
huangapple go评论103阅读模式

How to return the correct position in an array in Javascript?


I understand your request. Here's the translation of the code section you provided:

  1. var widestPasture = function (landscape) {
  2. // Implement your code below
  3. let array = landscape.split("-");
  4. let greatest;
  5. let tillGreatest = 0;
  6. let endIndex;
  7. let answer = [];
  8. for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  9. if (array[i + 1] !== undefined) {
  10. greatest = array[i].length;
  11. }
  12. }
  13. for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  14. if (array[i].length < greatest) {
  15. tillGreatest += array[i].length;
  16. }
  17. }
  18. let startIndex = tillGreatest += 1;
  19. tillGreatest += 2;
  20. endIndex = tillGreatest + greatest -1;
  21. answer = [greatest, tillGreatest, endIndex];
  22. return answer;
  23. };
  24. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-____-______-_"));
  25. // -> [6, 14, 19]
  26. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-___-"));
  27. // -> [3, 9, 11]

If you have any specific questions about the code or need further assistance, please feel free to ask.


I need to make a function so that it will return the starting and ending index of the widest pasture as well as the width.

It needs to return an array in this particular order.

[length, starting_index, ending_index]

As an example, for &quot;_-___-__-____-______-_&quot;, the return value should be [6, 14, 19].

If there are multiple pastures that have the same length, return the position of the pasture towards the end of the array.

As an example, for &quot;_-___-__-___-&quot;, the return value should be [3, 9, 11].

If the widest pasture length is 0, such as &quot;---&quot;, return 0 for all the values [0, 0, 0].

  1. var widestPasture = function (landscape) {
  2. // Implement your code below
  3. let array = landscape.split(&quot;-&quot;);
  4. let greatest;
  5. let tillGreatest = 0;
  6. let endIndex;
  7. let answer = [];
  8. for (let i = 0; i &lt; array.length; i++) {
  9. if (array[i + 1] !== undefined) {
  10. greatest = array[i].length;
  11. }
  12. }
  13. for (let i = 0; i &lt; array.length; i++) {
  14. if (array[i].length &lt; greatest) {
  15. tillGreatest += array[i].length;
  16. }
  17. }
  18. let startIndex = tillGreatest += 1;
  19. tillGreatest += 2;
  20. endIndex = tillGreatest + greatest -1;
  21. answer = [greatest, tillGreatest, endIndex];
  22. return answer;
  23. };
  24. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-____-______-_&quot;));
  25. // -&gt; [6, 14, 19]
  26. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-___-&quot;));
  27. // -&gt; [3, 9, 11]

The issue I'm running into is figuring out how to output the [3, 9, 11]. Currently the second output is [3, 6, 8]. It feels like the solution is something simple right in my face but I can't grasp it and all my other attempts have resulted is breaking the currently working code.

Is my only option rewriting from the beginning?


得分: 2

首先的问题是变量 greatest 被设置为倒数第二个分区,而没有比较哪个分区最长。即使第一个分区是最长的,greatest 仍会被下一个数组的长度覆盖,即使它更短。

其次,tillGreatest 变量获取的是比最长分区更短的数组的长度总和。但这也会包括在最长分区之后的数组的长度。

另一个问题是由于分割,你失去了起始索引的追踪。你尝试用 += 1+= 2 来解决这个问题,但这不够通用。老实说,分割成分区比必要的情况更复杂。

我建议不要进行分割,而是遍历 landscape 字符串的每个字符,并跟踪 当前 连续 _ 系列的起始索引,并推导出它的长度。然后,每当你获得比之前注册的长度更长的长度时,你可以更新答案数组。


  1. var widestPasture = function (landscape) {
  2. let answer = [0, 0, 0];
  3. for (let i = 0, start = 0; i < landscape.length; i++) {
  4. if (landscape[i] != "_") {
  5. start = i + 1;
  6. } else if (i + 1 - start >= answer[0]) {
  7. answer = [i + 1 - start, start, i];
  8. }
  9. }
  10. return answer;
  11. };
  12. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-____-______-_"));
  13. // -> [6, 14, 19]
  14. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-___-"));
  15. // -> [3, 9, 11]

The first problem is that the variable greatest is set to the one-but-last partition without comparing which partition is the longest. Even if the first partition would be the longest, greatest will still be overwritten with the length of a next array -- even when it is shorter.

