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Why does the HTMLInputElement's `list` field only have a getter, and no setter?


I'm creating an HTMLInputElement in TypeScript, which I intend to use as a "slider" by setting the input element's type field to "range".

According to MDN Web Docs, I can make this slider fancier by creating an instance of an HTMLDatalistElement, giving the datalist an id, and referencing the datalist's id via the slider's list field. This will not only give my slider some tick marks to denote where the slider cursor is currently located, but I can then set the datalist's HTMLOptionElement's label field to introduce labelled tick marks.


However, Deno/TS-Node complains with this error:

  1. error: TS2540 [ERROR]: Cannot assign to 'list' because it is a read-only property.
  2. inputElement.list = datalistId;

and Google Chrome complains with this error:

  1. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property list of #<HTMLInputElement> which has only a getter

Since the MDN Web Docs clearly show that this field is meant to be used, I attempted to silence the Deno/TS-Node error by ignoring it via:

  1. // @ts-ignore

This solution did not work and resulted in the above Google Chrome runtime error.

I don't understand why this field is allowed to be set when constructing an HTMLInputElement via an .html file, but you aren't allowed to use it when creating an instance of an HTMLInputElement dynamically via JavaScript/TypeScript. Being able to dynamically set a slider's tick mark labels would be very nice.


I'm creating an HTMLInputElement in Typescript, which I intend to use as a "slider" by setting the input element's type field to &quot;range&quot;.

According to MDN Web Docs, I can make this slider fancier by creating an instance of an HTMLDatalistElement, giving the datalist an id, and referencing the datalist's id via the slider's list field. This will not only give my slider some tick marks to denote where the slider cursor is currently located, but I can then set the datalist's HTMLOptionElement's label field to introduce labelled tick marks.


However, Deno/TS-Node complains with this error:

  1. error: TS2540 [ERROR]: Cannot assign to &#39;list&#39; because it is a read-only property.
  2. inputElement.list = datalistId;

and Google Chrome complains with this error:

  1. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property list of #&lt;HTMLInputElement&gt; which has only a getter

Since the MDN Web Docs clearly show that this fields is meant to be used, I attempted to silence the Deno/TS-Node error by ignoring it via:

  1. // @ts-ignore

This solution did not work, and resulted in the above Google Chrome runtime error.

I don't understand why this field is allowed to be set when constructing an HTMLInputElement via an .html file, but you aren't allowed to use it when creating an instance of an HTMLInputElement dynamically via Javascript/Typescript. Being able to dynamically set a slider's tick mark labels would be very nice.


得分: 5

根据HTML规范list content属性确实被指定为包含相应datalist元素的ID:

> list属性用于标识一个列出预定义选项的元素,建议给用户使用。
> 如果存在,其值必须是同一树中datalist元素的ID。

然而,input元素的list IDL属性(如DOM接口中规定的)是只读的,返回的是实际的HTMLDataListElement而不是其ID:

> interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement {
> // ...
> readonly attribute HTMLDataListElement? list;
> // ...
> }

然而,您可以使用setAttribute()函数来操作list content属性,并以这种方式在input元素上设置datalist的ID:

  1. <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->
  2. <!-- language: lang-js -->
  3. document.querySelector('#input').setAttribute('list', 'values');
  4. <!-- language: lang-html -->
  5. <input id="input" type="range">
  6. <datalist id="values">
  7. <option value="0" label="0"></option>
  8. <option value="50" label="50"></option>
  9. <option value="100" label="100"></option>
  10. </datalist>
  11. <!-- end snippet -->

According to the HTML specification, the list content attribute is indeed specified to contain the ID of a corresponding datalist element:

> The list attribute is used to identify an element that lists predefined options suggested to the user.
> If present, its value must be the ID of a datalist element in the same tree.

However, the input element's list IDL attribute (as specified in the DOM interface) is read-only, and returns the actual HTMLDataListElement instead of its ID:

> interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement {
> // ...
> readonly attribute HTMLDataListElement? list;
> // ...
> }

You can, however, manipulate the list content attribute using the setAttribute() function, and set the datalist ID on the input element that way:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. document.querySelector(&#39;#input&#39;).setAttribute(&#39;list&#39;, &#39;values&#39;);

<!-- language: lang-html -->

  1. &lt;input id=&quot;input&quot; type=&quot;range&quot;&gt;
  2. &lt;datalist id=&quot;values&quot;&gt;
  3. &lt;option value=&quot;0&quot; label=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/option&gt;
  4. &lt;option value=&quot;50&quot; label=&quot;50&quot;&gt;&lt;/option&gt;
  5. &lt;option value=&quot;100&quot; label=&quot;100&quot;&gt;&lt;/option&gt;
  6. &lt;/datalist&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 1

HTML中的属性&lt;tag attribute=&quot;value&quot;&gt;Element的属性是有区别的。

从HTML中检索到的属性存储在NamedNodeMap attributes;中,并可通过setAttributegetAttribute进行控制。



  1. document.getElementById(&#39;test1&#39;).setAttribute(&#39;value&#39;,&#39;html-value&#39;)
  2. document.getElementById(&#39;test2&#39;).setAttribute(&#39;value&#39;,&#39;html-value&#39;)
  3. document.getElementById(&#39;test2&#39;).value = &#39;js-value&#39;
  4. document.getElementById(&#39;test3&#39;).value = &#39;js-value&#39;
  5. console.log(document.getElementById(&#39;test3&#39;).getAttribute(&#39;value&#39;))




There is a difference between an attribute in HTML &lt;tag attribute=&quot;value&quot;&gt;, and an attribute of that an Element.

The attributes retrieved from the HTML are stored in NamedNodeMap attributes; and can be controlled using e.g. setAttribute and getAttribute.

The attribute an DOM Elements (that inherit from Element) do not need (even if they have the same name) to have the same value, their value is derived from the Attr stored in attributes.

If you take a look at this example, you can see that there is a difference in behavior depending on which one you manipulate and retrieve:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. document.getElementById(&#39;test1&#39;).setAttribute(&#39;value&#39;,&#39;html-value&#39;)
  2. document.getElementById(&#39;test2&#39;).setAttribute(&#39;value&#39;,&#39;html-value&#39;)
  3. document.getElementById(&#39;test2&#39;).value = &#39;js-value&#39;
  4. document.getElementById(&#39;test3&#39;).value = &#39;js-value&#39;
  5. console.log(document.getElementById(&#39;test3&#39;).getAttribute(&#39;value&#39;))

<!-- language: lang-css -->

  1. [value=&quot;html-value&quot;] {
  2. color: red;
  3. }
  4. [value=&quot;js-value&quot;] {
  5. color: green;
  6. }

<!-- language: lang-html -->

  1. Test1:
  2. &lt;input id=&quot;test1&quot;&gt;
  3. Test2:
  4. &lt;input id=&quot;test2&quot;&gt;
  5. Test3:
  6. &lt;input id=&quot;test3&quot;&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->

So for list the attribute of the DOM Element is created based on what is set for the Attribute Node with the name list (which is an ID).

The list attribute of the DOM Element is probably set to readonly which contains a list of elements, because that list could not be mapped back to an ID.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月17日 15:19:01
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