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Sharded concurrency for Cloud Tasks


Google Cloud Tasks队列具有maxConcurrentDispatches参数,该参数指定队列可以同时执行的任务数。



  1. 指定 maxConcurrentDispatches: 1,以便一次只能运行一个操作。但是对于成千上万的用户来说,这将不具备可伸缩性,特别是如果是长时间运行的操作。操作吞吐量将太慢。
  2. 创建许多不同的队列,每个用户一个队列,每个队列都具有 maxConcurrentDispatches: 1,以便可以同时执行任意数量的操作,但每个用户一个队列。但我担心这也不会很好地扩展。维护数十万甚至数百万个队列将成为负担(如果我需要暂停所有队列或更改其配置,会发生什么?)。而且我无法设置总并发性的上限。Cloud Tasks是否可以支持潜在的无限队列数量?

我应该如何在Google Cloud平台上实现这种场景?是否有其他消息传递服务可以使用,或者是我正在忽略的设计决策?


Google Cloud Tasks queues have a maxConcurrentDispatches parameter that specifies the number of tasks that can execute concurrently for a queue.

Now let's say I have an operation is performed on a user, and any number (with an upper limit) of operations can execute at the same time, but only one at a time per user (e.g. to reduce database contention).

As far as I can imagine, I have two options

  1. Specify maxConcurrentDispatches: 1 so that only one operation can run at a time. However with many thousands of users, this will not scale, especially if it is a long-running operation. The operation throughput will be too slow.
  2. Create many different queues, one for each user, each with maxConcurrentDispatches: 1, so that any number can execute at the same time but one for each user. However I'm concerned that this too will not scale well. It will become a burden to maintain hundreds of thousands if not millions of queues (what happens if I need to pause all the queues, or change their configuration?). Also I cannot set an upper bound on overall concurrency. Can Cloud Tasks even support a potentially unlimited number of queues?

How should I implement this scenario on Google Cloud Platform? Is there another messaging service that could use, or a design decision that I am overlooking?


得分: 1

你可以使用PubSub而不是Cloud Task。配置HTTP推送订阅以执行对端点的调用(就像Cloud Task今天所做的那样)。





You could use PubSub instead of Cloud Task. Configure the HTTP push subscription to perform the call to the endpoint (as Cloud Task do today).

The trick here is to use an ordering key. Set the UserID as ordering key and like that the next message for this userID won't be delivered until the current one has not been acknowledged.

Many message will be delivered in the same time as long as they don't have the same ordering key

The "problem" (if it's one): the message will be unqueued in the same order as they are created (FIFO)


得分: 0



对于后一个问题的解决方法可能是为每个用户使用某种计数器并将其添加到任务名称中,或者可能使用一些时间戳(即如果用户每分钟可以发送一个任务,那么使用userID + currentMinuteTimestamp()的组合)。


You can specify name attribute when creating a task, and submitting task with identical name again will fail with ALREADY_EXISTS error. So if you will use ID of the user in the task name, you can roughly get one task per user.

This has however a few disadvantages. When you specify the name, the tasks dispatching might have increased latency (because duplicate names need to be checked). And you cant reuse the task name for some time after the previous task has finished successfully. I dont know the exact time, but it's in scale of minutes, please check the docs.

Workaround for the latter issue could be some kind of counter for each user and add it to the task name, or maybe use some timestamp (ie. if user can send one task a minute then use combination of userID + currentMinuteTimestamp()?

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月17日 15:20:14
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