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Sealed class as Entity


I have an issue with sealed classes. If I run my application from docker it works perfectly fine, but if I do the same in IntelliJ I run into the following exception:

java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class com.nemethlegtechnika.products.model.Attribute$HibernateProxy$D0WxdNVz cannot inherit from sealed class com.nemethlegtechnika.products.model.Attribute

If I use an abstract class instead of a sealed one, I get no errors in IntelliJ as well as in Docker. Can you guys help me find the root of the problem?


I have an issue with sealed classes. If I run my application from docker it works perfectly fine, but if I do the same in IntelliJ I run into the following exception:

java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class com.nemethlegtechnika.products.model.Attribute$HibernateProxy$D0WxdNVz cannot inherit from sealed class com.nemethlegtechnika.products.model.Attribute

If I use an abstract class instead of a sealed one, I get no errors in IntelliJ as well as in Docker. Can you guys help me find the root of the problem?

Thanks in advance and have a wonderfull day! 封闭类作为实体

The Classes:
package com.nemethlegtechnika.products.model

import jakarta.persistence.*
import org.hibernate.annotations.DiscriminatorFormula

@Table(name = "attribute")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
@DiscriminatorFormula("case when stringValues is not null then 'string' else 'boolean' end")
sealed class Attribute : BaseEntity() {

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, optional = false)
    @JoinColumn(name = "product_id")
    val product: Product? = null

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, optional = false)
    @JoinColumn(name = "group_id")
    val group: Group? = null

    abstract val value: Any

class BooleanAttribute : Attribute() {

    @Column(name = "boolean_value", nullable = true)
    val booleanValue: Boolean = false

    override val value: Boolean
        get() = booleanValue

class StringAttribute : Attribute() {

    @Column(name = "string_value", nullable = true)
    val stringValue: String = ""

    override val value: String
        get() = stringValue
The Error:
Caused by: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class com.nemethlegtechnika.products.model.Attribute$HibernateProxy$D0WxdNVz cannot inherit from sealed class com.nemethlegtechnika.products.model.Attribute
	at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/java.lang.System$2.defineClass(System.java:2307) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup$ClassDefiner.defineClass(MethodHandles.java:2439) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup$ClassDefiner.defineClass(MethodHandles.java:2416) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup.defineClass(MethodHandles.java:1843) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:77) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:568) ~[na:na]
	at net.bytebuddy.utility.Invoker$Dispatcher.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
	at net.bytebuddy.utility.dispatcher.JavaDispatcher$Dispatcher$ForNonStaticMethod.invoke(JavaDispatcher.java:1032) ~[byte-buddy-1.12.23.jar:na]
	at net.bytebuddy.utility.dispatcher.JavaDispatcher$ProxiedInvocationHandler.invoke(JavaDispatcher.java:1162) ~[byte-buddy-1.12.23.jar:na]
	at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$Proxy118.defineClass(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
	at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassInjector$UsingLookup.injectRaw(ClassInjector.java:1638) ~[byte-buddy-1.12.23.jar:na]
	at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassInjector$AbstractBase.inject(ClassInjector.java:118) ~[byte-buddy-1.12.23.jar:na]
	at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassLoadingStrategy$UsingLookup.load(ClassLoadingStrategy.java:519) ~[byte-buddy-1.12.23.jar:na]
	at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.TypeResolutionStrategy$Passive.initialize(TypeResolutionStrategy.java:101) ~[byte-buddy-1.12.23.jar:na]
	at net.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType$Default$Unloaded.load(DynamicType.java:6317) ~[byte-buddy-1.12.23.jar:na]
	at org.hibernate.bytecode.internal.bytebuddy.ByteBuddyState$1.run(ByteBuddyState.java:203) ~[hibernate-core-6.1.7.Final.jar:6.1.7.Final]
	at org.hibernate.bytecode.internal.bytebuddy.ByteBuddyState$1.run(ByteBuddyState.java:199) ~[hibernate-core-6.1.7.Final.jar:6.1.7.Final]
	at org.hibernate.bytecode.internal.bytebuddy.ByteBuddyState.lambda$load$0(ByteBuddyState.java:212) ~[hibernate-core-6.1.7.Final.jar:6.1.7.Final]
	at net.bytebuddy.TypeCache.findOrInsert(TypeCache.java:168) ~[byte-buddy-1.12.23.jar:na]


得分: 3


  • Kotlin中的密封类有一个限制,阻止任何其他类在其文件之外(因此在其控制之外)继承它们。
  • 然而,Hibernate通常使用代理类进行延迟加载,这本质上是目标类的子类。




> 我认为您正在使用不兼容的Hibernate核心和注解版本。


其次,如果问题仍然存在,请尝试禁用Attribute的延迟加载。这将阻止Hibernate创建代理子类,从而避免此错误。您可以尝试在实体上使用@Proxy(lazy = false)注解来禁用对该特定实体的代理实例的创建。

@Table(name = "attribute")
@Proxy(lazy = false)
sealed class Attribute : BaseEntity() {
    // ...

