
huangapple go评论48阅读模式

Optimisation of a system of inequality relations


I have a coding problem, which I have managed to reduce to the following form:

Given the constant values min, max, a and b, find a value x such that:

  1. min <= |x+a| <= max
  2. |x| >= min
  3. |x + a - b| is minimized

min, max, a, b and x are all floats.
I'm not aware of any algorithmic methods which treat problems like this one. The fact that all of the variables are floats makes iterating over all possible values impossible. Many thanks for any advice.


I have a coding problem, which I have managed to reduce to the following form:

Given the constant values min, max, a and b, find a value x such that:

  1. min &lt;= |x+a| &lt;= max
  2. |x| &gt;= min
  3. |x + a - b| is minimized

min, max, a, b and x are all floats.
I'm not aware of any algorithmic methods which treat problems like this one. The fact that all of the variables are floats makes iterating over all possible values impossible. Many thanks for any advice.


得分: 3



x 的感兴趣的端点是 min-a, min+a, -min-a, -min+a, min, -minb-a。我们必须保留那些满足约束条件的端点,即

|min-a|&gt;=min, |min+a|&gt;=min, |-min-a|&gt;=min, |-min+a|&gt;=min, 
min&lt;=|-min+a|&lt;=max, min&lt;=|min+a|&lt;=max 
和 min&lt;=|b|&lt;=max, |b-a|&gt;min。




All functions in this problem are piecewise linear, hence the solution, if it exists, occurs at an endpoint of some interval.

The endpoints of interest of x are min-a, min+a, -min-a, -min+a, min, -min and b-a. We must keep those that verify the constraints, namely

|min-a|&gt;=min, |min+a|&gt;=min, |-min-a|&gt;=min, |-min+a|&gt;=min, 
min&lt;=|-min+a|&lt;=max, min&lt;=|min+a|&lt;=max 
and min&lt;=|b|&lt;=max, |b-a|&gt;min.

Then for all points that are admissible, compute the objective and keep the smallest value.

This may not be the most efficient method (though for such a small problem efficiency is not really an issue), but it is systematic and can be turned to an algorithm.


得分: 1


您可以避免迭代,观察到线性函数如 f(x)=x-a+b 在区间 x 在 [c,d] 总是在 cd 处达到最大值和最小值(如果区间是开放的,则最大值可能是 +/- 无穷大)。


观察到2.意味着 x[min, +infinity][-infinity, -min] 中。

条件1.有点困难,但它仍然可以表达为区间的总和: x[max(-a,min-a), max-a][max-a, min(min-a,-a)] 中 - 如果我没有在扩展绝对值时出错的话。(注意 min()max() 函数的重载)。


现在,您的目标函数不是完全线性的,但足够接近。它在 [a-b,+infinity] 上是线性的,其中采用 f(x)=x-a+b 的形式,在 [-infinity, a-b] 上采用 f(x)=-x+a-b 的形式。因此,要找到其在区间 [c,d] 上的最大值,您需要考虑将 [c,d] 与上述任一区间相交产生的最多两个区间。


Iterating over floats is infeasible but:

You can avoid the iteration by observing that a linear function like f(x)=x-a+b taken over an interval x in [c,d] always reaches its maximum and minimum at either c or d (the maximum might be +/- infinity if the interval is open).

Your problem can be transformed into iterating over a small number of intervals in this way. A rough outline below.

Observe that 2. means x is in either [min, +infinity] or [-infinity, -min].

Condition 1. is a bit harder but it can still be expressed as a sum of intervals: x is in either [max(-a,min-a), max-a] or [max-a, min(min-a,-a)] - that is if I didn't make a mistake expanding the absolute values. (Note the overload of min(), max() functions).

So 1. and 2. are sums of intervals, so their intersection is also a sum of intervals.

Now your target function isn't exactly linear, but it is close enough. It is linear on [a-b,+infinity] where it takes the form of f(x)=x-a+b and on [-infinity, a-b] where it takes the form f(x)=-x+a-b. So to find its maximum over an interval [c,d] you need to consider at most two intervals produced by intersecting [c,d] with either of the above intervals.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月15日 05:55:04
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