在React Native中更新页面上的列表而不重置状态。

huangapple go评论89阅读模式

Update list on page without resetting state in React Native


I have a Host.js file which has a track list which is updated as defined by the setTrackListener() function. My issue is that everytime the function is called, the trackList isn't actually updated. Here is an example print out:

  1. Change detected in setTrackListener
  2. LOG Track Name: TEST
  3. LOG Current trackList:
  4. LOG NewArray: TEST
  5. LOG trackList after set:

Here is my code:

  1. let authToken = "";
  2. let roomID = "";
  3. export default function Host({ navigation }) {
  4. if (roomID == "") {
  5. roomID = createRoom();
  6. }
  7. const [trackList, setTrackList] = useState([]);
  8. if (authToken == "") {
  9. getAuthAccessToken().then((t) => (authToken = t));
  10. }
  11. useEffect(() => {
  12. setTrackListener(roomID, (t) => {
  13. if (t != null) {
  14. console.log("Track Name: " + t.name);
  15. console.log("Current trackList: " + trackList);
  16. const newArray = [...trackList];
  17. newArray.push(t.name);
  18. console.log("NewArray: " + newArray);
  19. setTrackList(newArray);
  20. console.log("trackList after set: " + trackList);
  21. }
  22. });
  23. }, []);
  24. return (
  25. <View style={styles.container}>
  26. <Text style={styles.title}>Hosting {roomID}</Text>
  27. <FlatList
  28. data={trackList}
  29. renderItem={({ item }) => <Text style={styles.item}>{item}</Text>}
  30. />
  31. </View>
  32. );
  33. }
  34. const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  35. container: {
  36. flex: 1,
  37. backgroundColor: "#fff",
  38. alignItems: "center",
  39. justifyContent: "center",
  40. },
  41. title: {
  42. color: "#590",
  43. fontSize: 32,
  44. },
  45. });

setTrackListener is defined in a separate file, where I listen to changes on a specific Google Firebase Database. Here is that code:

  1. let setTrackListener = (id, onChange) => {
  2. let tracksRef = ref(database, `rooms/${id}/tracks`);
  3. onChildAdded(tracksRef, (snapshot) => {
  4. const data = snapshot.val();
  5. console.log("Change detected in setTrackListener");
  6. onChange(data);
  7. });
  8. };

If I instead update the trackList with a button like the following, it does update:

  1. <Button
  2. title={"Test"}
  3. onPress={() => {
  4. const newArray = [...trackList, "TEST"];
  5. setTrackList(newArray);
  6. console.log(trackList);
  7. }}
  8. ></Button>

I have a Host.js file which has a track list which is updated as defined by the setTrackListener() function. My issue is that everytime the function is called, the trackList isn't actually updated. Here is an example print out:

  1. Change detected in setTrackListener
  2. LOG Track Name: TEST
  3. LOG Current trackList:
  4. LOG NewArray: TEST
  5. LOG trackList after set:

Here is my code:

  1. let authToken = &quot;&quot;;
  2. let roomID = &quot;&quot;;
  3. export default function Host({ navigation }) {
  4. if (roomID == &quot;&quot;) {
  5. roomID = createRoom();
  6. }
  7. const [trackList, setTrackList] = useState([]);
  8. if (authToken == &quot;&quot;) {
  9. getAuthAccessToken().then((t) =&gt; (authToken = t));
  10. }
  11. useEffect(() =&gt; {
  12. setTrackListener(roomID, (t) =&gt; {
  13. if (t != null) {
  14. console.log(&quot;Track Name: &quot; + t.name);
  15. console.log(&quot;Current trackList: &quot; + trackList);
  16. const newArray = [...trackList];
  17. newArray.push(t.name);
  18. console.log(&quot;NewArray: &quot; + newArray);
  19. setTrackList(newArray);
  20. console.log(&quot;trackList after set: &quot; + trackList);
  21. }
  22. });
  23. }, []);
  24. return (
  25. &lt;View style={styles.container}&gt;
  26. &lt;Text style={styles.title}&gt;Hosting {roomID}&lt;/Text&gt;
  27. &lt;FlatList
  28. data={trackList}
  29. renderItem={({ item }) =&gt; &lt;Text style={styles.item}&gt;{item}&lt;/Text&gt;}
  30. /&gt;
  31. &lt;/View&gt;
  32. );
  33. }
  34. const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  35. container: {
  36. flex: 1,
  37. backgroundColor: &quot;#fff&quot;,
  38. alignItems: &quot;center&quot;,
  39. justifyContent: &quot;center&quot;,
  40. },
  41. title: {
  42. color: &quot;#590&quot;,
  43. fontSize: 32,
  44. },
  45. });

setTrackListener is defined in a seperate file, where I listen to changes on a specific Google Firebase Database. Here is that code:

