在一个文本框中的自动完成 – VBA

huangapple go评论57阅读模式

Autocompletion in a TextBox - VBA


I am trying to do a function to do some autocompletion in a TextBox. I want to autocomplete word per word but currently the autocompletion is only effective on the first typed word. For example if I write "ba," it autocompletes easily with "banana" from the column wanted, no problem on this point. But when I write another word after "banana" (with one space between them two, obviously) the autocomplete is not working. It only works on one word. Can you help me? Here is new code:

Private Sub TextBoxComm_Change()
    ' Your code here
End Sub

And my first version was this one: (just on another TextBox but I apply the same code on every textbox)

Private Sub TextBoxMach_Change()
    ' Your code here
End Sub

I am trying to do a function to do some autocompletion in a TextBox. I want to autocomplete word per word but currently the autocompletion is only effective on the first typed word.
For exemple if i write "ba" it autocompletes easely with "banana" from the column wanted no problem on this point. But when I write another word after "banana" (with one space between them two obviously) the autocomplete is not working. It only work on one word

Can you help me ? Here is new code :

Private Sub TextBoxComm_Change()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim searchRange As Range
Dim foundCell As Range
Dim chaine, Mot_Proposé As String
Dim word As String 'WORD FAIT OFFICE DE SEArch string

 If m_ignore Then Exit Sub

'Définition du champs de recherche
word = TextBoxComm.text
Set searchRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Base de données").ListObjects("RCA").ListColumns("Numéro de commande").DataBodyRange

'si c'est vide ne rien faire
If word = "" Then Exit Sub

'Trouve la dernière cellule de la colonne
lastRow = searchRange.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

' Si le mot tapé n'apparaît trouver le mot le plus ressemblant
Set foundCell = searchRange.Find(What:=word & "*", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

If Not foundCell Is Nothing Then
        'Compléter le mot tapé
        chaine = foundCell.Value
        m_currentSuggestion = Find_Mot(word, chaine)
        TextBoxComm.text = m_currentSuggestion
    If Len(m_currentSuggestion) > 0 Then
        m_currentText = m_currentSuggestion
        m_selectionStart = Len(word)
        m_selectionLength = Len(m_currentSuggestion) - Len(word)
        TextBoxComm.text = m_currentText
        TextBoxComm.SelStart = m_selectionStart
        TextBoxComm.SelLength = m_selectionLength
    End If
    End If
   End Sub

And my first version was this one : (just on another TextBox but i apply the same code on every textbox)

Private Sub TextBoxMach_Change()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim searchRange As Range
Dim searchString As String
Dim foundCell As Range
Dim chaine, Mot_Proposé As String

 If m_ignore Then Exit Sub

'Définition du champs de recherche
Set searchRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Base de données").ListObjects("RCA").ListColumns("Type de machine").DataBodyRange
searchString = TextBoxMach.text

'Ne rien faire si le TextBox est vide
If searchString = "" Then Exit Sub

'Trouve la dernière cellule de la colonne
lastRow = searchRange.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

'Chercher si le mot tapé apparaît déjà dans la colonne
Set foundCell = searchRange.Find(What:=searchString, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

If Not foundCell Is Nothing Then
    'Si oui, autocomplétion
    chaine = foundCell.Value
    Mot_Proposé = Find_Mot(searchString, chaine)
    TextBoxMach.text = Mot_Proposé
    TextBoxMach.SelStart = Len(searchString)
    TextBoxMach.SelLength = Len(foundCell.Value) - Len(searchString)
    ' Si le mot tapé n'apparaît trouver le mot le plus ressemblant
    Set foundCell = searchRange.Find(What:=searchString & "*", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

If Not foundCell Is Nothing Then
        'Compléter le mot tapé
        chaine = foundCell.Value
        Mot_Proposé = Find_Mot(searchString, chaine)
        TextBoxMach.text = Mot_Proposé
        TextBoxMach.SelStart = Len(searchString)
        TextBoxMach.SelLength = Len(foundCell.Value) - Len(searchString)
End If
End If
End Sub


得分: 2







    Option Explicit
    Private m_words As VBA.Collection
    Private m_currentInput As String
    Private m_currentSuggestion As String
    Private m_currentText As String
    Private m_selectionStart As Integer
    Private m_selectionLength As Integer
    Private m_ignore As Boolean
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Set m_words = New VBA.Collection
    End Sub
    Private Sub Populate()
        m_words.Add "英文"
        m_words.Add "中文"
        m_words.Add "法文"
        m_words.Add "法文一"
        m_words.Add "法文二"
        m_words.Add "俄文"
        m_words.Add "日文"
    End Sub


