PySimpleGUi: Unable to complete operation on element with key 0
I'm creating a program that asks the user to guess a certain number that the computer will draw. In the tutorial I'm following to make this program, the tutor uses PySimpleGUI to create an interactive window. This is the program code:
import random
import PySimpleGUI as sg
class GuessNumberSimulator():
def __init__(self):
self.random_value = 0
self.min_value = 1
self.max_value = 60
self.number_chances = 10
def Start(self):
layout = [
[sg.Text('Your guess', size=(20,0))],
[sg.Input(size=(18,0), key='GuessValue')],
# create a window
self.window = sg.Window('Guess Number Simulator', layout=layout)
while True:
# receive the values
self.event, self.values = self.window.read()
self.guess_value = self.values['GuessValue']
if self.event == 'Guess!':
while self.number_chances != 0:
if int(self.guess_value) > self.random_value:
print(f'\033[1;32mA little less! (Number of chances: {self.number_chances})\033[m')
self.number_chances -= 1
elif int(self.guess_value) < self.random_value:
print(f'\033[1;31mA little more! (Number of chances: {self.number_chances})\033[m')
self.number_chances -= 1
if int(self.guess_value) == self.random_value:
self.try_again = False
print(f'\033[1;34m🎉🎉🎉 CONGRATULATIONS! The number chosen is {self.random_value}! You´re right! 🎉🎉🎉\033[m')
if self.number_chances == 0:
print(f'\033[1;35m😢😢😢 What a shame! Your chances are over! The number chosen was {self.random_value}! Better luck next time!\033[m')
print('\033[1;031mPlease insert only integer numbers!\033[m')
def RequestNumber(self):
self.guess_value = input('Guess any number: ')
def GenerateNumber(self):
self.random_value = random.randint(self.min_value, self.max_value)
Guess1 = GuessNumberSimulator()
When I try to run the program, a PySimpleGUI window pops up with this message:
Unable to complete operation on element with key 0. You cannot perform (such as calling update) on an Element until window.read() is called or finalize=True when Window created. Adding a "finalize=True" parameter to your Window creation will likely fix this.
This is a print of the error message:
I tried to check which key the problem was talking about. I tried changing the value of key='GuessValue'
to 1, thinking this was the key cited by the error message, but the same message came up. I expected to see the PySimpleGUI interactive window working, but to no avail. The program is running fine in the terminal, but the interactive window doesn't even appear when I try to use the PySimpleGUI in the source code. I tried putting finalize=True"
in both self.window = sg.Window('Guess Number Simulator', layout=layout, finalize=True)
and self.event, self.values = self.window.read(finalize=True)
, but the PySimpleGUI window doesn't show anything anymore, it goes blank and doesn't work.
I'm creating a program that asks the user to guess a certain number that the computer will draw. In the tutorial I'm following to make this program, the tutor uses PySimplesGUI to create an interactive window. This is the program code:
import random
import PySimpleGUI as sg
class GessNumberSimulator():
def __init__(self):
self.randon_value = 0
self.min_value = 1
self.max_value = 60
self.number_chances = 10
def Start(self):
layout = [
[sg.Text('Your guess',size=(20,0))],
# create a window
self.window = sg.Window('Guess Number Simulator', layout=layout)
while True:
# receive the values
self.event, self.values = self.window.Read()
self.guess_value = self.values['GuessValue']
if self.event == 'Guess!':
while self.number_chances != 0:
if int(self.guess_value) > self.randon_value:
print(f'\033[1;32mA little less! (Number of chances: {self.number_chances})\033[m')
self.number_chances -= 1
elif int(self.guess_value) < self.randon_value:
print(f'\033[1;31mA little more! (Number of chances: {self.number_chances})\033[m')
self.number_chances -= 1
if int(self.guess_value) == self.randon_value:
self.try_again = False
print(f'\033[1;34m🎉🎉🎉 CONGRATULATIONS! The number chosen is {self.randon_value}! You ´ re right! 🎉🎉🎉\033[m')
if self.number_chances == 0:
print(f'\033[1;35m😢😢😢 What a shame! Your chances is over! This number chosen was {self.randon_value}! More luck in the next time!\033[m')
print('\033[1;031mPlease insert only integers numbers!\033[m')
def RequestNumber(self):
self.guess_value = input('Guess any number: ')
def GenerateNumber(self):
self.randon_value = random.randint(self.min_value, self.max_value)
Guess1 = GessNumberSimulator()
When I try to run the program, a PySimpleGUI window pops up with this message:
> Unable to complete operation on element with key 0. You cannot perform (such as calling update) on an Element until window.read() is called or finalize=True when Window created. Adding a "finalize=True" parameter to your Window creation will likely fix this.
