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How can I modify my Continuous Ping batch to write to a new file daily as a Scheduled Task?



set host=""
set curdate="%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-2,2%"
set filep="c:\ping\ping-%curdate%.txt"

ping -t %host% | cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!date! !time! !data! -)&ping -n 2 %host%>nul">>%filep%

如果我能在午夜前终止代码运行,使用类似"if time=11:59, then stop script"的条件,那应该能解决我的问题。任务计划程序只有指定的值,如12小时或1天。



How can I modify the code below to have it write to a new dated file after midnight every day?

set host=""
set curdate="%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-2,2%"
set filep="c:\ping\ping-%curdate%.txt"

ping -t %host% | cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!date! !time! !data! -)&ping -n 2 %host%>nul">>%filep%

If I can get the code to terminate prior to midnight, using some sort of "if time=11:59, then stop script", that should solve my problem. Task Scheduler only has specified values like 12 hours, or 1 day.

(update 5-31-23) I have tested numerous things and posted a work-around as an answer.


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这是一个有趣的问题,昨晚花了一个多小时试图在脚本中找出解决方案。我认为问题在于,虽然 cmd /v 启用了延迟环境变量扩展,这允许你将日期和时间输出到文件保持最新,但这并不适用于你将结果导出到的文件名,我想不出解决这个问题的办法。


创建任务,并在触发器中将其设置为每天运行 00:00:00



如果需要,你还可以使用 schtasks 通过 cmd 或其他脚本来启动任务。但我没有使用过它,所以无法评论它的实际工作情况。


It's an interesting question, spent over an hour last night trying to come up with a solution within the script. I think the issue is that while cmd /v enables delayed environment variable expansion, and that allows the date + time you're outputting to file to remain current, that doesn't apply to the filename you're piping the results to, and I can't think of a way around that.

Unfortunatly I suspect the only work around that will do it (unless someone comes up with a better idea) is to use Task Scheduler to handle stopping and restarting the script each day.

Create the task and in Triggers set it to run Daily at 00:00:00

In Settings, make sure Allow task to be run on demand is ticked (so you can manually start it when required), then at the bottom change Do not start a new instance to be Stop the existing instance.

That combination should mean that you can start the script whenever you want, then at midnight a new instance of the script will be started on schedule which in turn stops the previously running instance. Since it's now a new instance of the script it will pick up the new date, and therefore output the results to a new file with the current date.

If you want you might also be able to use schtasks to initiate the task via cmd or another script if needed. But I've not used it so can't comment on how well it actually works.


得分: 0


我对第一个ping命令进行了修改。不使用"ping -t",而是使用"ping -w 2000 -n 86400"。这样只等待2秒以进行失败判断,并且ping 86400次(相当于1天的秒数,如果整天都能ping通,可能会稍少一些,如果请求超时,则可能稍多,但足够接近)。

接下来,任务计划程序似乎无法在所有结束/停止任务后正确结束任务,即使已设置所有在1天后结束任务的选项。为了解决这个问题,除了ping的“计时器”之外,在任务计划程序的最后一个选项卡中,底部的下拉菜单,将其设置为“并行运行另一个实例”。这将始终在12:00:05 am启动脚本,即使批处理正在运行,然后前一天的批处理将在ping运行完之后停止。

set host=""
set curdate="%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-2,2%"
set filep="c:\ping\ping-%curdate%.txt"

ping -w 2000 -n 86400 %host% | cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!date! !time! !data! -)&ping -n 2 %host%>nul">>%filep%



Although I haven't found a time-based termination of the batch (at 11:59pm, terminate), I did manage to do a work-around that will be good enough for me.

I made modifications to the first ping command. Instead of "ping -t" I did "ping -w 2000 -n 86400". This makes it only wait 2 seconds for failure, and ping for 86400 times (1 day's worth of seconds, may get slightly less if it pings well all day, or slightly more if request timed out, but close enough).

Next, the Task Scheduler doesn't seem to properly end the task even with all end/stop task after 1 day things are set. To get around this, along with the "timer" on the ping, on the last tab of task scheduler, the dropdown at the bottom, set it to "Run another instance in parallel". This will always start the script at 12:00:05am even if a batch is running, then the previous day's batch will stop after the pings run out.

set host=""
set curdate="%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-2,2%"
set filep="c:\ping\ping-%curdate%.txt"

ping -w 2000 -n 86400 %host% | cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!date! !time! !data! -)&ping -n 2 %host%>nul">>%filep%

I will have to test this on other operating systems and other computers to ensure it functions the same across the board, but I believe it will accomplish what I need it to for now. (still interested to know if time-based termination is possible)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月25日 02:40:03
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