> 我忘了添加,我在gradle中配置了所有带有Entity或MappedSuperclass注解的类默认都是开放的

链接“为什么JPA中的实体类不能是final?”强调了在使用JPA(Java Persistence API)提供程序时的一个关键问题,例如Hibernate。这些提供程序通常会创建实体类的运行时代理(子类)以启用诸如延迟加载之类的功能。如果一个类被标记为final,它就无法被子类化,因此Hibernate无法创建其代理。这会导致应用程序运行时出现错误。

Kotlin类默认情况下是final的。在Kotlin世界中,解决Hibernate代理问题的常见方法是使用kotlin-allopen Gradle插件。该插件在编译期间将指定的类(例如那些带有@Entity@MappedSuperclass注解的类)设置为非final,允许Hibernate为其创建子类以进行代理创建。



Chris Hinshaw在评论中提出了一个解决方法,作为一种解决方法,可以使用数据类(例如data class Attribute),尽管它不能完全消除继承,但可以保持合同的整洁。



> 我们目前使用SpringR2DBC(Reactive Relational Database Connectivity),它应该起到相同的作用。很可能需要Kotlin / All-open编译器插件来覆盖Kotlin类的final性。
> 我曾经在hibernate-core中看到代理代码,它有一个过滤器来跳过equals()hashcode()函数,不确定它是否有一个用于Kotlin的copy函数的过滤器,但我认为它应该按预期工作。

(可能的代码:hibernate/hibernate-orm hibernate-core/src/main/java/org/hibernate/proxy/pojo/bytebuddy/ByteBuddyProxyHelper.java)

> 实际上,在考虑这个问题后,“All Open Plugin”似乎也适用于密封类。将它


That looks like a conflict between Kotlin's sealed classes and Hibernate's proxy creation.

  • Sealed classes in Kotlin have a restriction that prevents any other classes outside their file (and hence outside their control) from inheriting from them.
  • Hibernate, however, often uses proxy classes for lazy loading, which are essentially subclasses of the target class.

When you run this code with Hibernate in IntelliJ, Hibernate is trying to create a proxy subclass of Attribute. Since Attribute is a sealed class, Kotlin denies this subclassing, hence the IncompatibleClassChangeError error.

The reason you might not see this in Docker could be due to different configurations or versions of libraries being used between your local setup and your Docker setup. For example, perhaps in the Docker setup, lazy loading is not being used, or maybe there is a different version of Hibernate or Kotlin that behaves differently.

See for instance "java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError", which states:

> I think you are using incompatible versions of hibernate core and annotations.

First, make sure your development environment (IntelliJ) is as close as possible to your production environment (Docker, in this case). That might include matching Java, Kotlin, and library versions and ensuring any JVM arguments or configurations are consistent.

Second, for testing, if the issue still persists, try and disable lazy loading for Attribute``. That will prevent Hibernate from creating proxy subclasses, and thus you will avoid this error.
You can try using the
@Proxy(lazy = false)` annotation on your entity to disable the creation of proxy instances for that specific entity.

@Table(name = "attribute")
@Proxy(lazy = false)
sealed class Attribute : BaseEntity() {
    // ...

> I forgot to add that I configured in gradle that all my classes with Entity or MappedSuperclass annotation is open by default

The "Why can't entity class in JPA be final?" link highlights a key issue when working with JPA (Java Persistence API) providers, like Hibernate. These providers often create runtime proxies (subclasses) of entity classes to enable features like lazy loading. If a class is marked as final, it cannot be subclassed, and hence, Hibernate cannot create its proxies. That leads to errors when the application runs.

Kotlin classes are final by default. In the Kotlin world, a common workaround for the Hibernate proxy issue is to use the kotlin-allopen Gradle plugin. That plugin makes specified classes (e.g., those annotated with @Entity or @MappedSuperclass) non-final during compilation, allowing Hibernate to subclass them for proxy creation.

So, if the OP has configured their Gradle build with kotlin-allopen to treat classes annotated with @Entity or @MappedSuperclass as open, then those classes should be able to be proxied by Hibernate.

