In C, how do you print a float/double as a string and read it back as the same float?

huangapple go评论52阅读模式

In C, how do you print a float/double as a string and read it back as the same float?




I would like to know the easiest, most portable and generally considered best practice to achieve this, that works for any number. I also would like the string associated with the number to be in decimal representation, without scientific notation if possible.


得分: 10



  1. 你需要什么格式?
  2. 你需要多少位有效数字?





sprintf(str, "%.*g", FLT_DECIMAL_DIG, f);


sprintf(str, "%.*g", DBL_DECIMAL_DIG, d);




f = atof(str);
d = strtod(str, &str2);
sscanf(str, "%g", &f);
sscanf(str, "%lg", &d);



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <float.h>

int main()
    double d1, d2;
    char str[DBL_DECIMAL_DIG + 10];

    while (1)
        printf("Enter a floating-point number: ");

        if (scanf("%lf", &d1) != 1)
            printf("okay, we're done\n");

        printf("you entered: %g\n", d1);

        snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%.*g", DBL_DECIMAL_DIG, d1);

        printf("converted to string: %s\n", str);

        d2 = strtod(str, NULL);

        printf("converted back to double: %g\n", d2);

        if (d1 != d2)
            printf("whoops, they don't match!\n");


这个程序提示输入一个double值d1,将其转换为字符串,然后将其转换回double d2,并检查这两个值是否匹配。有几点需要注意:

  1. 代码为转换后的字符串选择了一个大小为char str[DBL_DECIMAL_DIG + 10]的缓冲区。这应该总是足够容纳数字、符号、指数和终止的'\0'。
  2. 代码使用了(强烈建议的)替代函数snprintf而不是sprintf,这样可以传递目标缓冲区的大小,以确保它不会在某些情况下溢出,毕竟它可能不够大。
  3. 在这里,我们想要比较的有效数字的数量 - 我们在%g中使用的精度,例如在%.10g或%.*g中指定的精度 - 是有效数字的数量。它不仅仅是小数点后的位数。例如,数字1234000、12.34、0.1234和0.00001234都有四个有效数字。




There are two questions:

  1. What format do you need, and
  2. How many significant digits do you need?

You said you wanted to avoid scientific notation if possible, and that's fine, but printing numbers like 0.00000000000000000123 or 12300000000000000000 gets kind of unreasonable, so you might want to switch to scientific notation for really big or really small numbers.

As it happens, there's a printf format that does exactly that: %g. It acts like %f if it can, but switches to %e if it has to.

And then there's the question of the number of digits. You need enough digits to preserve the internal precision of the float or double value. To make a long story short, the number of digits you want is the predefined constant FLT_DECIMAL_DIG or DBL_DECIMAL_DIG.

So, putting this all together, you can convert a float to a string like this:

sprintf(str, &quot;%.*g&quot;, FLT_DECIMAL_DIG, f);

The technique for a double is perfectly analogous:

sprintf(str, &quot;%.*g&quot;, DBL_DECIMAL_DIG, d);

In both cases, we use an indirect technique to tell %g how many significant digits we want. We could have used %g to let it pick, or we could have used something like %.10g to request 10 significant digits, but here we use %.*g, where the * says to use a passed-in argument to specify the number of significant digits. This lets us plug in the exact value FLT_DECIMAL_DIG or DBL_DECIMAL_DIG from &lt;float.h&gt;.

(There's also the question of how big a string you might need. More on this below.)

And then you can convert back from a string to a float or double using atof, strtod, or sscanf:

f = atof(str);
d = strtod(str, &amp;str2);
sscanf(str, &quot;%g&quot;, &amp;f);
sscanf(str, &quot;%lg&quot;, &amp;d);

(By the way, scanf and friends don't really care about the format so much — you could use %e, %f, or %g, and they'd all work exactly the same.)

Here is a demonstration program tying all of this together:

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
#include &lt;float.h&gt;

int main()
    double d1, d2;
    char str[DBL_DECIMAL_DIG + 10];

    while(1) {
        printf(&quot;Enter a floating-point number: &quot;);

        if(scanf(&quot;%lf&quot;, &amp;d1) != 1) {
            printf(&quot;okay, we&#39;re done\n&quot;);

        printf(&quot;you entered: %g\n&quot;, d1);

        snprintf(str, sizeof(str), &quot;%.*g&quot;, DBL_DECIMAL_DIG, d1);

        printf(&quot;converted to string: %s\n&quot;, str);

        d2 = strtod(str, NULL);

        printf(&quot;converted back to double: %g\n&quot;, d2);

        if(d1 != d2)
            printf(&quot;whoops, they don&#39;t match!\n&quot;);


