
huangapple go评论64阅读模式

How do I parse a string with both letters and integers into string and integer variables in VB.net?


Sure, here's the translation:




StrVar = "AN"
IntVar1 = 9
IntVar2 = 16




I am reading strings from a file. Each string will have a string component followed by 2 integer components separated by a hash.

String Examples:

Is there a simple way to parse these into a string variable and 2 integer variables?
for example with "AN9-16" I want to get

StrVar = "AN"
IntVar1 = 9
IntVar2 = 16

Thanks in advance.

I haven't really tried anything so far. I considered looking at each char in the string and then splitting it with the first integer and then with the hash, but that seems over complicated.


得分: 2

这是一个简单的解决方案,演示如何逐个字符遍历字符串以找到分隔符。你可以使用 IsNumeric 来确定文本部分的结束位置。然后,利用该位置,使用 Substring 分隔两个部分。最后,使用 Split 在“-”上分隔数字部分:

子 解析字符串(value 作为 字符串)
    整数 位置 = 0

    ' 查找所有非数字字符
    在(value.Substring(位置, 1) 不是 数字) 循环
        位置 += 1

    ' 提取文本部分
    文本部分 作为 字符串 = value.Substring(0, 位置)

    ' 提取数字部分
    数字部分 作为 字符串 = value.Substring(位置 + 1)

    ' 在 - 上分隔数字部分
    数字值 作为 字符串() = Strings.Split(数字部分, "-")

    MsgBox("文本部分: " & 文本部分 & vbCrLf & "第一个数字值: " & 数字值(0) & vbCrLf & "第二个数字值: " & 数字值(1))

结束 子



公共 类 ItemCode
    公共 属性 StringValue 作为 字符串
    公共 属性 IntegerValue1 作为 整数
    公共 属性 IntegerValue2 作为 整数

    ''' <summary>
    ''' 创建 <see cref="ItemCode"/> 类的新实例。
    ''' </summary>
    公共 子 新()
    结束 子

    ''' <summary>
    ''' 创建 <see cref="ItemCode"/> 类的新实例。
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="stringValue"></param>
    ''' <param name="integerValue1"></param>
    ''' <param name="integerValue2"></param>
    公共 子 新(stringValue 作为 字符串, integerValue1 作为 整数, integerValue2 作为 整数)
        Me.StringValue = stringValue
        Me.IntegerValue1 = integerValue1
        Me.IntegerValue2 = integerValue2
    结束 子

结束 类

你可以将这个类用作解析函数的返回值。这是一个使用正则表达式的版本,使用一个带有子表达式的模式,将匹配项收集在 4 个组中(组 1、2 和 3 包含你的值,或在没有匹配的地方为空字符串):

公共 函数 使用RegEx获取ItemCode(value 作为 字符串) 作为 ItemCode
    Dim regEx 作为 新 Regex("(\D+)(\d*)-(\d+)")
    Dim matchCollection 作为 MatchCollection = regEx.Matches(value)
    返回 新 ItemCode(matchCollection(0).Groups(1).Value, CInt(matchCollection(0).Groups(2).Value), CInt(matchCollection(0).Groups(3).Value))
结束 函数


公共 函数 获取ItemCode(value 作为 字符串) 作为 ItemCode
    整数 位置 = 0

    ' 查找所有非数字字符
    在(value.Substring(位置, 1) 不是 数字) 循环
        位置 += 1

    ' 提取文本部分
    文本部分 作为 字符串 = value.Substring(0, 位置)

    ' 提取数字部分
    数字部分 作为 字符串 = value.Substring(位置 + 1)

    ' 在 - 上分隔数字部分
    数字值 作为 字符串() = Strings.Split(数字部分, "-")

    返回 新 ItemCode(文本部分, CInt(数字值(0)), CInt(数字值(1)))
结束 函数

Here's a simple solution that shows you how you can "walk through" your string one character at a time to find the delimitations.
You can use IsNumeric to determine where the text part ends. Then with that position, use Substring to separate both parts. Finally, use Split to separate the numeric part on the "-":

Sub ParseString(value As String)
    Dim position As Integer = 0

    &#39; Find all non-numeric characters
    Do While Not IsNumeric(value.Substring(position, 1))
        position += 1

    &#39; Extract text part 
    Dim textPart As String = value.Substring(0, position)

    &#39; Extract numeric part
    Dim numericPart As String = value.Substring(position + 1)

    &#39; Split numeric part on -
    Dim numericValues As String() = Strings.Split(numericPart, &quot;-&quot;)

    MsgBox(&quot;Text part: &quot; &amp; textPart &amp; vbCrLf &amp; &quot;First numeric value: &quot; &amp; numericValues(0) &amp; vbCrLf &amp; &quot;Second numeric value: &quot; &amp; numericValues(1))

End Sub

This is a primitive way to do things and will fail if your string is not in the format you have described. Nonetheless, it demonstrates how you can break a problem down into easier parts to solve.

