma Y
reg [11:0] Y_pred_h [0:15][0:15];
reg [11:0] Y_pred_v [0:15][0:15];

//Chroma Cb
reg [11:0] Cb_pred_h [0:7][0:7];
reg [11:0] Cb_pred_v [0:7][0:7];

//Chroma Cr
reg [11:0] Cr_pred_h [0:7][0:7];
reg [11:0] Cr_pred_v [0:7][0:7];

//Extra registers for DC prediction
reg [12:0] Y_dc_avg;

//Clock initialization
reg clk;
initial clk = 0;
always #5 clk = ~clk;

//Storing pixel values into matrix	
integer x, y, z;

//Luma Y
	for (x=0; x<256; x=x+1)
		Y_luma_matrix [x/16][x%16] = Y_data[x]; 

//Chroma Cb
	for (y=0; y<64; y=y+1)
		Cb_chroma_matrix [y/8][y%8] = Cb_data[y]; 

//Chroma Cr
	for (z=0; z<64; z=z+1)
		Cr_chroma_matrix [z/8][z%8] = Cr_data[z]; 
//Ref buffer initialization
integer a, b, c;

//Luma Y
	for (a=0; a<35; a=a+1)
		//Y_ref_buffer [a] = 'h80;
		Y_ref_buffer [a] = Y_data[256+a];

//Chroma Cb
	for (b=0; b<19; b=b+1)
		//Cb_ref_buffer [b] = 'h80;
		Cb_ref_buffer [b] = Cb_data[64+b];

//Chroma Cr
	for (c=0; c<19; c=c+1)
		//Cr_ref_buffer [c] = 'h80;
		Cr_ref_buffer [c] = Cr_data[64+c];

integer e,f,g,h,i,j;

//Luma Y
always @(posedge clk)
	for (f=0; f<16; f=f+1)	
		for (e=0; e<16; e=e+1) 
			Y_pred_h [f][e] = (16-1-e) * Y_ref_buffer[19+f] + (e+1) * Y_ref_buffer[1];
			Y_pred_v [f][e] = (16-1-f) * Y_ref_buffer[3+e] + (f+1) * Y_ref_buffer[2];
			Y_Planar_output [f][e] = (Y_pred_h [f][e] + Y_pred_v [f][e] + 16 ) >> (4+1);				

//Chroma Cb
always @(posedge clk)
	for (h=0; h<8; h=h+1)	
		for (g=0; g<8; g=g+1) 
			Cb_pred_h [h][g] = (8-1-g) * Cb_ref_buffer[11+h] + (g+1) * Cb_ref_buffer[1];
			Cb_pred_v [h][g] = (8-1-h) * Cb_ref_buffer[3+g] + (h+1) * Cb_ref_buffer[2];
			Cb_Planar_output [h][g] = (Cb_pred_h [h][g] + Cb_pred_v [h][g] + 8 ) >> (3+1);				

//Chroma Cr
always @(posedge clk)
	for (j=0; j<8; j=j+1)	
		for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) 
			Cr_pred_h [j][i] = (8-1-i) * Cr_ref_buffer[11+j] + (i+1) * Cr_ref_buffer[1];
			Cr_pred_v [j][i] = (8-1-j) * Cr_ref_buffer[3+i] + (j+1) * Cr_ref_buffer[2];
			Cr_Planar_output [j][i] = (Cr_pred_h [j][i] + Cr_pred_v [j][i] + 8 ) >> (3+1);				

integer m,n;

//For only Luma Y
always @(posedge clk)
	Y_dc_avg = (Y_ref_buffer[3] + Y_ref_buffer[4] + Y_ref_buffer[5] + Y_ref_buffer[6] + Y_ref_buffer[7] + Y_ref_buffer[8] + Y_ref_buffer[9] + Y_ref_buffer[10] + Y_ref_buffer[11] + Y_ref_buffer[12] + Y_ref_buffer[13] + Y_ref_buffer[14] + Y_ref_buffer[15] + Y_ref_buffer[16] + Y_ref_buffer[17] + Y_ref_buffer[18] + Y_ref_buffer[19] + Y_ref_buffer[20] + Y_ref_buffer[21] + Y_ref_buffer[22] + Y_ref_buffer[23] + Y_ref_buffer[24] + Y_ref_buffer[25] + Y_ref_buffer[26] + Y_ref_buffer[27] + Y_ref_buffer[28] + Y_ref_buffer[29] + Y_ref_buffer[30] + Y_ref_buffer[31] + Y_ref_buffer[32] + Y_ref_buffer[33] + Y_ref_buffer[34]) >> (4+1);
	Y_DC_output_corner = (Y_ref_buffer [19] + 2 * Y_dc_avg + Y_ref_buffer[3] + 2) >> 2;
	for (m=1; m<16; m=m+1)
		Y_DC_output_left [m] = (Y_ref_buffer[3+m] + 3 * Y_dc_avg + 2) >> 2;
	for (n=1; n<16; n=n+1)
		Y_DC_output_top [n] = (Y_ref_buffer[19+n] + 3 * Y_dc_avg + 2) >> 2;


Help is appreciated!

