When i`m trying to run this command 'sencha framework upgrade ext C:\Users\emushkov\bin\Sencha\Cmd\' a series of errors occur in cmd

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When i`m trying to run this command 'sencha framework upgrade ext C:\Users\emushkov\bin\Sencha\Cmd\' a series of errors occur in cmd


我得到了一个使用Ext JS编写的项目的源文件,并且Readme.md文件指示我需要执行以下命令:'sencha framework upgrade ext d:\Sencha\SDK\ext-6.5.2'。我尝试过执行此命令,但我更改了Sencha CMD所在的路径。据我所知,该框架与CMD一起下载,所以现在该命令看起来像这样:'sencha framework upgrade ext C:\Users\emushkov\bin\Sencha\Cmd\。然而,我收到了以下错误:[ERR] 目录C:\Users\emushkov\Desktop\Lising\src\Client\ext未被识别为框架[INF] 升级框架ext[ERR] 无法满足'modern'的要求![ERR] 无法满足以下版本要求:[ERR] elp: modern (没有匹配项!)[ERR] 命令必须从框架文件夹中运行。我不明白以下内容:1. 框架是否与Sencha CMD捆绑在一起,还是我需要单独下载它?2. 如果我已经在本地安装了版本6.5.2,为什么我需要执行命令'sencha framework upgrade ext d:\Sencha\SDK\ext-6.5.2'?首先,我尝试不是从项目目录而是从框架目录运行此命令,但我收到了以下错误:'命令必须从工作区文件夹运行。'然后我返回到项目目录并收到了此错误:'Framework ext不存在,正在添加到workspace.json。'但这也没有帮助,导致了我之前提到的错误。我还在一个论坛上发现,我需要在文件/.sencha/workspace/sencha.cfg中指定框架路径,但这也没有帮助。


`I was given the source files of a project written in Ext JS, and the Readme.md file indicates that I need to execute the following command: 'sencha framework upgrade ext d:\Sencha\SDK\ext-6.5.2'. I tried to do it, but I changed the path to where my Sencha CMD is located. As far as I understand, the framework is downloaded together with CMD, so now the command looks like this: 'sencha framework upgrade ext C:\Users\emushkov\bin\Sencha\Cmd\, I received the following errors:[ERR] Directory C:\Users\emushkov\Desktop\Lising\src\Client\ext not recognized as a framework[INF] Upgrading framework ext[ERR] Cannot satisfy requirements for 'modern'![ERR] The following versions cannot be satisfied:[ERR] elp: modern (No matches!)[ERR] Command must be run from a framework folderI don't understand the following:

  1. Does the framework come bundled with Sencha CMD, or do I need to download it separately?
  2. Why do I need to execute the command 'sencha framework upgrade ext d:\Sencha\SDK\ext-6.5.2' if I already have version 6.5.2 installed locally?First, I tried running this command not from the project directory, but from the framework directory, but I got the following error: 'Command must be run from a workspace folder.'
    Then I returned to the project directory and received this error: 'Framework ext does not exist, adding to workspace.json.

But it didn't help either and led to the errors I mentioned earlier.
I also found on one of the forums that I need to specify the framework path in the file /.sencha/workspace/sencha.cfg, but that didn't help either.`

structure of projects


得分: 1

框架不包含在Sencha CMD中(有许多版本),您必须手动下载并保存到本地文件夹。您可以拥有许多不同的版本。

每当使用Sencha CMD或npm创建新项目时,您选择的框架将被复制到项目根目录下的ext文件夹中,并为您的项目生成文件(例如app.jsonbuild.xml等)。

因此,如果您的项目在其ext文件夹中嵌入了较旧版本的Ext JS,您需要运行upgrade。这将覆盖ext文件夹中的文件并进行其他调整,以使您的项目与升级版本兼容。在升级之前务必进行完全备份。


Frameworks do not come with Sencha CMD (there are many versions), you have to download them manually and save to a local folder. You can have many different versions.

Whenever a new project is created with Sencha CMD or with npm the framework of your choice will be copied into the ext folder under your project's root directory and files are generated for you project (app.json, build.xml etc.)

So if you have a project that has an older version of Ext JS embedded in it's ext folder, you need to run upgrade. This will both override files in the ext folder and make other adjustments needed for you project to be compatible with the upgrade version. Always do a full backup before upgrading.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月22日 19:31:26
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76305726.html



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