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What is the rate limit for disk clones in GCP



  • 无法找到GCP中克隆磁盘的具体速率限制。从文档中我看到:
  • 您可以克隆磁盘空间的速率受到限制。您每15分钟最多可以创建1 TB的克隆磁盘,具有257 TB的突发请求限制。
  • 您最多可以同时克隆给定源磁盘或其克隆的1000个磁盘。
  • 您最多可以每30秒创建给定源磁盘或其克隆的一个克隆磁盘。




I can't seem to find concrete rate limits for cloning disks in GCP. From the docs I see:

  • The rate at which you can clone disk space is limited. You can create at most 1 TB of cloned disk every 15 minutes, with a burst request limit of 257 TB.
  • You can have at most 1000 simultaneous disk clones of a given source disk or its clones.
  • You can create at most one clone of a given source disk or its clones every 30 seconds.

But what is the limit for different disks? i.e. I want to clone 500 different disks one time. Assuming this doesn't go over the 1TB per 15 minutes, how many total clone requests can I make.

Also if I do a burst request of 257TB when does that limit come back? Is it 15 minutes like the 1TB per 15 minutes limit?


得分: 1


对于特定项目和区域,你最多可以克隆257TiB。之后,你的配额每15分钟恢复1TiB。如果你在创建克隆后立即删除磁盘,你也可以绕过这个1 TiB/15分钟的克隆磁盘空间限制。这个限制是指可以通过克隆创建的现有设备的数量。如果你只是用克隆来进行stress drainwrites/agents操作,那么你可以随时删除任何克隆设备。

公共文档 指出,克隆吞吐量限制仅适用于zonal to regional (Z2R) clones。zonal到zonal和regional到regional只有基于时间的速率限制,每个设备最多有1000个克隆。


对大量持久磁盘进行快照可能需要比预期的时间长,并且在不与应用程序进行仔细协调的情况下,可能提供一个不一致的逻辑卷视图。正如这篇文档中所提到的最佳实践,每小时对磁盘进行一次快照。避免更频繁地进行快照。顺便提一下:每个实例的总附加容量可以达到257 TB


You can keep track of the API rate limits in Stackdriver monitoring as there is a metric for API usage available, they can create a request count and filter it by service.

You can clone at most 257TiB for a particular project and zone. After that, your quota is replenished @ 1TiB/15min. So you will be able to work around this 1 TiB/15min clone disk space limit too if you delete the disk right after creating the clone.The limit is for how many existing devices can have been created via cloning. If you aren't using the clones except to stress drainwrites/agents, then you can just constantly delete any cloned devices

The public doc states that the cloning throughput limits only apply to zonal to regional (Z2R) clones. Zonal to zonal and regional to regional only have time based rate limits and a max of 1000 clones per device.

For total clone requests that depends on the disk type and your project's resource quotas and the maximum sustained disk throughput for a standard persistent disk.To get an exact count of the total clone requests raise a support ticket so that they can calculate based on your project and resources.

Snapshotting large amounts of persistent disk might take longer than expected to complete and might provide an inconsistent view of your logical volume without careful coordination with your application. As mentioned in this doc as a best practice, take a snapshot of the disk once per hour. Avoid taking snapshots more often than that. FYI: You can have a total attached capacity of 257 TB per instance.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月18日 08:40:32
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76277039.html



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