How can I stub a server side response via cypress?

huangapple go评论65阅读模式

How can I stub a server side response via cypress?


I'm running a react project that returns html in the response of the network call (server side rendering). I wanted to stub the html response for testing however I'm not sure how that would work.

Here's what I've tried:

it("Example test", () => {
  cy.intercept('GET', '/some-network-call', {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: html


  cy.wait('@mockedResponse').then(() => {
    cy.screenshot("Test Screenshot");

The intercept indeed does its job, however, the output just breaks the rendered app.
The Cypress docs mention you can stub things like the header, body, statuscode, etc. Is there a good way to simulate server side calls that return html responses?


I'm running a react project that returns html in the response of the network call (server side rendering). I wanted to stub the html response for testing however I'm not sure how that would work.

Here's what I've tried:

it("Example test", () => {
cy.intercept('GET', '/some-network-call', {
  statusCode: 200,
  body: html


cy.wait('@mockedResponse').then(() => {
  cy.screenshot("Test Screenshot");

The intercept indeed does its job, however, the output just breaks the rendered app.
The Cypress docs mention you can stub things like the header, body, statuscode, etc. Is there a good way to simulate server side calls that return html responses?


得分: 3

如果拦截器正常工作(cy.wait('@mockedResponse') 没有超时),那么严格来说,这不是服务器端渲染 - 至少不是那个特定的调用。

但是语义不管,看起来 body: html 不正确,不管 html 是什么。

为了确切了解服务器提供了什么内容,暂时移除模拟响应,并通过 cy.wait('@mockedResponse') 捕获服务器的响应,然后相应地修改你的存根。

it("示例测试", () => {
  cy.intercept('GET', '/some-network-call').as('mockedResponse');


  cy.wait('@mockedResponse').then(interception => {
    console.log(interception.response)  // 查看应用程序从实时服务器看到的内容,然后根据此内容修改模拟

If the intercept is working (cy.wait('@mockedResponse') is not timing out), then strictly speaking it's not server-side rendering - at least not that particular call.

But semantics aside, it looks like body: html is not correct, whatever html is.

To find out exactly what the server is serving up, temporarily remove the mock response and capture the server's response via cy.wait('@mockedResponse'), then modify your stub accordingly.

it("Example test", () => {
cy.intercept('GET', '/some-network-call').as('mockedResponse');


cy.wait('@mockedResponse').then(interception => {
  console.log(interception.response)  // take a look at what the app sees 
                                      // from the live server, base your mock on that

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
