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Manually plot GLM predictions with unscaled values






model <- glmmTMB(animal ~ crop + pop, family = "poisson", data = dummy)


range <- range(dummy$pop)

nd <- expand.grid(pop = seq(range[1], range[2], by = 0.5))

dummy <- as.data.frame(predict(model, newdata = nd, se.fit = TRUE))
dummy$lower <- dummy$fit - 1.96 * dummy$se.fit
dummy$upper <- dummy$fit + 1.96 * dummy$se.fit

dummy$fit_trans <- plogis(dummy$fit)
dummy$low_trans <- plogis(dummy$lower)
dummy$up_trans <- plogis(dummy$upper)
dummy <- cbind(dummy, nd)



I have a model with two variables, crop and pop,
both have scaled values.

I am using GLMMtmb to run a model on it,
but I&#39;m unsure how to manually plot predictions from this model, backtransforming the scaled variable values.

A chunk of data is at the end of the post for a reproducible example.

so for my data frame columns:
Animal is the presence or absence of the animal, crop and pop the variables that may affect presence or absence.

So I run the model

model <- glmmTMB(animal~crop+pop,family="poisson",data=dummy)

I received some code from someone to manually plot predictions but it&#39;s not working.
This is the code, for for example, the &#39;pop&#39; variable.

range <- range(dummy$pop)

nd <- expand.grid(pop = seq(range1, range2, by=0.5))

dummy <- as.data.frame(predict(model, newdata=nd, se.fit=TRUE))
dummy$lower <- dummy$fit - 1.96dummy$se.fit
dummy$upper <- dummy$fit + 1.96

dummy$fit_trans <- plogis(dummy$fit)
dummy$low_trans <- plogis(dummy$lower)
dummy$up_trans <- plogis(dummy$upper)
dummy <- cbind(dummy, nd)

this should then give me a dataframe I can feed to ggplot, but it goes wrong where I create the object &#39;nd&#39; (newdata). Something needs to be added there but I&#39;m unsure what.
Additionally, I don&#39;t see in this code where my variable data is unscaled before creating the new data frame?