  1. let setTrackListener = (id, onChange) =&gt; {
  2. let tracksRef = ref(database, `rooms/${id}/tracks`);
  3. onChildAdded(tracksRef, (snapshot) =&gt; {
  4. const data = snapshot.val();
  5. console.log(&quot;Change detected in setTrackListener&quot;);
  6. onChange(data);
  7. });
  8. };

If I instead update the trackList with button like the following, it does update:

  1. &lt;Button
  2. title={&quot;Test&quot;}
  3. onPress={() =&gt; {
  4. const newArray = [...trackList, &quot;TEST&quot;];
  5. setTrackList(newArray);
  6. console.log(trackList);
  7. }}
  8. &gt;&lt;/Button&gt;


得分: 1


  1. [Tyson-Z](https://stackoverflow.com/users/8581245/tyson-z) 解释的原因似乎是合适的。
  2. 我建议以下更改。
  3. 创建一个状态变量来跟踪初始化状态。
  4. const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false);
  5. 创建一个单独的回调函数
  6. const onChangeCallback = useCallback((t) => {
  7. if (t != null) {
  8. console.log("Track Name: " + t.name);
  9. console.log("Current trackList: " + trackList);
  10. const newArray = [...trackList];
  11. newArray.push(t.name);
  12. console.log("NewArray: " + newArray);
  13. setTrackList(newArray);
  14. console.log("trackList after set: " + trackList);
  15. }
  16. }, [trackList]);
  17. 将您的 useEffect 钩子更改为以下内容
  18. useEffect(() => {
  19. if (!initialized) {
  20. setListener(roomID, onChangeCallback);
  21. setInitialized(true);
  22. }
  23. }, [onChangeCallback, initialized]);
  24. 测试,看看它是否工作
  25. // 仅用于测试
  26. useEffect(() => {
  27. setTimeout(() => {
  28. console.log(trackList);
  29. }, 1000)
  30. })
  31. 希望对您有帮助。
  32. 谢谢 :)



The reason explained by Tyson-Z seems appropriate.

I would suggest the following changes.<br>

Create a state variable to keep track of initialization state.

  1. const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false);

Create a separate callback function

  1. const onChangeCallback = useCallback((t) =&gt; {
  2. if (t != null) {
  3. console.log(&quot;Track Name: &quot; + t.name);
  4. console.log(&quot;Current trackList: &quot; + trackList);
  5. const newArray = [...trackList];
  6. newArray.push(t.name);
  7. console.log(&quot;NewArray: &quot; + newArray);
  8. setTrackList(newArray);
  9. console.log(&quot;trackList after set: &quot; + trackList);
  10. }
  11. },[trackList]);

Change your useEffect hook with the following

  1. useEffect(() =&gt; {
  2. if (!initialized) {
  3. setListener(roomID, onChangeCallback);
  4. setInitialized(true);
  5. }
  6. }, [onChangeCallback,initialized]);

Test, if it's working

  1. // Only for testing
  2. useEffect(() =&gt; {
  3. setTimeout(() =&gt; {
  4. console.log(trackList);
  5. }, 1000)
  6. })

Hope it helps.
Thanks 在React Native中更新页面上的列表而不重置状态。


得分: 1


  1. setTrackList((trackList) => [...trackList, t.name]);





  1. setTrackList((trackList) => [...trackList, t.name]);


  1. setTrackList((trackList) => {
  2. const newArray = [...trackList, t.name]
  3. console.log(newArray)
  4. return newArray
  5. });




  1. // 在单独的文件中,从`onChildAdded`返回取消订阅函数
  2. const setTrackListener = (id, onChange) => {
  3. let tracksRef = ref(database, `rooms/${id}/tracks`);
  4. return onChildAdded(tracksRef, (snapshot) => {
  5. const data = snapshot.val();
  6. console.log("Change detected in setTrackListener");
  7. onChange(data);
  8. });
  9. };
  10. // 在`useEffect`钩子中,返回在卸载期间将被调用的取消订阅函数
  11. useEffect(() => {
  12. const unsubscribe = setTrackListener(roomID, (t) => {
  13. if (t != null) {
  14. console.log("Track Name: " + t.name);
  15. console.log("Current trackList: " + trackList);
  16. const newArray = [...trackList];
  17. newArray.push(t.name);
  18. console.log("NewArray: " + newArray);
  19. setTrackList(newArray);
  20. console.log("trackList after set: " + trackList);
  21. }
  22. });
  23. return unsubscribe
  24. }, []);





convert your setTrackList(newArray); inside the useEffect function to

  1. setTrackList((trackList) =&gt; [...trackList, t.name]);

I think your implementation on setTrackListener is correct.

