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If float has 6 digits of precision, why can we display more than 6 digits of floats with printf?





Let us consider the following piece of code:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    float x = 0.33;

    return 0;

If float has 6 digits of precision, how is it possible to display more than 6 digits with printf?


得分: 6


在十进制中,如果我告诉你有7位有效数字,然后你尝试表示1/3 = 0.333…这个数字,你期望得到0.333333300000。也就是说,你期望获得一些与你原始数字匹配的有效数字,然后在没有足够有效数字的地方得到0。而二进制小数的工作方式也相同:对于float类型,二进制小数始终有确切的24位有效数字,然后(如果你愿意的话)可以跟随任意数量的二进制0。



floatdouble类型使用二进制表示内部导致了无数的意外,就像这个例子一样。这个表示是二进制的并不令人惊讶(我们都知道计算机在二进制中执行所有操作),但二进制小数无法准确表示我们习惯的十进制小数,这真的令人惊讶。关于这个问题,可以参考标准的SO问题Is floating point math broken?了解更多信息。


You tried to convert the decimal fraction 0.33 to a float. But, like most decimal fractions, the number 0.33 cannot be represented exactly in the binary representation used internally by type float. The closest you can get is the binary fraction 0.0101010001111010111000011. That fraction, if we convert it back to decimal, is exactly 0.3300000131130218505859375.

In decimal, if I tell you that you have 7 digits worth of significance, and you try to represent the number 1/3 = 0.333…, you expect to get 0.333333300000. That is, you expect to get some number of significant digits matching your original number, followed by 0's where there wasn't enough significance. And binary fractions work the same way: for type float, the binary fraction always has exactly 24 bits of significance, followed (if you like) by any number of binary 0's.

When we convert that binary number back to decimal, we get approximately 7 digits matching the decimal number we thought we had, followed not by zeroes, but rather, by what look like random digits. For example, 1/3 as a binary float is 0.0101010101010101010101011000000000 (note 24 significant bits), which when converted to decimal is 0.333333343267440795898437500000 (note 7 accurate digits).

When you hear that type float has approximately 7 digits of significance, that does not mean you'll get 7 digits of your original number, followed by 0's. What it means is that you'll get approximately 7 digits of your original number (but maybe 6, or maybe 8 or 9 or more), followed by some digits which probably don't match your original number but which aren't all 0, either. But that's not actually a problem, especially if (as is recommended and proper) you print this number back out rounded to a useful number of digits. When it can be a problem (though this comes up a lot) is when you print the number back out with a non-useful number of digits, with a format like %.100f, and you see some strange-looking digits which aren't all 0, and this perplexes you, as it did here.

The fact that types float and double use a binary representation internally leads to endless surprises like this. It's not surprising that the representation is binary (we all know computers do everything in binary), but the inability of binary fractions to accurately represent the decimal fractions we're used to, now that's really surprising. See the canonical SO question Is floating point math broken? for more on this.


得分: 2

> 如果浮点数有6位精度..." --> 是一个薄弱的前提。


> 如何通过printf显示超过6位的数字(?)

在以十进制打印二进制浮点数时,每个二进制数字都贡献一些2的幂,如..., 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, ...






> "If float has 6 digits of precision ..." --> is a weak premise.

Common float' does not have 6 digits of decimal precision, but 24 digits of binary precision.

> how is it possible to display more than 6 digits with printf(?)

When printing a binary floating point number in decimal, each binary digit contributes some power-of-2 like ..., 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, ...

The sum of those powers-of-2 can readily exceed 6 decimal digits.

In the extreme, FLT_TRUE_MIN often has the exact value of:


Rarely are more the 9 significant decimal digits important.


得分: 0

If float has 6 digits of precision, why can we display more than 6 digits of floats with printf?

如果浮点数有6位精度,为什么我们可以使用 printf 显示超过6位的浮点数?

A float doesn't have 6 digits of precision per definition. You've opted to display more digits than the implementation can possibly provide - and it provides.

按定义,一个 float 并不具有6位精度。您选择显示比实现可能提供的更多数字 - 它提供了。

Why can we display more than 6 digits of floats with printf?

为什么我们可以使用 printf 显示超过6位的浮点数?

You can tell the program to display whatever you have in a float/double/long double and it's still expected to be an approximation.

您可以让程序显示 float/double/long double 中的任何内容,但仍然应该是一个近似值。

Displaying the current content of such a variable is best done when debugging.


Comparing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754



> If float has 6 digits of precision, why can we display more than 6 digits of floats with printf?

A float doesn't have 6 digits of precision per definition. You've opted to display more digits than the implementation can possibly provide - and it provides.

> why can we display more than 6 digits of floats with printf?

You can tell the program to display whatever you have in a float/double/long double and it's still expected to be an approximation.

Displaying the current content of such a variable is best done when debugging.

Comparing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月18日 06:11:30
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