如何在Aquarius SDK单元测试中正确模拟client.Publish.GetAsync(request)?

huangapple go评论69阅读模式

How to properly mock client.Publish.GetAsync(request) in Aquarius SDK unit test?



我在名为 AquariusService 的类中编写了下面的方法,该方法被称为 Aquarius SDK

public async Task<TimeAlignedDataServiceResponse> GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync(IAquariusClient client,
                                                                           List<Guid> timeSeriesId,
                                                                           DateTimeOffset? fromDate,
                                                                           DateTimeOffset? toDate)
    var request = new TimeAlignedDataServiceRequest
        TimeSeriesUniqueIds = timeSeriesId,
        QueryFrom = fromDate,
        QueryTo = toDate

    TimeAlignedDataServiceResponse response = await client.Publish.GetAsync(request);

    return response;


public class AquariusServiceTests
    private IAquariusClient _mockClient;
    private IServiceClient _mockPublishClient;
    private IServiceClient _mockProvisioningClient;
    private IServiceClient _mockAcquisitionClient;

    public AquariusServiceTests()


    private void SetupMockClient()
        _mockClient = Substitute.For<IAquariusClient>();

        _mockPublishClient = Substitute.For<IServiceClient>();
        _mockProvisioningClient = Substitute.For<IServiceClient>();
        _mockAcquisitionClient = Substitute.For<IServiceClient>();


    public async Task GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync_Should_Return_Response()
        List<Guid> timeseriesIds = new() { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() };

        List<TimeAlignedPoint> points = new(1);

        TimeAlignedDataServiceRequest request = new()
            TimeSeriesUniqueIds = new List<Guid> { Guid.NewGuid() },
            QueryFrom = DateTime.Now,
            QueryTo = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)

        TimeAlignedDataServiceResponse response = new() 
            NumPoints = 1, 
            Points = points, 
            ResponseTime = new DateTimeOffset(), 
            ResponseVersion = 1, 
            Summary = "summary",
            TimeRange= new TimeRange(),
            TimeSeries=new List<TimeAlignedTimeSeriesInfo>()

        ILogger<AquariusService> _fakeLogger = Substitute.For<ILogger<AquariusService>>();
        IAquariusService _sut = new AquariusService(_fakeLogger);


        var actual = await _sut.GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync(_mockClient, timeseriesIds, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1));


        //_mockPublishClient.GetAsync(request).ThrowsForAnyArgs(new ArgumentNullException());
        //var actual = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => _sut.GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync(_mockClient, timeseriesIds, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)));
        //var error = Assert.IsType<ArgumentNullException>(actual);




I wrote the bellow method on the AquariusService class which is called Aquarius SDK:

public async Task&lt;TimeAlignedDataServiceResponse&gt; GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync(IAquariusClient client,
List&lt;Guid&gt; timeSeriesId,
DateTimeOffset? fromDate,
DateTimeOffset? toDate)
var request = new TimeAlignedDataServiceRequest
TimeSeriesUniqueIds = timeSeriesId,
QueryFrom = fromDate,
QueryTo = toDate
TimeAlignedDataServiceResponse response = await client.Publish.GetAsync(request);
return response;

And then wrote a unit test for the method based on the unit test documents on the (https://github.com/AquaticInformatics/aquarius-sdk-net/wiki/Unit-testing-your-integration):

public class AquariusServiceTests
private IAquariusClient _mockClient;
private IServiceClient _mockPublishClient;
private IServiceClient _mockProvisioningClient;
private IServiceClient _mockAcquisitionClient;
public AquariusServiceTests()
private void SetupMockClient()
_mockClient = Substitute.For&lt;IAquariusClient&gt;();
_mockPublishClient = Substitute.For&lt;IServiceClient&gt;();
_mockProvisioningClient = Substitute.For&lt;IServiceClient&gt;();
_mockAcquisitionClient = Substitute.For&lt;IServiceClient&gt;();
public async Task GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync_Should_Return_Response()
List&lt;Guid&gt; timeseriesIds = new() { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() };
List&lt;TimeAlignedPoint&gt; points = new(1);
TimeAlignedDataServiceRequest request = new()
TimeSeriesUniqueIds = new List&lt;Guid&gt; { Guid.NewGuid() },
QueryFrom = DateTime.Now,
QueryTo = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)
TimeAlignedDataServiceResponse response = new() 
NumPoints = 1, 
Points = points, 
ResponseTime = new DateTimeOffset(), 
ResponseVersion = 1, 
Summary = &quot;summary&quot;,
TimeRange= new TimeRange(),
TimeSeries=new List&lt;TimeAlignedTimeSeriesInfo&gt;()
ILogger&lt;AquariusService&gt; _fakeLogger = Substitute.For&lt;ILogger&lt;AquariusService&gt;&gt;();
IAquariusService _sut = new AquariusService(_fakeLogger);
var actual = await _sut.GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync(_mockClient, timeseriesIds, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1));
//_mockPublishClient.GetAsync(request).ThrowsForAnyArgs(new ArgumentNullException());
//var actual = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() =&gt; _sut.GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync(_mockClient, timeseriesIds, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)));
//var error = Assert.IsType&lt;ArgumentNullException&gt;(actual);

The issue is the response on GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync() will be null instead of the given response. Actually can't mock the client.Publish.GetAsync(request) correctly while the mock of the exception works fine.
How can I mock client.Publish.GetAsync(request) on the GetTimeSeriesPointsAsync method correctly and return a response instead of null on the test result?


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"Great, there are two things here. First of all, you are mocking the Get() method in your tests whilst you are calling GetAsync() in your service. The second point here is that your method signature must be identical in mocking and where you call the actual method. You are creating a request object inside your test, but inside your method you are creating another one, they are two different objects in memory, even though they have the same attribute values. So you need to change this line of your test code




and if you need to also test the object you are passing inside your service, you'll probably need to modify your class to also pass this object as a parameter."


Great, there are two things here. First of all, you are mocking the Get() method in your tests whilst you are calling GetAsync() in your service.
The second point here is that your method signature must be identical in mocking and where you call the actual method. You are creating a request object inside your test, but inside your method you are creating another one, they are two different objects in memory, even though they have the same attribute values.
So you need to change this line of your test code




and if you need to also test the object you are passing inside your service, you'll probably need to modify your class to also pass this object as a parameter.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月25日 07:22:29
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76327967.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