This program prompts for a double value d1, converts it to a string, converts it back to a double d2, and checks to make sure the values match. There are several things to note:

  1. The code picks a size char str[DBL_DECIMAL_DIG + 10] for the converted string. That should always be enough for the digits, a sign, an exponent, and the terminating '\0'.
  2. The code uses the (highly recommended) alternative function snprintf instead of sprintf, so that the destination buffer size can be passed in, to make sure it doesn't overflow if by some mischance it's not big enough, after all.
  3. You will hear it said that you should never compare floating-point numbers for exact equality, but this is a case where we want to! If after going around the barn, d1 is not exactly equal to d2, something has gone wrong.
  4. Although this code checks to make sure that d1 == d2, it quietly glosses over the fact that d1 might not have been exactly equal to the number you entered! Most real numbers (and most decimal fractions) cannot be represented exactly as a finite-precision float or double value. If you enter a seemingly "simple" fraction like 0.1 or 123.456, d1 will not have exactly that value. d1 will be a very close approximation — and then, assuming everything else works correctly, d2 will end up containing exactly the same very close approximation. To see what's really going on here, you can increase the precision printed by the "you entered" and "converted back to double" lines. See also Is floating-point math broken?
  5. The number of significant digits we care about here — the precision we give to %g when we say %.10g or %.*g — is a number of significant digits. It is not just a count of places past the decimal. For example, the numbers 1234000, 12.34, 0.1234, and 0.00001234 all have four significant digits.

Up above I said, "To make a long story short, the number of digits you want is the predefined constant FLT_DECIMAL_DIG or DBL_DECIMAL_DIG." These constants are literally the minimum number of significant digits required to take an internal floating-point value, convert it to a decimal (string) representation, convert it back to an internal floating-point value, and get exactly the same value back. That's obviously precisely what we want here. There's another, seemingly similar, pair of constants, FLT_DIG and DBL_DIG which give the minimum number of digits you're guaranteed to preserve if you convert from an external, decimal (string) representation, to an internal floating-point value, and then back to decimal. For typical IEEE-754 implementations, FLT_DIG/DBL_DIG are 6 and 15, while FLT_DECIMAL_DIG/DBL_DECIMAL_DIG are 9 and 17. See this SO answer for more on this.

FLT_DECIMAL_DIG and DBL_DECIMAL_DIG are the minimum number of digits necessary to guarantee a round-trip binary-to-decimal-to-binary conversion, but they are not necessarily enough to show precisely what the actual, internal, binary value is. For those you might need as many decimal digits as there are binary bits in the significand. For example, if we start with the decimal number 123.456, and convert it to float, we get something like 123.45600128... . If we print it with FLT_DECIMAL_DIG or 9 significant digits, we get 123.456001, and that converts back to 123.45600128..., so we've succeeded. But the actual internal value is 7b.74bc8 in base 16, or 1111011.01110100101111001 in binary, with 24 significant bits. The actual, full-precision decimal conversion of those numbers is 123.45600128173828125.

It must be noted that accurately transmitting floating-point values as decimal strings in this way does absolutely demand:

  1. A well-constructed floating-point-to-decimal-string converter (i.e. sprintf %g). When converting N bits to M digits, they must always be M properly rounded digits.
  2. Sufficient digits (FLT_DECIMAL_DIG or DBL_DECIMAL_DIG, as discussed above).
  3. A well-constructed decimal-string-to-floating-point converter (e.g. strtod()). When converting N digits to M bits, they must always be M properly rounded bits.

The IEEE-754 standard does require properties (1) and (3). But implementations not conforming to IEEE-754 might not do so well. (It turns out that property (1), in particular, is remarkably difficult to achieve, although techniques for doing so are now well understood.)

Addendum 2:
I have performed empirical tests using a modification of the above program, looping over many values, not just individual ones scanf'ed from the user.
In this "regression test" version, I have replaced the test

if(d1 != d2)
    printf(&quot;whoops, they don&#39;t match!\n&quot;);


if(d1 != d2 &amp;&amp; (!isnan(d1) || !(isnan(d1) &amp;&amp; isnan(d2))))
    printf(&quot;whoops, they don&#39;t match!\n&quot;);

(That is, when the numbers don't match, it's an error only if one of them is not a NaN.)

Anyway, I have tested all 4,294,967,296 values of type float.
I have tested 100,000,000,000 randomly-selected values of type double (which is, to be fair, a tiny fraction of them).
Not once (except for deliberately-induced errors, to test the tests) have I seen it print "whoops, they don't match!".


