Apache Drill – 无法在分布式模式下启动Drill(在GCP Dataproc中)

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Apache Drill - Unable to start Drill in distributed mode (In GCP Dataproc)


I am trying to run Apache Drill in distributed mode on Google Cloud Dataproc, but unable to start drillbit on each node in the cluster.

我正在尝试在Google Cloud Dataproc上以分布式模式运行Apache Drill,但无法在集群的每个节点上启动drillbit。

I have created a basic cluster (1 master, 2 worker) with GCP Dataproc service, using the initialization scripts and instructions provided in the Apache Drill website.

我已经使用GCP Dataproc服务创建了一个基本的集群(1个主节点,2个工作节点),使用了Apache Drill网站提供的初始化脚本和说明。

Installing Drill in Distributed Mode in Dataproc


Apache Drill 1.19.0 and Apache Zookeeper 3.6.3 versions were configured in the setup script. The cluster provisioning in Dataproc was successful and I am able to connect with each node using SSH. When I tried to check the status of Zookeeper using telnet localhost 2181 and entering stats, it is showing the following

在设置脚本中配置了Apache Drill 1.19.0和Apache Zookeeper 3.6.3版本。在Dataproc中成功完成了集群配置,我能够使用SSH连接到每个节点。当我尝试使用 telnet localhost 2181 并输入 stats 来检查Zookeeper的状态时,它显示如下内容:

Zookeeper Status

Then, I try to start drillbit service on each node using the command bin/drillbit.sh start as mentioned here Starting Drill in Distributed Mode,

然后,我尝试使用命令 bin/drillbit.sh start 在每个节点上启动drillbit服务,就像在在分布式模式下启动Drill中提到的那样,

then it shows
> Starting drillbit, logging to /opt/drill/log/drillbit.out

> Starting drillbit, logging to /opt/drill/log/drillbit.out

When I check the status of drill using bin/drillbit.sh status, it displays
> /opt/drill/drillbit.pid file is present but drillbit is not running.

当我使用 bin/drillbit.sh status 检查drill的状态时,它显示
> /opt/drill/drillbit.pid 文件存在,但drillbit未在运行。

Kindly provide help on how to resolve the issue and setup Apache Drill in distributed mode.

请提供帮助,解决此问题并设置Apache Drill在分布式模式下运行。


I am trying to run Apache Drill in distributed mode on Google Cloud Dataproc, but unable to start drillbit on each node in the cluster.

I have created a basic cluster (1 master, 2 worker) with GCP Dataproc service, using the initialization scripts and instructions provided in the Apache Drill website.

Installing Drill in Distributed Mode in Dataproc

Apache Drill 1.19.0 and Apache Zookeeper 3.6.3 versions were configured in the setup script. The cluster provisioning in Dataproc was successful and I am able to connect with each node using SSH. When I tried to check the status of Zookeeper using telnet localhost 2181 and entering stats, it is showing the following

Zookeeper Status

Then, I try to start drillbit service on each node using the command bin/drillbit.sh start as mentioned here Starting Drill in Distributed Mode,

then it shows
> Starting drillbit, logging to /opt/drill/log/drillbit.out

When I check the status of drill using bin/drillbit.sh status, it displays
> /opt/drill/drillbit.pid file is present but drillbit is not running.

Kindly provide help on how to resolve the issue and setup Apache Drill in distributed mode.


得分: 1

我不了解Dataproc,但你正在使用的贡献脚本,特别是automation.sh和apache-drill.sh,已经包含启动ZooKeeper和Drill的命令。因此,你不应该使用drillbit.sh手动启动Drillbits。你可以通过访问其Web UI(http://[drillbit-host]:8047)来检查Drill是否正在运行。请注意,在Drill集群中没有主节点,你可以在Web UI URL中使用任何一个Drillbit。


  1. readonly DRILL_VERSION='1.21.1'

I don't know Dataproc but the contributed scripts you're using, specifically automation.sh and apache-drill.sh, already contain commands to start ZooKeeper and Drill. So you shouldn't be using drillbit.sh to start up Drillbits yourself. You can check whether Drill is running by going to its web UI at http://[drillbit-host]:8047. Note that there is no master node in a Drill cluster and you can use any one of the Drillbits in the web UI URL.

Footnote: Drill has moved on a bit since 1.19 so you might try making the following change on line 10 of apache-drill.sh.

  1. readonly DRILL_VERSION='1.21.1'

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月22日 16:01:31
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76304113.html



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