Despite I get different values of images in base64 when fetching data, but the same image is output for all images when rendering

huangapple go评论80阅读模式

Despite I get different values of images in base64 when fetching data, but the same image is output for all images when rendering






  1. class Viewer extends Component {
  2. render() {
  3. return (
  4. <View>
  5. <Dialog name={'0'} id={'0'}/>
  6. <Dialog name={'54353'} id={'54353'}/>
  7. <Dialog name={'54354'} id={'54354'}/>
  8. </View>
  9. );
  10. }
  11. }


  1. componentDidMount(){
  2. this.img = this.getImage(;
  3. }
  4. getImage(_id) {
  5. //this.setState({ loading: true });
  6. const fileBlob = new FileReader(); // BLOB
  7. /*this.setState({
  8. loading: true
  9. });*/
  10. fetch(domenName + '/server/getUserImageById.php?user_id=' + _id)
  11. .then(response => response.blob())
  12. .then(response => {
  13. this.loading = false;
  14. this.setState({loading: false});
  15. response.size == 0 ? img = domenName + '/assets/img/noimage.png':
  16. [fileBlob.readAsDataURL(response), fileBlob.onload = () => {
  17. //console.log(this.loading);
  18. img = fileBlob.result;
  19. //console.log("id:" + _id);
  20. }]
  21. }).catch(error => {
  22. this.loading = false;
  23. //this.setState({loading: false});
  24. //console.log('error')
  25. })
  26. return img;
  27. }



  1. class Dialog extends Component {
  2. render(){
  3. console.log(this.loading);
  4. if(this.loading){
  5. return (
  6. <View>
  7. <Text>Loading...</Text>
  8. <Text>我是用户 {}</Text>
  9. </View>
  10. );
  11. }
  12. else{
  13. return (
  14. <View>
  15. <Image
  16. key={}
  17. source={{uri: this.img}}
  18. style={{ width: 60, height: 60, borderRadius: 30 }}
  19. />
  20. <Text>我是用户 {}</Text>
  21. </View>
  22. );
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }



I have a server where I store user images in base64 format. Im trying to fetch and render it, but I keep getting the same image. I understand that the problem is most likely in the particular work of react, but I don't understand what exactly the problem is.

Here's what I tried:

I have class Viewer that renders components Dialog with different props "name"

  1. class Viewer extends Component {
  2. render() {
  3. return (
  4. &lt;View&gt;
  5. &lt;Dialog name={&#39;0&#39;} id={&#39;0&#39;}/&gt;
  6. &lt;Dialog name={&#39;54353&#39;} id={&#39;54353&#39;}/&gt;
  7. &lt;Dialog name={&#39;54354&#39;} id={&#39;54354&#39;}/&gt;
  8. &lt;/View&gt;
  9. );
  10. }
  11. }

In Dialog I have method getImage that fetch data in base64 and when componentDidMount setting it to "img"

  1. componentDidMount(){
  2. this.img = this.getImage(;
  3. }
  4. getImage(_id) {
  5. //this.setState({ loading: true });
  6. const fileBlob = new FileReader(); // BLOB
  7. /*this.setState({
  8. loading: true
  9. });*/
  10. fetch(domenName + &#39;/server/getUserImageById.php?user_id=&#39; + _id)
  11. .then(response =&gt; response.blob())
  12. .then(response =&gt; {
  13. this.loading = false;
  14. this.setState({loading: false});
  15. response.size == 0 ? img = domenName + &#39;/assets/img/noimage.png&#39;:
  16. [fileBlob.readAsDataURL(response), fileBlob.onload = () =&gt; {
  17. //console.log(this.loading);
  18. img = fileBlob.result;
  19. //console.log(&quot;id:&quot; + _id);
  20. }]
  21. }).catch(error =&gt; {
  22. this.loading = false;
  23. //this.setState({loading: false});
  24. //console.log(&#39;error&#39;)
  25. })
  26. return img;
  27. }

Despite I get different values of images in base64 when fetching data, but the same image is output for all images when rendering


  1. class Dialog extends Component {
  2. render(){
  3. console.log(this.loading);
  4. if(this.loading){
  5. return (
  6. &lt;View&gt;
  7. &lt;Text&gt;Loading...&lt;/Text&gt;
  8. &lt;Text&gt;Im user {}!&lt;/Text&gt;
  9. &lt;/View&gt;
  10. );
  11. }
  12. else{
  13. return (
  14. &lt;View&gt;
  15. &lt;Image
  16. key = {}
  17. source={{uri: this.img}}
  18. style={{ width: 60, height: 60, borderRadius: 30 }}
  19. /&gt;
  20. &lt;Text&gt;Im user {}!&lt;/Text&gt;
  21. &lt;/View&gt;
  22. );
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }

Link to sandbox with example:


得分: 0


  1. this.setState({image:img})

Solved the problem by moving the fetch() function to componentDidMount.
Also adding to .then(response)=>{} this code:

  1. this.setState({image:img})

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月18日 13:34:29
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