得分: 3

Sure, here's the translated text:

每个不是非常过时(因此有缺陷)的 printf() / scanf() (/ strtod()) 实现都应该能够在不丢失精度的情况下进行往返。但重要的是,您要比较浮点表示在往返前后的情况,而不是作为字符串打印的内容。只要明确地标识出二进制值,实现就可以打印二进制值的近似值(请注意,可能的十进制表示比二进制表示多得多)。

如果您对如何完成此操作的详细信息感兴趣,该算法称为 Dragon 4。关于这个主题的一个很好的介绍可以在这里找到。

如果您不太关心字符串的可读性,可以使用 %a 转换说明符。这会将浮点数的尾数以十六进制(带有十进制指数)打印/读取。这完全避免了二进制/十进制转换的需要。您也不需要担心指定应该打印多少位精度,因为默认情况下会打印精确值。


Every printf() / scanf() (/ strtod()) implementation that is not utterly outdated (and, thus, bugged) should be able to make the round-trip without loss of precision. It is important, though, that you compare the floating point representation pre and post roundtrip, not what is printed as a string. An implementation is perfectly allowed to print an approximation of the binary value, as long as it unambiguously identifies that binary value. (Note that there are many more possible decimal representations than binary ones.)

If you are interested in the details of how this is done, the algorithm is called Dragon 4. A nice introduction on the subject is available here.

If you don't care for readability of the string too much, go for the %a conversion specifier. This prints / reads the float's mantissa as hexadecimal (with a decimal exponent). This avoids the binary / decimal conversion altogether. You also do not need to worry about specifying how many digits of precision should be printed, as the default is to print the precise value.


得分: 1

I would like to know the easiest, most portable and generally considered best practice to achieve this, that works for any number. I also would like the string associated with the number to be in decimal representation, without scientific notation if possible.




double x = -DBL_TRUE_MIN;

//            sign 1   .     fraction       
double x = -DBL_TRUE_MIN;

//            sign 1   .     fraction       \0
#define BUF_N (1 + 1 + 1 + PRECISION_NEED + 1)
char buf[BUF_N];
sprintf(buf, "%.f", PRECISION_NEED, x);

if (atof(buf) == x) ...
#define BUF_N (1 + 1 + 1 + PRECISION_NEED + 1) char buf[BUF_N]; sprintf(buf, "%.f", PRECISION_NEED, x); if (atof(buf) == x) ...



像许多人建议的那样,首先使用sprintf(large_enough_buffer, "%.g", DBL_DECIMAL_DIG, x)


> I would like to know the easiest, most portable and generally considered best practice to achieve this, that works for any number. I also would like the string associated with the number to be in decimal representation, without scientific notation if possible.

... works for any number

This is challenging to do well in general. Unusual considerations that need assessment include:

Without scientific notation

Some quality standard libraries will perform high precision text conversions without insignificant loss.

double x = -DBL_TRUE_MIN;

//            sign 1   .     fraction       
double x = -DBL_TRUE_MIN;
//            sign 1   .     fraction       \0
#define BUF_N (1 + 1 + 1 + PRECISION_NEED + 1)
char buf[BUF_N];
sprintf(buf, &quot;%.f&quot;, PRECISION_NEED, x);
if (atof(buf) == x) ...
#define BUF_N (1 + 1 + 1 + PRECISION_NEED + 1) char buf[BUF_N]; sprintf(buf, &quot;%.f&quot;, PRECISION_NEED, x); if (atof(buf) == x) ...

Or you can code it yourself, yet that is not simple.

Best practice

Use sprintf(large_enough_buffer, &quot;%.g&quot;, DBL_DECIMAL_DIG, x) as suggested by many as the first step.


得分: 0


将浮点数转换为十进制数不是一个精确的过程(除非您使用非常长的字符串 - 请参见注释),反之亦然。如果重要的是读取回来的浮点数完全相同,按位,那么您需要保留二进制表示,可能作为下面所示的十六进制字符串。这会保留非数值值,如NAN和+-INF。十六进制字符串可以安全地写入内存或文件。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