structure(list(animal = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0), crop = structure(c(-0.911367192804466, -0.656468577561402,
0.937306298620515, -0.748068186743915, -0.950289715380232, -0.950289715380232,
-0.311140903098454, -0.950289715380232, -0.420299555068266, -0.204030814471523,
0.50447619733435, -0.950289715380232, -0.777918539996587, -0.950289715380232,
-0.950289715380232, -0.840253112662893, -0.839667809844811, -0.949704414301948,
-0.950289715380232, -0.332797072571516, -0.950289715380232, 0.28586616195498,
-0.950289715380232, -0.949704414301948, -0.950289715380232, -0.217785406339271,
-0.950289715380232, -0.949704414301948, -0.950289715380232, -0.950289715380232,
-0.950289715380232, -0.917220203587303, -0.950289715380232, -0.950289715380232,
-0.950289715380232, -0.950289715380232, -0.683099761835028, -0.950289715380232,
-0.950289715380232, -0.950289715380232, -0.950289715380232, -0.950289715380232,
-0.950289715380232, -0.420006934975588, -0.950289715380232, -0.86512840935985,
-0.950289715380232, -0.880053585986186, -0.950289715380232, -0.947070559449672,
0.886092437742609, 1.83281709105803, 1.11640850164685, -0.950289715380232,
-0.946485258371388, 1.37335566631441, -0.126771093015647, -0.949704414301948,
-0.896734664107575, -0.123551937954986, -0.826498527754337, -0.950289715380232,
-0.307921748037792, 1.68180931195255, 0.606903807743094, -0.190568898369987,
-0.669052549874602, 1.74970429966619, -0.941217548666834, 1.81701382450034,
0.217678665495733, -0.235637069219248, 0.166464804617827, -0.949411763762807,
-0.945022005675679, 0.0827666616935611, 0.362833263318178, 1.5957700969398,
0.778982349115678, 1.85652176820044, 1.54836074265497, -0.950289715380232,
0.153588184375181, 1.1480148120681, -0.950289715380232, -0.860153345844944,
-0.551699672370031, -0.916927552178262, -0.791673117945951, -0.949704414301948,
-0.580672067915984, 1.70053900213117, 0.212703567184868, 0.465553605166667,
-0.490535698380696, 0.512963070798555, -0.40449645553117, -0.949704414301948,
0.437459181245815, 1.78921202067216, -0.939168994892841), dim = c(101L,
1L)), pop = structure(c(-0.197547924591922, -0.194351971156629,
-0.188274258566538, -0.196448483438051, -0.197547924591922, -0.197534996338939,
-0.197544742856045, -0.19666972080707, -0.184138726259079, -0.187096628792688,
-0.181474291574343, -0.197126836606957, -0.191909922110918, -0.197541385064299,
-0.197547924591922, -0.180014490953617, -0.196345541198624, -0.194080008065368,
-0.197547924591922, -0.169718619816262, -0.1973883809182, -0.19069419228899,
-0.19750465288443, -0.197547924591922, -0.197547924591922, -0.196222722433591,
-0.197547924591922, -0.197007381120755, -0.197547924591922, -0.197547924591922,
-0.197547924591922, -0.196084866482173, -0.196199779840005, -0.197547924591922,
-0.197547924591922, -0.196775288017525, -0.195128528488411, -0.197547924591922,
-0.197547924591922, -0.196661275901739, -0.197547924591922, -0.197547924591922,
-0.197547924591922, -0.195309309220705, -0.197547924591922, -0.196083127378007,
-0.197547924591922, -0.197047712962236, -0.197547924591922, -0.19661973821873,
0.624878194166003, -0.194073305851747, -0.165976797458507, -0.197547924591922,
-0.189654680869701, -0.138488532034927, -0.182502054986232, -0.151862484978888,
-0.146757177620867, -0.180411925114601, -0.196752195942981, -0.197416680215279,
-0.183794718471439, -0.173372247384172, -0.196556998242149, -0.174186298469269,
-0.178206794332005, -0.197547924591922, -0.196558496041342, -0.182985603845477,
0.0359655292697121, 0.14216237743388, -0.170265068895674, -0.197547924591922,
-0.19328285943275, -0.148427554030811, -0.115746893472626, -0.189714944074946,
-0.185416997205207, -0.1959619567473, -0.0975791931695816, -0.197326675563388,
-0.17579755900438, -0.0809452064393561, -0.197246026550915, 0.888153565621317,
-0.189168753981969, -0.193326520514112, -0.191939980937669, -0.197547923770278,
-0.193648598847386, -0.140792688570448, -0.162820943186907, -0.0971587686665226,
-0.184731765563276, -0.166566876527242, -0.0244512966150544,
-0.19624995376397, -0.147791915216302, -0.167901037976233, 16.3965287744725
), dim = c(101L, 1L))), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(2L,
3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L,
17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 21L, 22L, 23L, 24L, 25L, 26L, 27L, 28L, 29L,
30L, 31L, 32L, 33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 40L, 41L, 42L,
43L, 45L, 46L, 47L, 49L, 50L, 51L, 52L, 53L, 3786L, 3787L, 3788L,
3789L, 3790L, 3791L, 3792L, 3793L, 3794L, 3795L, 3796L, 3797L,
3798L, 3799L, 3800L, 3801L, 3802L, 3803L, 3804L, 3805L, 3806L,
3807L, 3808L, 3809L, 3810L, 3811L, 3812L, 3813L, 3814L, 3815L,
3816L, 3817L, 3818L, 3819L, 3820L, 3821L, 3822L, 3823L, 3824L,
3825L, 3826L, 3827L, 3828L, 3829L, 3830L, 3831L, 3832L, 3833L,
3834L, 3835L, 3836L))


