Advanced Generic Types lenght of Array has to match amount of keys in related object
"Is there a possibility to create type safety across rows and columns where one object defines the structure of the other one?"
export interface TableColumn {
name: string;
type: "string" | "number" | "action"; // this type is an arbitrary type and is needed for default rendering so we know how to display it.
id: string;
export interface PaginatedTableProps {
/** `rows` data must match the "schema" provided in `columns` */
rows: any[]; // <-- Goal would be to get rid of any
/** `columns` define the schema for the table and data provided in `rows` must match */
columns: TableColumn[];
// These props are optional but can be added to any Row in PaginatedTableProps.rows
interface TableRowProps {
rowType?: "Basic" | "Master";
export interface TableColumn {
name: string;
type: "string" | "number" | "action"; // this type is an arbitrary type and is needed for default rendering so we know how to display it.
id: string;
export interface PaginatedTableProps {
/** `rows` data must match the "schema" provided in `columns` */
rows: Array<TableRowProps | Record<string, unknown>>;
/** `columns` define the schema for the table and data provided in `rows` must match */
columns: TableColumn[];
// Example use:
const props: PaginatedTableProps = {
columns: [
{ name: "f", type: "string", id: "1" },
{ name: "count", type: "number", id: "2" },
{ name: "z", type: "string", id: "3" }
rows: [
{f: "foo", count: 12345, z: "bar"},
{f: "zig", count: 6789}, // should mark an error that z is missing
{f: "bar", count: "123", z: "far"}, // should mark an error that count is not a number
{f: "bas", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType: "Basic"}, // ok
{f: "bas", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType: "Expert"} // should be wrong as the rowType needs to match Basic or Master
interface TableRowProps {
rowType?: "Basic" | "Master";
export interface TableColumn {
name: string;
type: "string" | "number" | "action";
id: string;
renderFunction?: (data: any) => string; // any should match the Type selected in Types maybe this is impossible.
export interface PaginatedTableProps {
/** `rows` data must match the "schema" provided in `columns` */
rows: Array<TableRowProps | Record<string, unknown>>;
/** `columns` define the schema for the table and data provided in `rows` must match */
columns: TableColumn[];
// Example use:
const props: PaginatedTableProps = {
columns: [
{ name: "f", type: "string", id: "1" },
{ name: "count", type: "number", id: "2" },
{ name: "z", type: "string", id: "3", renderFunction: (s: string) => s}
rows: [
{f: "foo", count: 12345, z: "bar"},
{f: "zig", count: 6789}, // should mark an error that z is missing
{f: "bar", count: "123", z: "far"}, // should mark an error that count is not a number
{f: "bas", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType: "Basic"}, // ok
{f: "bas", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType: "Expert"} // should be wrong as the rowType needs to match Basic or Master
Is there a possibility to create type safety across rows and columns where one object defines the structure of the other one?
Initial Situation:
export interface TableColumn {
name: string;
type: "string" | "number" | "action"; // this type is an arbitrary type and is needed for default rendering so we know how to display it.
id: string;
export interface PaginatedTableProps {
/** `rows` data must match the "schema" provided in `columns` */
rows: any[]; // <-- Goal would be to get rid of any
/** `columns` define the schema for the table and data provided in `rows` must match */
columns: TableColumn[];
Now the rows need to match the structure defined in the columns seen the example below. I also try to add optional Parameter over the TableRowProps interface, those can be added to each row if needed.
// These props are optional but can be added to any Row in PaginatedTableProps.rows
interface TableRowProps {
rowType?: "Basic" | "Master";
export interface TableColumn {
name: string;
type: "string" | "number" | "action"; // this type is an arbitrary type and is needed for default rendering so we know how to display it.