These are the 3 text files, you can copy these data into notepad (notepad++ would be better i feel)


99 9C 99 96 9C 9A 99 9A 9B 97 99 98 98 98 96 98 9A 9B 9D 9D 9A 9C 99 9A 99 97 9B 98 98 98 9B 9B 9D 9B 9C 9B 9B 9E 97 9A 9A 99 99 9A 9A 98 99 9A 9F 9E 9A 99 9A 9C 9B 9B 9C 9C 9A 9A 99 9A 99 98 9B 9B 9A 99 9B 9E 9D 9E 9C 9B 9C 9A 9B 9A 9B 98 9F 9D 9B 9C 9C 9F 9D 9E 9B 9A 9A 9B 9E 9C 9A 99 A1 A0 9D A0 9D 9D 9F 9D 9B 9F 9A 9B 9D 9E 9B 9A 9F A0 A1 9C 9E 9E 9A 9F 9D 9F 9E 9F 9D 9C A0 9C 9F A1 A0 9C 9F 9F 9E 9D 9F A1 9F 9E 9D 9C 9F 9D A3 A1 A2 A1 9E A0 A1 9D 9F 9C A0 9E 9C 9E 9F 9F A0 9F A2 9F A3 9E 9F 9F A0 9F A0 A0 A2 A1 A0 9E A2 A2 A5 A4 A1 9F 9F A0 A1 9F 9F A1 A3 A0 9F A1 A5 A5 A2 A0 A3 A2 9F A0 A4 A2 A1 9E 9F A3 9B 9E A6 A2 A3 A1 A2 A2 A3 A1 A1 A5 A3 A2 A3 A1 9A A1 A5 A2 A2 A3 A1 A5 A3 A2 A2 A3 A2 A3 A3 A0 A0 9F A5 A7 A7 A2 A1 A5 A3 A3 A3 9F A4 A1 A2 A1 A0 9F

98 98 A4 99 96 97 9A 98 9C 9A 97 9A 99 99 9A 98 99 9A 99 9A 99 9D 9D 9B 9E 9F 9E 9F A1 A1 9F A3 A2 A5 A2


84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 83 83 84 84 84 84 83 84 84 84 83 84 84 83 83 83 82 82 83 83 84 83 83 83 81 81 82 83 83 82 82 82 81 81 82 83 82 82 82 82

86 88 80 86 86 86 87 88 86 85 86 83 83 83 83 83 83 82 80


68 68 69 69 69 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 68 68 68 68 67 68 6A 69 68 68 68 6A 6A 6A 69 69 68 68 68 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 69 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6B 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A

68 66 6C 69 69 68 68 68 67 66 67 68 68 69 69 69 6A 6A 6A


得分: 1

以下是关于 OP 的综合考虑以及如何解决它们的列表:

  • 通过添加模块端口创建的大量位可能会成为问题。模块端口的数量大于任何物理 FPGA 具有的 IO 引脚数量。综合的目标是针对具有有限物理资源的特定物理设备。非常大的 FPGA 具有数百个 IO 引脚(我从未见过任何宣传有 1000 个用户 IO 引脚的,如果存在的话,它将处于市场上所有设备的 0.1 百分位数)。如果这行代码变成了一个端口 [11:0] Y_Planar_output [0:15][0:15],综合将尝试分配 12X16X16 = 3072 个 FPGA 引脚来连接到这些端口。由于没有物理 FPGA 具有那么多 IO 引脚,综合将失败。帖子中的设计将会有几个非常大的端口,例如这样。所需端口数量不可能适合物理 FPGA(换句话说,综合将失败)。

    Vivado 综合具有一个名为 out_of_context 的构建选项,它告诉工具正在综合的模块是一个内部模块,不会推断 IO 引脚。
    我进行了互联网搜索,没有在 Cadence 综合中找到这样的选项。您需要进行研究。

    如果 Cadence 没有这样的选项,那么必须修改代码,以便以每次一个地址访问内存。相应的端口大小将为 12 位,而不是数千位。重写可能涉及状态机控制器来加载和卸载内存。

  • 将内部变量(OP 中需要更改的变量)更改为端口,如下所示(确保删除相应的局部变量):

            module hevc_v6
              input clk,
              output reg [11:0] Y_Planar_output [0:15][0:15],
              output reg [11:0] Cb_Planar_output [0:7][0:7],
              // 更多端口
  • 去掉时钟上的内部驱动程序 always #5 clk = ~clk