`Change()` 事件处理程序:

    Private Sub AutoTextBox_Change()
        If m_ignore Then Exit Sub
        Dim word As String
            word = AutoTextBox.Text
        If Len(word) > Len(m_currentInput) And word <> m_currentSuggestion Then
            m_currentSuggestion = FindWord(word)
            If Len(m_currentSuggestion) > 0 Then
                m_currentText = m_currentSuggestion
                m_selectionStart = Len(word)
                m_selectionLength = Len(m_currentSuggestion) - Len(word)
                AutoTextBox.Text = m_currentText
                AutoTextBox.SelStart = m_selectionStart
                AutoTextBox.SelLength = m_selectionLength
            End If
        End If
    End Sub


一个用于搜索键入的单词的辅助方法,类似于C#中的 `StartsWith(string)`。

    Private Function FindWord(ByVal beginsWith As String) As String
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To m_words.Count
            If LCase(Left(m_words(i), Len(beginsWith))) = LCase(beginsWith) Then
                FindWord = m_words(i)
                Exit Function
            End If
        FindWord = vbNullString
    End Function


    For i = LBound(array) To UBound(array)


一个暂停 `TextBox_Change()` 事件的方法,当按下退格键时:

    Private Sub AutoTextBox_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
        m_ignore = Len(AutoTextBox.Text) > 0 And KeyCode = 8 '退格键
    End Sub




  [1]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/840981/auto-complete-for-textbox-in-wpf-(mvvm)
  [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/PxBr4.gif



I was looking for something similar myself today for WPF and bumped into a post on learn.microsoft.com. I translated it from C# to VBA and fixed an issue with the Backspace key that was preventing a letter to be deleted when the key was pressed.

The example uses a hard-coded list of words, but you can modify it to get the data from Excel to fill an array when the form is initialized.

Source: Auto Complete for TextBox in WPF (MVVM)

Private fields and source collection:

Option Explicit

Private m_words As VBA.Collection
Private m_currentInput As String
Private m_currentSuggestion As String
Private m_currentText As String
Private m_selectionStart As Integer
Private m_selectionLength As Integer
Private m_ignore As Boolean

&#39;Initialize source
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Set m_words = New VBA.Collection
End Sub

Private Sub Populate()
    m_words.Add &quot;English&quot;
    m_words.Add &quot;Chinese&quot;
    m_words.Add &quot;French&quot;
    m_words.Add &quot;French one&quot;
    m_words.Add &quot;French two&quot;
    m_words.Add &quot;Russian&quot;
    m_words.Add &quot;Japanese&quot;
End Sub

The Change() event handler:

Private Sub AutoTextBox_Change()

    If m_ignore Then Exit Sub
    Dim word As String
        word = AutoTextBox.Text
    If Len(word) &gt; Len(m_currentInput) And word &lt;&gt; m_currentSuggestion Then
        m_currentSuggestion = FindWord(word)
        If Len(m_currentSuggestion) &gt; 0 Then
            m_currentText = m_currentSuggestion
            m_selectionStart = Len(word)
            m_selectionLength = Len(m_currentSuggestion) - Len(word)
            AutoTextBox.Text = m_currentText
            AutoTextBox.SelStart = m_selectionStart
            AutoTextBox.SelLength = m_selectionLength
        End If
    End If
End Sub

A helper method to search for the keyed word, similar to the C# StartsWith(string).

&#39;Find word in source that starts with given param.
Private Function FindWord(ByVal beginsWith As String) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To m_words.Count
        If LCase(Left(m_words(i), Len(beginsWith))) = LCase(beginsWith) Then
            FindWord = m_words(i)
            Exit Function
        End If
    FindWord = vbNullString
End Function

Using an array, the loop is slightly different:

For i = LBound(array) To UBound(array)

A hack to suspend the TextBox_Change() event when the Backspace key is pressed:

&#39;Suspend the Change() event to allow the backspace key.
Private Sub AutoTextBox_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
    m_ignore = Len(AutoTextBox.Text) &gt; 0 And KeyCode = 8 &#39;Backspace key
End Sub


在一个文本框中的自动完成 – VBA

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月25日 20:45:57
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76332420.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