Secondly, the tillGreatest variable gets the sum of the lengths of arrays that are shorter than the greatest. But this will also include lengths of arrays that come after the greatest.

Another issue is that you lose track of the starting indices because of the split. You try to overcome this with += 1 and += 2, but this is not generic enough. Honestly, the split into partitions made this harder than necessary.

I would suggest not to do the split, but just visit each character of the landscape string and keep track of the starting index of the current series of _, and derive its length. Then you can update the answer array whenever you get a length that is greater than what was registered before.

Here is how that looks:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. var widestPasture = function (landscape) {
  2. let answer = [0, 0, 0];
  3. for (let i = 0, start = 0; i &lt; landscape.length; i++) {
  4. if (landscape[i] != &quot;_&quot;) {
  5. start = i + 1;
  6. } else if (i + 1 - start &gt;= answer[0]) {
  7. answer = [i + 1 - start, start, i];
  8. }
  9. }
  10. return answer;
  11. };
  12. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-____-______-_&quot;));
  13. // -&gt; [6, 14, 19]
  14. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-___-&quot;));
  15. // -&gt; [3, 9, 11]

<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 1


  1. var widestPasture = function (landscape) {
  2. let array = landscape.split("-");
  3. let longest = Math.max(...(array.map(el => el.length)));
  4. let pos = array.lastIndexOf("_".repeat(longest));
  5. //reconstruct
  6. let c = 0, firstIndex = 0;
  7. while (c < pos) {
  8. firstIndex += array[c].length + 1;
  9. c++;
  10. }
  11. let answer = [longest, firstIndex, firstIndex + longest - 1];
  12. return answer;
  13. };
  14. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-____-______-_"));
  15. // -> [6, 14, 19]
  16. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-___-"));
  17. // -> [3, 9, 11]

请注意,代码中的HTML注释(<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false --><!-- end snippet -->)未进行翻译,因为它们不包含可翻译的文本。


I was going to type Trincots explanation regarding the greatest variable, so I won't repeat that here, and their solution is great. Here's an alternative solution so you can see different ways of getting to it

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. var widestPasture = function (landscape) {
  2. let array = landscape.split(&quot;-&quot;);
  3. let longest = Math.max(...(array.map(el =&gt; el.length)));
  4. let pos = array.lastIndexOf(&quot;_&quot;.repeat(longest));
  5. //reconstruct
  6. let c =0, firstIndex=0;
  7. while (c&lt;pos) {
  8. firstIndex += array[c].length +1;
  9. c++;
  10. }
  11. let answer = [longest, firstIndex, firstIndex+longest-1];
  12. return answer;
  13. };
  14. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-____-______-_&quot;));
  15. // -&gt; [6, 14, 19]
  16. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-___-&quot;));
  17. // -&gt; [3, 9, 11]

<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 1

使用matchAll是一个可行的方法,它将匹配这个简单的正则表达式... /_+/g... 一个下划线字符的序列(全局)。结果数组包含匹配的项,其中每个项都包括匹配本身(下划线序列)和例如index属性,该属性指示匹配的起始位置。



A feasible approach utilizes matchAll which is going to match this simple regex ... /_+/g ... a sequence of underscore characters (globally).

The result array contains matching items where each item features the match itself (the underscore sequence) and e.g. the index property which indicates the match's starting position.

sorting the array of matching items, by each item's match length in an ascending order, will feature the OP's matching result of interest as the sorted array's last item. From this very item one can create/assemble the result array which the OP is looking for.

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. function getLastValidMatchingPastureData(value) {
  2. const lastValidPastureMatch = [...String(value).matchAll(/_+/g)]
  3. // sort each matching pasture data item ascending by `length`.
  4. .sort(([a], [b]) =&gt; a.length - b.length)
  5. // access/get the last matching item (the last longest item).
  6. .at(-1);
  7. return [ // assemble the data of OP&#39;s interest.
  8. lastValidPastureMatch[0].length,
  9. lastValidPastureMatch.index,
  10. lastValidPastureMatch.index + lastValidPastureMatch[0].length - 1,
  11. ];
  12. }
  13. console.log( // [3, 9, 11]
  14. &#39;&quot;_-___-__-___-&quot; ... &#39;,
  15. getLastValidMatchingPastureData(&quot;_-___-__-___-&quot;),
  16. );
  17. console.log( // [6, 14, 19]
  18. &#39;&quot;_-___-__-____-______-_&quot; ... &#39;,
  19. getLastValidMatchingPastureData(&quot;_-___-__-____-______-_&quot;),
  20. );
  21. console.log( // [6, 21, 26]
  22. &#39;&quot;_-___-__-______-____-______-_&quot; ... &#39;,
  23. getLastValidMatchingPastureData(&quot;_-___-__-______-____-______-_&quot;),
  24. );

