How can I successfully integrate Yahoo sign-in into my Django website using Yahoo API?
I want to integrate Yahoo sign-in into my website, but I have been unsuccessful so far despite registering an app on Yahoo. Can someone guide me on how to achieve this integration?
How can I successfully integrate Yahoo login into my website after registering an app on Yahoo?
Need guidance on integrating Yahoo login into my Django Rest Framework website. Registered Yahoo app but facing issues. Seeking help in achieving successful integration.
需要关于将Yahoo登录集成到我的Django Rest Framework网站的指导。已注册了Yahoo应用程序,但面临问题。寻求帮助以实现成功的集成。
I want to integrate Yahoo sign-in into my website, but I have been unsuccessful so far despite registering an app on Yahoo. Can someone guide me on how to achieve this integration?
How can I successfully integrate Yahoo login into my website after registering an app on Yahoo?
Need guidance on integrating Yahoo login into my Django Rest Framework website. Registered Yahoo app but facing issues. Seeking help in achieving successful integration.
得分: 1
你可以使用 django-allauth 库。它包含了Django的谷歌、雅虎、Facebook和GitHub身份验证系统。
安装它:pip install django-allauth
You could use the django-allauth library. It includes Django authentication systems for google, yahoo, facebook and also github.
Install it with: pip install django-allauth