// Floating Points As Hex Strings
// ==============================
// 作者:Simon Goater,2023年5月。
// 浮点数的二进制表示必须与源和目标浮点数相同。
// 如果源和目标的字节顺序不同,则必须相应地排列十六进制字符。
typedef union {
  float f;
  double d;
  long double ld;
  unsigned char c[16];
} fpchar_t;

const unsigned char hexchar[16] = {0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 
    0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 
    0x38, 0x39, 0x41, 0x42, 
    0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46};
const unsigned char binchar[23] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15};
void fptostring(void* f, unsigned char* string, uint8_t sizeoffp) {
  fpchar_t floatstring;  
  memcpy(&floatstring.c, f, sizeoffp);
  int i, stringix;
  stringix = 0;
  unsigned char thischar;
  for (i=0; i<sizeoffp; i++) {
    thischar = floatstring.c[i];
    string[stringix] = hexchar[thischar >> 4];
    string[stringix] = hexchar[thischar & 0xf];

void stringtofp(void* f, unsigned char* string, uint8_t sizeoffp) {
  fpchar_t floatstring;
  int i, stringix;
  stringix = 0;
  for (i=0; i<sizeoffp; i++) {
    floatstring.c[i] = binchar[(string[stringix] - 0x30) % 23] << 4;
    floatstring.c[i] += binchar[(string[stringix] - 0x30) % 23];
  memcpy(f, &floatstring.c, sizeoffp);

_Bool isfpstring(void* f, unsigned char* string, uint8_t sizeoffp) {
  // 验证floatstring,如果正确,则将值复制到f。
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<2*sizeoffp; i++) {
    if (string[i] < 0x30) return false;
    if (string[i] > 0x46) return false;
    if ((string[i] > 0x39) && (string[i] < 0x41)) return false;
  stringtofp(f, string, sizeoffp);
  return true;

// Floating Points As Hex Strings - END
// ====================================

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  //float f = 1.23f;
  //double f = 1.23;
  long double f = 1.23;
  if (argc > 1) f = atof(argv[1]);
  unsigned char floatstring[33] = {0};
  //printf("fpval = %.32f\n", f);
  printf("fpval = %.32Lf\n", f);
  fptostring((void*)&f, (unsigned char*)floatstring, sizeof(f));
  printf("floathex = %s\n", floatstring);
  f = 1.23f;
  //floatstring[0] = 'a';
  if (isfpstring((void*)&f, (unsigned char*)floatstring, sizeof(f))) {
    //printf("fpval = %.32f\n", f);
    printf("fpval = %.32Lf\n", f);
  } else {
    printf("Error converting floating point from hex.\n");



Converting floating point numbers to decimal is not an exact process (unless you use very long strings - see comments), nor is doing the converse. If it's important that the floating point numbers read back are exactly the same, bit for bit, then you need to preserve the binary representation, possibly as a hex string as shown below. This preserves non-numerical values like NAN and +-INF. The hex string can safely be written to memory or a file.

If you need it to be human readable, then you could invent your own string format which uses both, such as by prepending the decimal string with the hex representation for example. Then when the number is converted back to a float, it will use the hex value, not the decimal value and so will have exactly the same value as the original. The hex string only requires a fixed 8 characters so is not so expensive. As others have pointed out it can be non-obvious to predict the size of the buffer needed to printf a float or double, especially if you want no loss of precision. See other's comments and answers for options and hazzards on how to print a human readable representation.

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdint.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdbool.h&gt;
#include &lt;string.h&gt;
#include &lt;math.h&gt;
// Floating Points As Hex Strings
// ==============================
// Author: Simon Goater May 2023.
// The binary representation of floats must be same for source and destination floats.
// If the endianess of source and destination differ, the hex characters must be 
// permuted accordingly.
typedef union {
float f;
double d;
long double ld;
unsigned char c[16];
} fpchar_t;
const unsigned char hexchar[16] = {0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 
0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 
0x38, 0x39, 0x41, 0x42, 
0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46};
const unsigned char binchar[23] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15};
void fptostring(void* f, unsigned char* string, uint8_t sizeoffp) {
fpchar_t floatstring;  
memcpy(&amp;floatstring.c, f, sizeoffp);
int i, stringix;
stringix = 0;
unsigned char thischar;
for (i=0; i&lt;sizeoffp; i++) {
thischar = floatstring.c[i];
string[stringix] = hexchar[thischar &gt;&gt; 4];
string[stringix] = hexchar[thischar &amp; 0xf];
void stringtofp(void* f, unsigned char* string, uint8_t sizeoffp) {
fpchar_t floatstring;
int i, stringix;
stringix = 0;
for (i=0; i&lt;sizeoffp; i++) {
floatstring.c[i] = binchar[(string[stringix] - 0x30) % 23] &lt;&lt; 4;
floatstring.c[i] += binchar[(string[stringix] - 0x30) % 23];
memcpy(f, &amp;floatstring.c, sizeoffp);
_Bool isfpstring(void* f, unsigned char* string, uint8_t sizeoffp) {
// Validates the floatstring and if ok, copies value to f.
int i;
for (i=0; i&lt;2*sizeoffp; i++) {
if (string[i] &lt; 0x30) return false;
if (string[i] &gt; 0x46) return false;
if ((string[i] &gt; 0x39) &amp;&amp; (string[i] &lt; 0x41)) return false;
stringtofp(f, string, sizeoffp);
return true;
// Floating Points As Hex Strings - END
// ====================================
int main(int argc, char **argv)
//float f = 1.23f;
//double f = 1.23;
long double f = 1.23;
if (argc &gt; 1) f = atof(argv[1]);
unsigned char floatstring[33] = {0};
//printf(&quot;fpval = %.32f\n&quot;, f);
printf(&quot;fpval = %.32Lf\n&quot;, f);
fptostring((void*)&amp;f, (unsigned char*)floatstring, sizeof(f));
printf(&quot;floathex = %s\n&quot;, floatstring);
f = 1.23f;
//floatstring[0] = &#39;a&#39;;
if (isfpstring((void*)&amp;f, (unsigned char*)floatstring, sizeof(f))) {
//printf(&quot;fpval = %.32f\n&quot;, f);
printf(&quot;fpval = %.32Lf\n&quot;, f);
} else {
printf(&quot;Error converting floating point from hex.\n&quot;);