<!-- language: lang-css -->

  1. .as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 0



  1. function widestPasture(input) {
  2. //在开始时,我们还没有解决方案,所以默认将bestSofar设置为undefined
  3. let bestSofar = undefined;
  4. //lastStartIndex为负数意味着我们目前不在牧场内
  5. let lastStartIndex = -1;
  6. //我们循环字符串的索引
  7. for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
  8. //我们检查当前字符是否在牧场外
  9. if (input[i] !== '_') {
  10. //如果是的话,并且我们之前在牧场内,那么我们找到了当前牧场的结束位置,即i - 1的前一个索引
  11. if (lastStartIndex >= 0) {
  12. //我们创建一个解决方案数组,以便与迄今为止的最佳解决方案进行比较
  13. let currentPasture = [i - lastStartIndex, lastStartIndex, i - 1];
  14. //如果我们之前没有最佳解决方案,或者迄今为止的最佳解决方案不严格比我们当前的解决方案差,那么我们将bestSofar替换为currentPasture
  15. if ((!bestSofar) || (bestSofar[0] <= currentPasture[0])) bestSofar = currentPasture;
  16. //因为我们离开了牧场,所以我们用负值标记lastStartIndex,以便我们知道我们不在牧场内
  17. lastStartIndex = -1;
  18. }
  19. }
  20. //这里的else意味着字符是'_',所以我们在牧场内
  21. else if (lastStartIndex < 0) lastStartIndex = i;
  22. }
  23. //循环结束后,我们检查是否在最后一个字符处在牧场内,以应对边界情况
  24. if (lastStartIndex >= 0) {
  25. //我们创建currentPasture数组
  26. let currentPasture = [input.length - lastStartIndex, lastStartIndex, input.length - 1];
  27. //并将其与迄今为止的最佳解决方案进行比较,如果更好,它将成为新的最佳解决方案
  28. if ((!bestSofar) || (bestSofar[0] <= currentPasture[0])) bestSofar = currentPasture;
  29. }
  30. return bestSofar;
  31. }
  32. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-____-______-_"));
  33. // -> [6, 14, 19]
  34. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-___-"));
  35. // -> [3, 9, 11]
  36. console.log(widestPasture("_-__-___"));
  37. // -> [3, 5, 7]



You can find a simple solution below which loops through the input characters, finds the pastures and whenever it finds a better pasture than the best so far it will become the new best so far. You can find detailed explanation between the lines.

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. function widestPasture(input) {
  2. //At the very start we do not have a solution yet, do we default bestSofar to undefined
  3. let bestSofar = undefined;
  4. //lastStartIndex being negative means we are currently not inside a pasture
  5. let lastStartIndex = -1;
  6. //we loop the indexes of the string
  7. for (let i = 0; i &lt; input.length; i++) {
  8. //we check whether the current character is outside of a pasture
  9. if (input[i] !== &#39;_&#39;) {
  10. //if so, and we were in a pasture just before, then we found the end of
  11. //the current pasture at the previous index of i - 1
  12. if (lastStartIndex &gt;= 0) {
  13. //we create a solution array in order to compare to the best so far
  14. let currentPasture = [i - lastStartIndex, lastStartIndex, i - 1];
  15. //if we did not have a best earlier, or the best so far is not
  16. //strictly worse than our current solution, then we replace bestSofar
  17. //with the currentPasture
  18. if ((!bestSofar) || (bestSofar[0] &lt;= currentPasture[0])) bestSofar = currentPasture;
  19. //since we have left the pasture, we mark lastStartIndex with a negative
  20. //value so we will be aware that we are not inside a pasture
  21. lastStartIndex = -1;
  22. }
  23. //the else here means that the character is &#39;_&#39;, so that we are inside a pasture
  24. } else if (lastStartIndex &lt; 0) lastStartIndex = i;
  25. }
  26. //After the loop we check whether we were inside a pasture at the last character
  27. //to cover (literally) edge-cases
  28. if (lastStartIndex &gt;= 0) {
  29. //We create the currentPasture array
  30. let currentPasture = [input.length - lastStartIndex, lastStartIndex, input.length - 1];
  31. //and compare it with the best so far and if it&#39;s better, then it will become
  32. //the new best
  33. if ((!bestSofar) || (bestSofar[0] &lt;= currentPasture[0])) bestSofar = currentPasture;
  34. }
  35. return bestSofar;
  36. }
  37. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-____-______-_&quot;));
  38. // -&gt; [6, 14, 19]
  39. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-___-&quot;));
  40. // -&gt; [3, 9, 11]
  41. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-__-___&quot;));
  42. // -&gt; [3, 5, 7]