However, the problem here is not with a final class but with a sealed class. Sealed classes in Kotlin, by design, restrict which classes can inherit from them. That means that even if the class itself is not final, Hibernate cannot create a proxy subclass because it will not be one of the pre-defined subclasses allowed by the sealed class definition.

Therefore, the solution would be to not use sealed classes for entities when working with JPA providers like Hibernate, or find a way to configure Hibernate not to use proxying (like disabling lazy loading) for these entities, as mentioned above.

Chris Hinshaw suggests in the comments, as a workaround, to use Data class (as in data class Attribute) which, while not eliminating inheritance, will keep the contract tidy.

I objected it would bring Kotlin's data classes automatically generated methods like equals(), hashCode(), and copy(), generated methods which might not behave correctly with JPA's lazy loading or proxying mechanisms.

But Chris confirmed:

> We currently use Spring and R2DBC (Reactive Relational Database Connectivity), which should function the same. It will likely require the Kotlin / All-open compiler plugin to override the finality of Kotlin classes.
> I have seen the proxy code in hibernate-core at one point and it has a filter to skip equals() and hashcode() functions, not sure if they have a filter for Kotlin's copy function but I would imagine it would work as expected.

(possible code: hibernate/hibernate-orm hibernate-core/src/main/java/org/hibernate/proxy/pojo/bytebuddy/ByteBuddyProxyHelper.java)

> Actually after thinking about it the "All Open Plugin", looks like it works for sealed classes as well. It's worth a try adding it to your plugins to check.


得分: 1



sealed class Test

class Test1 : Test()

class Test2 : Test()


public abstract class Test {
   private Test() {

   // $FF: synthetic method
   public Test(DefaultConstructorMarker $constructor_marker) {

public final class Test1 extends Test {
   public Test1() {

public final class Test2 extends Test {
   public Test2() {


abstract class TestAbstract

class TestAb1 : TestAbstract()
class TestAb2 : TestAbstract()


public abstract class TestAbstract {

public final class TestAb1 extends TestAbstract {

public final class TestAb2 extends TestAbstract {



public abstract class Test {
   private Test() {

   // $FF: synthetic method
   public Test(DefaultConstructorMarker $constructor_marker) {


现在,由于编译器/ Docker 在编译时生成了一个代理类,该代理类本质上继承了编译的Test类,它无法找到默认构造函数,因此无法生成类。这就是为什么它抱怨不能继承,即不能继承一个默认构造函数为私有的类。



注意: Hibernate不知道DefaultConstructorMarker是谁,它是Kotlin JVM类,Kotlin编译器在底层允许通过抽象类创建密封类。但是Hibernate SDK/注解处理器知道它应该获得一个默认的公共构造函数来在生成代理类时调用。



I am not an expert in Hibernate, but I know Kotlin, Please go through below

sealed class Test
class Test1 : Test()
class Test2 : Test()

Generated Bytecode would be as follows

public abstract class Test {
private Test() {
// $FF: synthetic method
public Test(DefaultConstructorMarker $constructor_marker) {
public final class Test1 extends Test {
public Test1() {
public final class Test2 extends Test {
public Test2() {

Now as you said you don't face issues with abstract classes let's jump into that,

abstract class TestAbstract
class TestAb1 : TestAbstract()
class TestAb2 : TestAbstract()

Generated bytecode would be as follows

public abstract class TestAbstract {
public final class TestAb1 extends TestAbstract {
public final class TestAb2 extends TestAbstract {


If you have gone through the code and bytecode thoroughly, you might have observed that,

public abstract class Test {
private Test() {
// $FF: synthetic method
public Test(DefaultConstructorMarker $constructor_marker) {

is the byte code for the parent sealed class, what is the deal here, the thing is the default constructor is private and there is another overloaded constructor with DefaultConstructorMarker as a param type.

Now since the compiler / Docker while does compile i.e. generates a proxy class that would essentially inherit the sealed i.e. the compiled Test class it is unable to find the default constructor and hence is unable to generate the class. This is why it is complaining that it can not inherit, i.e. can not inherit from a class whose default constructor is private

Try like below you will get the error as in the below picture, in the editor itself.


Note: Hibernate does not know who is DefaultConstructorMarker, it is a Kotlin JVM class and the Kotlin compiler does the improvisation to allow sealed class creation through abstract class under the hood. But the Hibernate SDK/annotation processor knows that it should get a default public constructor to call when generating a Proxy class.

I hope the above explanation and given details answer the question.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月17日 07:24:59
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76267676.html



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