So I think the main reason is that the trackList variable in useEffect is wrapped in a stale closure, this is a trait of Javascript that,
when you define a function, and it uses a variable outside of that function,
it will cache the value of that variable at the time the function is defined, and always return the same value (i.e. empty array in this case).

To fix that, you need to either put trackList variable into the dependency array of useEffect, or, pass a callback function to the setState function to avoid the need for access trackList inside useEffect.

convert your setTrackList(newArray); in the useEffect function to

  1. setTrackList((trackList) =&gt; [...trackList, t.name]);

and do not use console.log(trackList) in the callback function (you won't see the value since it is always []), either put the console log to the function body (quite dirty, only use for debugging), or print the value inside the setTrackList's callback

  1. setTrackList((trackList) =&gt; {
  2. const newArray = [...trackList, t.name]
  3. console.log(newArray)
  4. return newArray
  5. });

If that doesn't work, another possible reason you didn't see the updated trackList in your output is React does not update the state immediately, the setState function will trigger a re-render, and the states are updated in a batch in the next re-render.

But in many cases, the update takes effects immediately, but you cannot rely on that.

One thing to notice is that the useEffect does not unsubscribe to onChildAdded when the component is unmounted, this might cause some performance issues, so it will be better to re-write the setTrackListener and useEffect to

  1. // In the separate file, return the unsubscribe function from `onChildAdded`
  2. const setTrackListener = (id, onChange) =&gt; {
  3. let tracksRef = ref(database, `rooms/${id}/tracks`);
  4. return onChildAdded(tracksRef, (snapshot) =&gt; {
  5. const data = snapshot.val();
  6. console.log(&quot;Change detected in setTrackListener&quot;);
  7. onChange(data);
  8. });
  9. };
  10. // In the useEffect hook, return the unsubscribe function which will get called during unmount
  11. useEffect(() =&gt; {
  12. const unsubscribe = setTrackListener(roomID, (t) =&gt; {
  13. if (t != null) {
  14. console.log(&quot;Track Name: &quot; + t.name);
  15. console.log(&quot;Current trackList: &quot; + trackList);
  16. const newArray = [...trackList];
  17. newArray.push(t.name);
  18. console.log(&quot;NewArray: &quot; + newArray);
  19. setTrackList(newArray);
  20. console.log(&quot;trackList after set: &quot; + trackList);
  21. }
  22. });
  23. return unsubscribe
  24. }, []);





得分: 0



  1. useEffect(() => {
  2. setTrackListener(roomID, (t) => {
  3. if (t != null) {
  4. console.log("Track Name: " + t.name);
  5. console.log("Current trackList: " + trackList);
  6. const newArray = [...trackList, t.name];
  7. console.log("NewArray: " + newArray);
  8. setTrackList(newArray);
  9. }
  10. });
  11. }, [trackList]);

To observe the updated state value, you can make use of the useEffect hook with a dependency on the trackList state.

By adding [trackList] as the dependency array in the useEffect hook, the callback function will be called whenever the trackList state changes.

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. useEffect(() =&gt; {
  2. setTrackListener(roomID, (t) =&gt; {
  3. if (t != null) {
  4. console.log(&quot;Track Name: &quot; + t.name);
  5. console.log(&quot;Current trackList: &quot; + trackList);
  6. const newArray = [...trackList, t.name];
  7. console.log(&quot;NewArray: &quot; + newArray);
  8. setTrackList(newArray);
  9. }
  10. });
  11. }, [trackList]);

<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 0

  1. 使用空数组 [] useEffect 只会运行一次。您需要添加变化的依赖项,例如 [t]、tt.name 或任何应该触发 setTrackListener props 变化。
  2. 此外,在 "setTrackList(newArray)" 旁边添加以下代码
  3. console.log("trackList after set: " + trackList)
  4. 不会显示 trackList 的最新状态。
  5. 尝试以下作为单独的 useEffect
  6. <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->
  7. <!-- language: lang-js -->
  8. useEffect(() => {
  9. console.log("Current trackList: " + trackList);
  10. }, [trackList]);
  11. <!-- end snippet -->

The useEffect with [] will only run once. You need to add the changing dependencies e.g. [t]. t, t.name, or any props that their changes should trigger the setTrackListener.


  1. console.log(&quot;trackList after set: &quot; + trackList)

next to

  1. setTrackList(newArray)

would not show the latest state of the trackList.

Try below as a seperate useEffect:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. useEffect(() =&gt; {
  2. console.log(&quot;Current trackList: &quot; + trackList);
  3. }, [trackList]);

<!-- end snippet -->

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月26日 10:46:16
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76337347.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