This is a print of the error message:
I tried to check which key the problem was talking about. I tried changing the value of key='GuessValue'
to 1 thinking this was the key cited by the error message, but the same message came up. I expected to see the PySimplesGUI interactive window working, but to no avail. The program is running fine in the terminal, but the interactive window doesn't even appear when I try to use the PySimplesGUI in the source code. I tried putting finalize=True"
in both self.window = sg.Window('Guess Number Simulator', layout=layout, finalize=True)
and self.event , self.values = self.window.Read(finalize=True)
, but the PySimpleGUI window doesn't show anything anymore, it goes blank and doesn't work.
得分: 1
Here is the translated code:
找不到代码中的异常。要使用 GUI,不应同时使用控制台输入或输出。
import random
import PySimpleGUI as sg
class GuessNumberSimulator():
def __init__(self):
self.random_value = 0
self.min_value = 1
self.max_value = 60
self.number_chances = 10
def Start(self):
layout = [
[sg.Text('你的猜测'), sg.Input(size=5, key='GuessValue'), sg.Button('猜!', bind_return_key=True)],
[sg.Output(size=(80, 10))]
self.window = sg.Window('猜数字模拟器', layout=layout)
while True:
event, values = self.window.read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == "猜!":
entry = values['GuessValue']
if not entry.isdigit():
print(f"错误的数字,范围在 {self.min_value} 到 {self.max_value} 之间!")
guess_value = int(entry)
except ValueError:
print(f"错误的数字,范围在 {self.min_value} 到 {self.max_value} 之间!")
if self.number_chances != 0:
if guess_value > self.random_value:
self.number_chances -= 1
elif guess_value < self.random_value:
self.number_chances -= 1
elif guess_value == self.random_value:
sg.popup(f'🎉🎉🎉 恭喜你!选择的数字是 {self.random_value}!你猜对了! 🎉🎉🎉')
if self.number_chances == 0:
sg.popup(f'😢😢😢 太可惜了!你的机会用完了!选择的数字是 {self.random_value}!下次好运!😢😢😢')
def GenerateNumber(self):
self.random_value = random.randint(self.min_value, self.max_value)
Guess1 = GuessNumberSimulator()
I've translated the code for you.
Didn't find the exception for your code. To work with a GUI, you should not use console input or output at the same time.
Revised code
import random
import PySimpleGUI as sg
class GessNumberSimulator():
def __init__(self):
self.randon_value = 0
self.min_value = 1
self.max_value = 60
self.number_chances = 10
def Start(self):
layout = [
[sg.Text('Your guess'), sg.Input(size=5, key='GuessValue'), sg.Button('Guess!', bind_return_key=True)],
[sg.Output(size=(80, 10))]
self.window = sg.Window('Guess Number Simulator', layout=layout)
while True:
event, values = self.window.read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == "Guess!":
entry = values['GuessValue']
if not entry.isdigit():
print(f"Worng Number, range from {self.min_value} to {self.max_value} !")
guess_value = int(entry)
except ValueError:
print(f"Worng Number, range from {self.min_value} to {self.max_value} !")
if self.number_chances != 0:
if guess_value > self.randon_value:
print(f'A little less! (Number of chances: {self.number_chances})')
self.number_chances -= 1
elif guess_value < self.randon_value:
print(f'A little more! (Number of chances: {self.number_chances})')
self.number_chances -= 1
elif guess_value == self.randon_value:
sg.popup(f'🎉🎉🎉 CONGRATULATIONS! The number chosen is {self.randon_value}! You ´ re right! 🎉🎉🎉')
if self.number_chances == 0:
sg.popup(f'😢😢😢 What a shame! Your chances is over! This number chosen was {self.randon_value}! More luck in the next time!')
def GenerateNumber(self):
self.randon_value = random.randint(self.min_value, self.max_value)
Guess1 = GessNumberSimulator()