错误尝试部署至 Google App Engine: 最大实例限制

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Error while trying to deploy to Google App Engine: max instances limit


I am trying to deploy a new version of my app on Google App Engine, but it fails with this error:
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: You may not have more than 32 total max instances in your project.

I am surprised because the configuration file mentions 1 for max instances:

runtime: nodejs18
service: staging
instance_class: B1
  max_instances: 1
  idle_timeout: 5m

The full trace:

gcloud app deploy --project=abc123 app.staging.yaml
Services to deploy:

descriptor:                  [<redacted>/gae-payload/app.staging.yaml]
source:                      [<redacted>/gae-payload]
target project:              [spfblogcollection]
target service:              [staging]
target version:              [20230517t155800]
target url:                  [https://staging-dot-<redacted>.ey.r.appspot.com]
target service account:      [<redacted>@appspot.gserviceaccount.com]

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y

Beginning deployment of service [staging]...
╠═ Uploading 1 file to Google Cloud Storage                 ═╣
File upload done.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: You may not have more than 32 total max instances in your project.

gcloud version:

Google Cloud SDK 431.0.0
alpha 2023.05.12
beta 2023.05.12
bq 2.0.92
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.16
cloud-datastore-emulator 2.3.0
core 2023.05.12
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.23

I am trying to deploy a new version of my app on Google App Engine, but it fails with this error:

ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: You may not have more than 32 total max instances in your project.

I am surprised because the configuration file mentions 1 for max instances:

runtime: nodejs18
service: staging
instance_class: B1
  max_instances: 1
  idle_timeout: 5m

The full trace:

gcloud app deploy --project=abc123 app.staging.yaml
Services to deploy:

descriptor:                  [<redacted>/gae-payload/app.staging.yaml]
source:                      [<redacted>/gae-payload]
target project:              [spfblogcollection]
target service:              [staging]
target version:              [20230517t155800]
target url:                  [https://staging-dot-<redacted>.ey.r.appspot.com]
target service account:      [<redacted>@appspot.gserviceaccount.com]

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y

Beginning deployment of service [staging]...
╠═ Uploading 1 file to Google Cloud Storage                 ═╣
File upload done.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: You may not have more than 32 total max instances in your project.

gcloud version:

Google Cloud SDK 431.0.0
alpha 2023.05.12
beta 2023.05.12
bq 2.0.92
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.16
cloud-datastore-emulator 2.3.0
core 2023.05.12
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.23


得分: 3

解决方法是通过控制台从App Engine中删除旧的未使用版本,因为这些版本似乎会计入项目级的最大实例数,即使不再使用。这是有道理的,但我感到惊讶。


runtime: nodejs18
service: staging
instance_class: F1
  max_instances: 1

The solution is to delete old unused version from App Engine through the console, because these versions seem to count toward the project-level max instances even if not used anymore. It makes sense but I was surprised.

Otherwise, in case that may help someone, it seems that deploying with automatic scaling works:

runtime: nodejs18
service: staging
instance_class: F1
  max_instances: 1


得分: 0

去Google Cloud控制台,然后选择App Engine。在左侧菜单中选择版本,然后删除旧的未使用版本。


Go to Google Cloud Dashboard, then choose App Engine. On the left menu choose Versions and delete the old unused versions.


得分: 0


instances: 1


Actually, neither the automatic_scaling or basic_scalling section properties in the app.yaml did solve my problem. I provide the configuration that makes it work.

  instances: 1

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月17日 22:09:27
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76273034.html



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