id: string;
export interface PaginatedTableProps {
/** `rows` data must match the "schema" provided in `columns` */
rows: Array<TableRowProps | Record<string, unknown>>;
/** `columns` define the schema for the table and data provided in `rows` must match */
columns: TableColumn[];
// Example use:
const props: PaginatedTableProps = {
columns: [
{ name: "f", type: "string", id: "1" },
{ name: "count", type: "number", id: "2" },
{ name: "z", type: "string", id: "3", }
rows: [
{f:"foo", count: 12345, z: "bar"},
{f:"zig", count: 6789}, // should mark an error that z is missing
{f:"bar", count: "123", z: "far"}, // should mark an error that count is not a number
{f:"bas", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType:"Basic"}, // ok
{f:"bas", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType:"Expert"} // should be wrong as the rowType needs to match Basic or Master
EDIT: I omitted the additional CellRenderer from the first example this would be a next step to add type safety to here:
interface TableRowProps {
rowType?: "Basic" | "Master";
export interface TableColumn {
name: string;
type: "string" | "number" | "action";
id: string;
renderFunction?: (data: any) => string; // any should match the Type selected in Types maybe this is impossible.
export interface PaginatedTableProps {
/** `rows` data must match the "schema" provided in `columns` */
rows: Array<TableRowProps | Record<string, unknown>>;
/** `columns` define the schema for the table and data provided in `rows` must match */
columns: TableColumn[];
// Example use:
const props: PaginatedTableProps = {
columns: [
{ name: "f", type: "string", id: "1" },
{ name: "count", type: "number", id: "2" },
{ name: "z", type: "string", id: "3", renderFunction: (s: string) => s}
rows: [
{f:"foo", count: 12345, z: "bar"},
{f:"zig", count: 6789}, // should mark an error that z is missing
{f:"bar", count: "123", z: "far"}, // should mark an error that count is not a number
{f:"bas", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType:"Basic"}, // ok
{f:"bas", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType:"Expert"} // should be wrong as the rowType needs to match Basic or Master
得分: 1
interface TypeMap {
string: string;
number: number;
action: (x: string) => void; // 谁知道
type TableColumn = { [P in keyof TypeMap]: {
name: string;
type: P;
id: string;
renderFunction?: (data: TypeMap[P]) => string;
} }[keyof TypeMap];
/* type TableColumn = {
name: string;
type: "string";
id: string;
renderFunction?: ((data: string) => string) | undefined;
} | {
name: string;
type: "number";
id: string;
renderFunction?: ((data: number) => string) | undefined;
} | {
name: string;
type: "action";
id: string;
renderFunction?: ((data: (x: string) => void) => string) | undefined;
} */
被创建为mapped type,我们立即在其中进行索引,以获得其属性值的联合类型。
interface PaginatedTableProps<T extends readonly TableColumn[]> {
columns: T;
rows: Array<{
[I in keyof T & `${number}` as T[I]["name"]]: TypeMap[T[I]["type"]]
} & TableRowProps>;
const paginatedTableProps = <const T extends readonly TableColumn[]>(
ptp: PaginatedTableProps<T>) => ptp;
因此,您可以使用const p = paginatedTableProps({ ⋯ })
来代替写const p: PaginatedTableProps = { ⋯ }
是泛型),或写const p: PaginatedTableProps< ⋯ > = { ⋯ }
const p = paginatedTableProps({
columns: [
{ name: "f", type: "string", id: "1" },
{ name: "count", type: "number", id: "2" },
{ name: "z", type: "string", id: "3", renderFunction: (s: string) => s }
rows: [
{ f: "foo", count: 12345, z: "bar" }, // 正确
{ f: "zig", count: 6789 }, // 错误
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- 缺少了 z
{ f: "bar", count: "123", z: "far" }, // 错误
// ~~~~~ <--- 字符串不是数字
{ f: "baz", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType: "Basic" }, // 正确
{ f: "qux", count: 123, z: "ghjk", rowType: "Expert" }
In order for this to work we'll need to set up a mapping between the string [literal types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#literal-types) of the `type` property in `TableColumn` to the actual data type. Luckily there's an easy way to describe a mapping between a string literal type and some arbitrary type: an [`interface`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#interfaces). Let's call it `TypeMap`:
interface TypeMap {
string: string;
number: number;
action: (x: string) => void; // who knows
(I don't know what an "`action`" is so 🤷♂️). Then you can define `TableColumn` in terms of `TypeMap`:
type TableColumn = { [P in keyof TypeMap]: {
name: string;
type: P
id: string;
renderFunction?: (data: TypeMap[P]) => string;
} }[keyof TypeMap]
Before explaining how that works, let's make sure it's something useful:
/* type TableColumn = {
name: string;
type: "string";
id: string;
renderFunction?: ((data: string) => string) | undefined;
} | {
name: string;
type: "number";
id: string;
renderFunction?: ((data: number) => string) | undefined;
} | {
name: string;
type: "action";
id: string;
renderFunction?: ((data: (x: string) => void) => string) | undefined;
} */
So `TableColumn` is a [discriminated union type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/narrowing.html#discriminated-unions) with `type` as the discriminant property, and where the parameter type of the `renderFunction` method depends on that `type`.