得分: 0




0.1(bin) --> 0.5(dec)(每个都有一个数字)

0.0001(bin) --> 0.0625(dec)(小数点后四位)

1.0 * -2^32 --> 0.00000000023283064365386962890625(小数点后23位有效数字)






As a general rule, this can be impossible to achieve, as in the decoding process, two different implementations can result in different floating point values. The reason for this is that, expressing the same number as a decimal ASCII number and internally as a binary representation of the number is not possible as a biyective application. Some times a decimal floating point number (e.g. 0.1) has no finite representation as a binary number (0.1 decimal converts into 0.00011001100110011001100110011001100... binary) and cannot be represented as a finite bit sequence (like when we divide 1.0 by 3.0, we get the infinite sequence 0.333333333333...)

converting a finite, binary number to decimal is always posible... every finite floating point number (one that has no infinite number representation) always results in a finite (although it can be very large) string. This means that there are more decimal string representations of finite decimal numbers than any finite binary representation. based on this, always we'll have a many to one application that results in some decimal finite representation numbers being mapped to the same binary image.

This could be handled by the by the implementation, if we consider the fact that the correspondence from binary to decimal is inyective, and always results in a binary being able to be converted, we can build an inverse that maps that found representation into the original one (we are dealing with finite sets, so, at least, we can do it case by case) For example, the representation that maps all the numbers closest to the mapped number to be converted back to that same number. But there's another drawback, that impedes to build the mapping. The mapping of arbitrary, finite lentgh, binary string, always maps into a mapping, finite length, decimmal string... but the amount of digits necesary to store a full binary digit with full decimal precision requires around one full dedimal significative digit per binary digit in the binary representation, so while

0.1(bin) --&gt; 0.5(dec)  (one digit each)


0.0001(bin) --&gt; 0.0625(dec) (four digits after the decimal point)
1.0 * -2^32 --&gt;  0.00000000023283064365386962890625 (23 significative digits after the decimal point)

and growing. Maintaining a bounded computation (in both, decimal and binary number systems) and rounding can make that some number rounds to the nearest decimal point (using decimal rounding), but when reading back the number to the computer, the closest (this time using binaray rounding or the closest approach described above) be the next or the previous number to the original one, and make a difference between the original number and the one retrieved after being saved.

But... you can consider saving a number in ascii binary form.

This way, you will warrant that the stored number will be exactly the same as the original one (why, because in both processes the rounding is made in the same numbering base, making biyective the correspondence). It should be easy to make such a conversion, so you will get a portable and exact serialization of floating point binary numbers. This can be done in a bounded and exact way, so you will never incurr in rounding errors, and will warant that your data is succesfully saved and later restored.

In today's architectures, the standard for internal binary floating point representation is IEEE-754 is widely used. So a simple mapping like taking the byte representations in hexadecimal starting from the sign holding byte, to the LSB bit of the significand is a good and efficient starting point. Another good convertion is to use base64 encoding of the binary representation in big endian IEEE-754 (as described above) that allows you to encode in an architecture independent any double number (including NaNs and Infinites) into 11 ASCII characters, or a float into 5 ASCII characters.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月17日 18:15:09
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