  • 将具有 forinitial 块更改为同步的 always 块,如下所示:

      always @(posedge clk)
    	for (x=0; x<256; x=x+1)
    		Y_luma_matrix [x/16][x%16] = Y_data[x]
  • 有一些 initial 块的输出无处可去。决定如何处理这些情况(将它们带出端口?摆脱它们?更改为同步的 always 块?)。例如:
      for (z=0; z<64; z=z+1)
        Cr_chroma_matrix [z/8][z%8] = Cr_data[z]
  • 在这一行和类似的地方 Cr_chroma_matrix [z/8][z%8] = Cr_data[z]
    / 运算符和 % 运算符不会按预期综合成数学函数。这些运算符只能用于在 RTL 中已知且不会在推导时更改的参数和其他内容。对于 /8(除以 8)运算符,使用向右移位 3 位来替代。对于 %8(模 8)运算符,丢弃低三位。这个技巧适用于模 2 的幂。

  • $readmemh() 调用
    如果您使用的工具不支持 $readmemh(),那么将 $readmemh() 和文件组合更改为使用 case 语句创建 RTL ROM。搜索“Verilog ROM”以获取更多信息。

  • 此代码块可能会推断比物理设备具有的更多的乘法器。我在这个代码块中至少看到了 16X16X2 = 512 个乘法器。您可能需要重写它,以便一次执行一个乘法(或与设备拥有的乘法数量相对合理的数量)。

    // Chroma Cr
    always @(posedge clk)
      for (j=0; j<8; j=j+1) begin
        for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
          // 推断了很多乘法

请记住,综合的目标是具有有限资源的物理设备;在这些资源的限制内编写 RTL 模型。


如果您想了解更改后的设计的工作原理,请编写一个测试台。将具有 for 循环的 initial 块替换为同步进程会导致时序不同。


Here is a list of synthesis concerns for the OP and how to address them:

  • The large number of bits created by adding module ports may be an issue. The number of module ports is greater than the number of IO pins than any physical FPGA has. Synthesis targets a specify physical device than has finite physical resources. Very large FPGAs have several hundred IO pins (I have never seen one advertised with 1000 user IO pins, if one exists it would be in the .1 percentile of all devices on the market). If this line of code becomes a port [11:0] Y_Planar_output [0:15][0:15], synthesis will attempt to allocate 12X16X16 = 3072 FPGA pins to connect to the ports. Since no physical FPGA has that many IO pins synthesis will fail. The design in the post would have several very large ports like this. There is no chance the number of ports needed will fit in a physical FPGA (in other words synthesis will fail).

    Vivado synthesis has an build option called out_of_context, which tells the tool that the module being synthesized is an internal module and not to infer IO pins.
    I did a internet search and did not find such an option in Cadence synthesis. You will need to research this.

    If Cadence does not have such an option then the code must be modified such that the memories are accessed one address at a time. The corresponding port size would be 12-bits rather than thousands of bits. The re-write could involve state machine controllers to load and unload the memories.

  • Change internal variables (the ones listed in the OP that need to change) to ports like this (be sure to remove the local corresponding variable):

          module hevc_v6
            input clk,
            output reg [11:0] Y_Planar_output [0:15][0:15],
            output reg [11:0] Cb_Planar_output [0:7][0:7],
            // more ports
  • Get rid of the internal driver on the clock always #5 clk = ~clk

  • Change the initial blocks that have for to synchronous always blocks like this:

    always @(posedge clk)
      for (x=0; x&lt;256; x=x+1)
      	Y_luma_matrix [x/16][x%16] = Y_data[x]    
  • There are a couple of initial blocks whose output goes nowhere. Decide what to do with these (bring them out the ports?, get rid of them, change to synchronous always blocks?). For example:

      for (z=0; z&lt;64; z=z+1)
        Cr_chroma_matrix [z/8][z%8] = Cr_data[z]
  • In this line and similar Cr_chroma_matrix [z/8][z%8] = Cr_data[z]
    The / operator and the % operators will not synthesize to the math functions as expected.
    Those operators can be used on parameters and things that are known and don't change at elaboration time only in RTL.
    For the /8 (divide by 8) operator, use shift to the right by 3 places.
    For %8 (mod 8) operator, drop the low three bits. This trick works for mod powers of 2.

  • The $readmemh() call
    If you are using a tool which does not support $readmemh(), then change the $readmemh() + file combination to a RTL ROM using a case statement. Search 'Verilog ROM' for more.

  • This block of code may infer more multipliers than the physical device has. I see at least 16X16X2 = 512 multipliers in this block. You may need to re-write it to do one multiply (or a reasonable number relative to the number of multiplies the device has) at a time.

    // Chroma Cr
    always @(posedge clk)
      for (j=0; j&lt;8; j=j+1) begin
        for (i=0; i&lt;8; i=i+1) begin
          // infers a lot of multiplies             

Keep in mind that synthesis targets a physical device with finite resources; write the RTL to model within the limits of those resources.

If these concerns are addressed, then the design should synthesize.

Write a testbench if you want to understand how the changed design works. The timing will be different for initial blocks with for loops replaced by synchronous processes.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月28日 04:06:43
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
