Othello机器人用C编写,尽管是无效的移动,仍然选择(0, 0)无限期。

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Othello bot written in C picking (0, 0) indefinitely despite being an invalid move






I am attempting to make an Othello game in the console where a user can play a bot in C. The bot works by assessing the "score" of a given position on the board as shown in the getBestMove() function. For some reason the program just outputs this indefinitely whenever you try to make a move:

'Computer's turn (Player B).
Computer chooses row 0, column 0.
Invalid move. Try again.'

Tried to play a game against the computer. Whenever it's the computer's turn, the program outputs this indefinitely:

Computer's turn (Player B).
Computer chooses row 0, column 0.
Invalid move. Try again.


得分: 0


printf("计算机选择了第 %d 行,第 %d 列。\n", row + 1, col + 1);

... 这个输出...

计算机选择了第 0 行,第 0 列。

... 表明调用 getBestMove() 返回了 -1, -1。对该函数实现的检查显示,这是因为它不接受任何移动。导致这种行为的原因之一可能是 isValidMove() 拒绝了建议给它的所有移动 — 需要进行相应的调整 — 但即使该函数接受某些移动作为有效,getBestMove() 的实现也存在缺陷。

注意,getBestMove() 将其 maxScore 变量初始化为 -1,并且只选择在该位置分数高于当前 maxScore 值的给定 (row, column)。现在观察一下,它比较的分数包括许多负值,包括棋盘中心周围的所有负值。该函数永远不会选择这些位置,因为它们的分数永远无法超过初始的 maxScore


  1. maxScore 初始化为严格小于 scores 数组中所有元素的值。

  2. 使主游戏循环能够处理玩家在他们的回合中没有有效移动的可能性。这不是游戏开始时的情况,但在普通游戏过程中有时会发生。


Given that it is produced by this statement ...

> printf("Computer chooses row %d, column %d.\n", row + 1, col + 1);

..., this output ...

> Computer chooses row 0, column 0.

... shows that the call to getBestMove() returned -1, -1. Examination of that function's implementation shows that that must happen because it does not accept any move. One reason for such behavior would be that isValidMove() rejects all moves suggested to it -- and that needs to be accommodated -- but even if that function does accept some moves as valid, the implementation of getBestMove() is flawed.

Note that getBestMove() initializes its maxScore variable to -1, and selects a given (row, column) only if it attributes a higher score to that position than the current value of maxScore. Now observe that the scores it's comparing to include many negative ones, including all of those in and around the center of the board. That function will never select any of those positions, because their scores can never exceed the initial maxScore.

So you need at least two things:

  1. Initialize maxScore to a value that is strictly less than all the elements of the scores array.

  2. Make the main game loop able to handle the possibility that a player has no valid moves on their turn. That's not the case at the start of the game, but it does sometimes happen during ordinary gameplay.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月18日 05:27:54
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76276318.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