Okay, so how it works: `TableColumn` is created as a *distributive object type* as coined in [microsoft/TypeScript#47109](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/47109). It's a [mapped type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/mapped-types.html) into which we immediately [index](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/indexed-access-types.html) in order to get a [union](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#union-types) of its property values.
Now, there's not really a *specific* `PaginatedTableProps` type in TypeScript that meets your needs, whereby the `rows` and `columns` properties are constrained to each other in the right way. Instead we'll need to define a [generic](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/generics.html) `PaginatedTableProps<T>` type, where `T` corresponds to the type of the `columns` property, and where `rows` is some type that depends on `T`. It could look like this:
interface PaginatedTableProps<T extends readonly TableColumn[]> {
columns: T;
rows: Array<{
[I in keyof T & `${number}` as T[I]["name"]]: TypeMap[T[I]["type"]]
} & TableRowProps>;
The `rows` property is an `Array` type whose elements' type is the [intersection](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/objects.html#intersection-types) of `TableRowProps` with a mapped type that turns the array of `TableColumn` subtypes from `T` into an object type whose keys are [remapped](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/mapped-types.html#key-remapping-via-as) to the `name` property of the `TableColumn`s, and whose properties are what you get when you look the corresponding `type` property up in the `TypeMap` interface.
Generic types like `PaginatedTableProps<T>` are annoying to [annotate](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#type-annotations-on-variables) directly on variable declarations because you have to specify the type argument `T` manually, and that could be quite verbose and repetitive.
Instead we can make a generic helper function `paginatedTableProps()` that *infers* the type argument `T` from its argument and returns it as-is, like this:
const paginatedTableProps = <const T extends readonly TableColumn[]>(
ptp: PaginatedTableProps<T>) => ptp;
(Note that we use a [`const` type parameter](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-0/#const-type-parameters) to tell the compiler to try to infer very specific types for `T`... we care about the string literal types of the `name` properties of `rows` elements, after all.)
And so instead of writing `const p: PaginatedTableProps = { ⋯ }` which you can't do because `PaginatedTableProps` is generic; and instead of writing `const p: PaginatedTableProps< ⋯ > = { ⋯ }` which is tedious and redundant; you write `const p = paginatedTableProps({ ⋯ })` and you'll see that `p` is inferred as desired.
Okay, let's try it out:
const p = paginatedTableProps({
columns: [
{ name: "f", type: "string", id: "1" },
{ name: "count", type: "number", id: "2" },
{ name: "z", type: "string", id: "3", renderFunction: (s: string) => s }
rows: [
{ f: "foo", count: 12345, z: "bar" }, // okay
{ f: "zig", count: 6789 }, // error,
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <-- z is missing
{ f: "bar", count: "123", z: "far" }, // error
// ~~~~~ <-- string isn't a number
{ f: "baz", count: 123, z: "asdf", rowType: "Basic" }, // okay
{ f: "qux", count: 123, z: "ghjk", rowType: "Expert" } // error,
// ------------------------------> ~~~~~~~ not "Basic" or "Master"
That looks like the behavior you want. The compiler knows that the `columns` property elements must be of type `{f: string, count: number, z: string, rowType?: "Basic" | "Master"}`, and you get errors accordingly if you mess up. And the type of `p` is inferred as
/* const p: PaginatedTableProps<readonly [{
readonly name: "f";
readonly type: "string";
readonly id: "1";
}, {
readonly name: "count";
readonly type: "number";
readonly id: "2";
}, {
readonly name: "z";
readonly type: "string";
readonly id: "3";
readonly renderFunction: (s: string) => string;
}]> */
which captures the entire `rows` structure and would be quite annoying to write out... which means it's a good thing it was inferred for us!
