“无法为Google Cloud/App Engine任务设置超过30秒的超时时间”

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Can't set timeout longer than 30s for Google Cloud/App Engine tasks


我正在使用Google App Engine/Cloud Tasks运行一个任务,使用的是Python 3.7,有些情况下可能需要几个小时才能完成。


查阅Python CloudTasksClient库的文档,Python CloudTasksClient库的文档显示create_task方法有一个timeout参数,它是一个浮点数。但没有解释默认值是多少,单位是什么(例如秒、分钟),或者可以设置的最大值是多少。



这对我来说没有意义 - 为什么任务的时间限制要少于30秒?根据文档中的这个链接,我们在标准环境中使用手动缩放,因此超时应该可以延长到最多24小时。



I have a task I am running with Google App Engine/Cloud Tasks (as documented here) which uses Python 3.7 and could in some cases take up to a few hours to complete.

As such, I am trying to extend the default timeout length for the task.

Consulting the documentation for the Python CloudTasksClient library, its shown that the create_task method has a timeout parameter which is a float. What's not explained is what the default value is, what unit (e.g. seconds, minutes) it is, or what the maximum it can be set to is.

I tried setting timeout to 86400 (aka 24 hours) and got the following error:

The request deadline is 2023-05-25T11:49:43.227120541-07:00. The deadline cannot be more than 30s in the future.

This doesn't make any sense to me — why should a task be limited to taking longer than 30 seconds? We use manual scaling in the Standard environment, so according to this in the docs the timeout should be extendable up to 24 hours.

Thanks for the help in advance!


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  • 对于HTTP目标,它是30分钟。
  • 对于AppEngine目标,它要么是60分钟(Flex)要么是24小时(Standard)。




The deadline varies for different targets according to the docs:

  • for HTTP target it's 30 minutes
  • for AppEngine target it's either 60 mins (Flex) or 24 hours (Standard)

So now it depends what the target of your task is. If it's HTTP, maybe the value 30 is correct, but they got the units in the error message wrong (seconds instead of minutes)?

Please provide more details about what how does your task look exactly.


得分: 0


  1. timeout.py(google/api_core/timeout.py)中有以下一段代码:

     class TimeToDeadlineTimeout(object):
     ``now + initial_timeout``。
     换句话说这个装饰器以一系列递减的超时时间 t0 > t1 > t2 ... tn >= 0 的方式实现截止时间语义
  2. 根据上述内容,解决您的问题的一个可能方案(为您的长时间运行任务提供足够的时间来结束)是将超时的值设置为None。我使用了None的值进行了测试,没有收到错误,即以下代码是成功的:

    client.create_task(parent=parent, task=task, timeout=None)
  3. 如果必须为超时提供一个值,似乎不能超过30秒(这是默认值,如在timeout.py中找到的_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT = 30.0 # seconds)。


Maybe this will help

  1. timeout.py (google/api_core/timeout.py) has the following piece of code

     class TimeToDeadlineTimeout(object):
     """A decorator that decreases timeout set for an RPC based on how much time
     has left till its deadline. The deadline is calculated as
     ``now + initial_timeout`` when this decorator is first called for an rpc.
     In other words this decorator implements deadline semantics in terms of a
     sequence of decreasing timeouts t0 > t1 > t2 ... tn >= 0.
         timeout (Optional[float]): the timeout (in seconds) to applied to the
             wrapped function. If `None`, the target function is expected to
             never timeout.
  2. From the above, a possible solution to your problem (providing enough time for your long running task to end) would be to supply a value of None to the timeout. I tested with a value of None and didn't receive an error i.e. the following code was successful

    client.create_task(parent=parent, task=task, timeout=None)

  3. If you must provide a value for the timeout, it looks like it can't be more than 30 seconds (this is the default value as seen in _DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT = 30.0 # seconds which can be found in timeout.py

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月25日 05:54:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76327638.html



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