# 答案1
**得分**: 0

1) 如果您只是测量动物的存在或缺失,那么您需要使用 logistic 回归,而不是泊松回归(即在您的模型中应该有 `family = "binomial"`)。
2) 不清楚您为什么使用 `glmmTMB`,因为您的模型只有固定效应,这意味着基本的 R 的 `glm` 也可以胜任。
3) 您的预测数据框的主要问题是,您的模型需要同时提供 `crop` 和 `pop` 的值,但您只提供了 `pop` 的值。
4) 在您的虚拟数据框中,`crop` 存在一个极端异常值,这意味着整个范围内等间隔的值并不能代表您的数据。
5) 如果有两个相关的因变量,要可视化带有上下置信区间的预测是困难的。

要获得关于不同 `crop` 和 `pop` 值的概率预测的二维网格,我们可以执行以下操作:


model <- glmmTMB(animal ~ crop + pop, family = "binomial", data = dummy)

nd <- expand.grid(crop = seq(min(dummy$crop), max(dummy$crop), length = 10),
                  pop  = seq(-0.2, -0.15, length = 10))

preds <- predict(model, newdata = nd, se.fit = TRUE)

nd$pred  <- plogis(preds$fit)
nd$lower <- plogis(preds$fit - 1.96 * preds$se.fit)
nd$upper <- plogis(preds$fit + 1.96 * preds$se.fit)


关于绘图,我们可以将预测网格显示为 geom_tile,如下所示:


ggplot(nd, aes(crop, pop, fill = pred)) +
  geom_tile() +
  scale_fill_viridis_c("Probability of\nAnimal presence") +
  coord_fixed(60) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 16)

如果您真的想看到置信区间,您需要使用 facets:

ggplot(within(nd, pop <- factor(paste("pop =", round(pop, 3)))),
       aes(crop, pred)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(. ~ pop) +

There are a few issues here.

  1. If you are only measuring presence / absence of animals, then you need a logistic regression rather than a Poisson regression (i.e. you should have family = &quot;binomial&quot; in your model).
  2. It's not clear why you are using glmmTMB, since you have a fixed effect only model, meaning that base R's glm would do just as well.
  3. The main issue with your prediction data frame is that your model needs values for both crop and pop, but you are only supplying values for pop
  4. In your dummy data frame, there is a single extreme outlier for crop which means that equally-spaced values across the whole range are not representative of your data.
  5. It is difficult to visualise predictions with upper and lower confidence intervals if you have two dependent variables.

To get a 2D grid of probability predictions over varying values of crop and pop, we can do


model &lt;- glmmTMB(animal ~ crop + pop, family = &quot;binomial&quot;, data = dummy)

nd &lt;- expand.grid(crop = seq(min(dummy$crop), max(dummy$crop), length = 10),
                  pop  = seq(-0.2, -0.15, length = 10))

preds &lt;- predict(model, newdata = nd, se.fit = TRUE)

nd$pred  &lt;- plogis(preds$fit)
nd$lower &lt;- plogis(preds$fit - 1.96 * preds$se.fit)
nd$upper &lt;- plogis(preds$fit + 1.96 * preds$se.fit)

#&gt;          crop  pop      pred     lower     upper
#&gt; 1 -0.95028972 -0.2 0.8231875 0.6957251 0.9045785
#&gt; 2 -0.63842177 -0.2 0.7764348 0.6327054 0.8750293
#&gt; 3 -0.32655383 -0.2 0.7215021 0.5445071 0.8488165
#&gt; 4 -0.01468589 -0.2 0.6589997 0.4379221 0.8273954
#&gt; 5  0.29718206 -0.2 0.5904329 0.3280019 0.8098054
#&gt; 6  0.60905000 -0.2 0.5181596 0.2299935 0.7947321

When it comes to plotting, we can show the prediction grid as a geom_tile as follows:


ggplot(nd, aes(crop, pop, fill = pred)) +
  geom_tile() +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(&quot;Probability of\nAnimal presence&quot;) +
  coord_fixed(60) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 16)


If you really want to see the confidence bands, you will need to use facets:

ggplot(within(nd, pop &lt;- factor(paste(&quot;pop =&quot;, round(pop, 3)))),
              aes(crop, pred)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(. ~ pop) +



得分: 0



I found out the best way is to not rescale variables before running a model, but supplying scale(variables) to the model formula. This way, when you create a new data frame for predictions, the values are automatically unscaled.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月21日 06:52:41
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76297621.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