[Playground link to code](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?#code/JYOwLgpgTgZghgYwgAgCoE8AOECydPIDeAUMmcgM5hSgDmAXJdXQNynkgCuAtgEbSMufaG3LJEYYAHsQjABQAPRlRohaASmQBeAHzIAblOAATFsgD055AHcAFlOQBrEFOsViAX2LEwWFKjheABsIAGEpIJ4QbSJkAG0ABWRQJwh0KRg0PzxMAF1GEjEQOG4IZWY1UXJfbEYE9jITctVaKrIoCBBjaAAxThAESRkAfnljODA4RgxsHMTczV0mFrYPZA84xzSMrNn8XO9icwAqZBr-QJDwyO5orSIG5GLS5tZH88YAIhU6T7bk4yvSqPDpdXr9QbSECjZByOTjSZAjTaPQ-NSaAA+yH63RgoAgpk8yCxhQ4JTKyzeYg+yE+Qn4UD+jyalOBYlB3SgfQGQ2h8nhEymTx4DMWqIqyKxOIgeJABNWxIeRXJSP+NM+EihTLELLRrRBnU53MhI35CKFiiRYoMRmM1r1mOxYNl8qJx3Mh1AkFgiAuwQgACVXAkoFJMBQleRQ9YZhAYZ8AEJwCjABCfRWfPBUaBMrzEL3QeBIZAJOC0UATAkBf0hsMUAA8qGQEAUkC6EY6cGMMiC6DQlzCESicVyelJZAQQ9uFGm-2jM+QAEEoFA4Oh6+OxPEAJLJaJbdKZJsAMmQAAMACSEenQDxn8QR1Bxbe5OJ08mfXL5Xa4fBxJ8vm+5yfgcYhrKe1YhEG1i1uGOirN4k4gFQyCYGWFaQMYkEQLBEb3PWSEoU2LZtsYHYQF2PZ9th1zDqOciPJgYCYHU6HFJh2G4Y2OjWkxmBsMQhFgKhMRoeW7FVgOuFyJuk43MhjBxI8YiEE8Kq0jAnwADRnH4Xx6tpAJfAAjOmHhacp5Cqc8FKfJO-RgIZ6o3oyOksp8ABMZkWVuVlqS8tIAF5OXptIGW5gK0gAzIZHLgjyULyAuDoopQ6yPLkPlRq4C5Kb5ZCqTAXwwFIUiGfZ4CMMZHlRQALAArDpgVfLwcCMusOmWMgUiOGulkFcgRVBcAtDlVIDmMAAbAA7AAHAAnB1FhWNAoZQFlvmWAAfjtu17ftB07cg9YALQncggXJBG3DABQKZqP1sRDZ8rWucgFVgCZNWGc1Gltd5y3NiuUhQI9XX5WQ+3HWdrK0FdIAAOTCXAwrCKDEOFS1cDBTpH1VTVTVfMmxiaTp0axl8SYpmmS1dT1fUY4NXwAI6cAoY0Tcg1VRYTtK0LYABWjixa4FO0gAogo2BQI56yA6tIMbVuXVnaravqxrmuq3oh1PFIwmJsmqbpiDtJZt6nwZZ46gCSc70yChLElmxlZYVJobhvWnbdiAvbxJu3tUf5tmaXOFE+376oGWHlG+327mmasOkB+HQc2V8H3alGqdx7ptS0i5WftDnfvuV5SeRsXsd++nQVF8gge51HEr143peRZ8MUxxHfZxVyEK8klVqpXqqyjsg7pAA)