<!-- end snippet -->

This is how the solution looks alike without the comments

  1. function widestPasture(input) {
  2. let bestSofar = undefined;
  3. let lastStartIndex = -1;
  4. for (let i = 0; i &lt; input.length; i++) {
  5. if (input[i] !== &#39;_&#39;) {
  6. if (lastStartIndex &gt;= 0) {
  7. let currentPasture = [i - lastStartIndex, lastStartIndex, i - 1];
  8. if ((!bestSofar) || (bestSofar[0] &lt;= currentPasture[0])) bestSofar = currentPasture;
  9. lastStartIndex = -1;
  10. }
  11. } else if (lastStartIndex &lt; 0) lastStartIndex = i;
  12. }
  13. if (lastStartIndex &gt;= 0) {
  14. let currentPasture = [input.length - lastStartIndex, lastStartIndex, input.length - 1];
  15. if ((!bestSofar) || (bestSofar[0] &lt;= currentPasture[0])) bestSofar = currentPasture;
  16. }
  17. return bestSofar;
  18. }


得分: 0



  1. function widestPasture(landscape) {
  2. const expression = /_+/g;
  3. var result = [0, 0, 0];
  4. var allMatches = landscape.matchAll(expression);
  5. var currentMatch = allMatches.next();
  6. while(!currentMatch.done) {
  7. let { 0: value, index: tillGreatest } = currentMatch.value;
  8. if(value.length &gt;= result[0]) {
  9. result[0] = value.length;
  10. result[1] = tillGreatest;
  11. result[2] = tillGreatest+(value.length-1)
  12. }
  13. currentMatch = allMatches.next();
  14. }
  15. return result;
  16. }
  17. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-____-______-_"));
  18. // 输出:[6, 14, 19]
  19. console.log(widestPasture("_-___-__-___-"));
  20. // 输出:[3, 9, 11]
  21. console.log(widestPasture("---"));
  22. // 输出:[0, 0, 0]



Just to explore various ways to accomplish the same functionality, we can use Regular Expressions and matchAll method of Strings.

/_+/g is a Regular Expression defined in JavaScript. To define a Regular Expression in JavaScript we begin and end with / (slash) character. Then we write the rules between these shales. Here, I wrote _+ to match occurences with at least one or more underscores. After the ending slash we can type some additional characters to define flags of our Regular Expression; by typing g after the expression, we define a global expression. Global flag allows to match all occurences for the given string, otherwise we would only match the first occurence. To use matchAll method, we need to have a global Regular Expression. Below code uses these features:

  1. function widestPasture(landscape) {
  2. const expression = /_+/g;
  3. var result = [0, 0, 0];
  4. var allMatches = landscape.matchAll(expression);
  5. var currentMatch = allMatches.next();
  6. while(!currentMatch.done) {
  7. let { 0: value, index: tillGreatest } = currentMatch.value;
  8. if(value.length &gt;= result[0]) {
  9. result[0] = value.length;
  10. result[1] = tillGreatest;
  11. result[2] = tillGreatest+(value.length-1)
  12. }
  13. currentMatch = allMatches.next();
  14. }
  15. return result;
  16. }
  17. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-____-______-_&quot;));
  18. // Output: [6, 14, 19]
  19. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;_-___-__-___-&quot;));
  20. // Output: [3, 9, 11]
  21. console.log(widestPasture(&quot;---&quot;));
  22. // Output: [0, 0, 0]

Side note: To test regular expressions easily and explore more about them, you can visit RegExr. It has a nice, clean and very helpful UI. If you ever need to work with Regular Expressions, this website is a must-have tool.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月21日 04:46:23
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76297293.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