Going further, you can define a class to return the values from your string:

Public Class ItemCode

    Public Property StringValue As String
    Public Property IntegerValue1 As Integer
    Public Property IntegerValue2 As Integer

    &#39;&#39;&#39; &lt;summary&gt;
    &#39;&#39;&#39; Creates a new instance of the &lt;see cref=&quot;ItemCode&quot;/&gt; class.
    &#39;&#39;&#39; &lt;/summary&gt;
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    &#39;&#39;&#39; &lt;summary&gt;
    &#39;&#39;&#39; Creates a new instance of the &lt;see cref=&quot;ItemCode&quot;/&gt; class.
    &#39;&#39;&#39; &lt;/summary&gt;
    &#39;&#39;&#39; &lt;param name=&quot;stringValue&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;
    &#39;&#39;&#39; &lt;param name=&quot;integerValue1&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;
    &#39;&#39;&#39; &lt;param name=&quot;integerValue2&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;
    Public Sub New(stringValue As String, integerValue1 As Integer, integerValue2 As Integer)
        Me.StringValue = stringValue
        Me.IntegerValue1 = integerValue1
        Me.IntegerValue2 = integerValue2
    End Sub

End Class

You can use this class as the return value for your parsing function. Here's a version that uses Regular Expressions, using a pattern with subexpressions that that collects the matches in 4 Groups (Groups 1, 2 and 3 contain your values, or empty strings where there's no match):

Public Function GetItemCodeUsingRegEx(value As String) As ItemCode
    Dim regEx As New Regex(&quot;(\D+)(\d*)-(\d+)&quot;)
    Dim matchCollection As MatchCollection = regEx.Matches(value)
    Return New ItemCode(matchCollection(0).Groups(1).Value, CInt(matchCollection(0).Groups(2).Value), CInt(matchCollection(0).Groups(3).Value))
End Function

Finally, updating my original answer with this new class:

Public Function GetItemCode(value As String) As ItemCode
    Dim position As Integer = 0

    &#39; Find all non-numeric characters
    Do While Not IsNumeric(value.Substring(position, 1))
        position += 1

    &#39; Extract text part 
    Dim textPart As String = value.Substring(0, position)

    &#39; Extract numeric part
    Dim numericPart As String = value.Substring(position + 1)

    &#39; Split numeric part on -
    Dim numericValues As String() = Strings.Split(numericPart, &quot;-&quot;)

    Return New ItemCode(textPart, CInt(numericValues(0)), CInt(numericValues(1)))

End Function


得分: 0

I looked into regex and found it too complicated for what I'm trying to do. I code as a hobby and taking the time to learn regex has a low ROI for me. I'm sure one of you experts could come up with an expression or two that would do what I need, but this is what I did based on the answer from Etienne.


Private Sub ParseString(ByVal FromStr As String, ByRef StrVar As String,
ByRef IntVar1 As Integer, ByRef IntVar2 As Integer)
Dim p = 0
Do While Not IsNumeric(FromStr.Substring(p, 1))
p += 1

StrVar = FromStr.Substring(0, p)

Dim IntVar() = Split(FromStr.Substring(p), "-")
IntVar1 = IntVar(0)
IntVar2 = IntVar(1)

End Sub


I looked into regex and found it too complicated for what I'm trying to do. I code as a hobby and taking the time to learn regex has a low ROI for me. I'm sure one of you experts could come up with an expression or two that would do what I need, but this is what I did based on the answer from Etienne.

Private Sub ParseString(ByVal FromStr As String, ByRef StrVar As String,
                             ByRef IntVar1 As Integer, ByRef IntVar2 As Integer)
    Dim p = 0
    Do While Not IsNumeric(FromStr.Substring(p, 1))
        p += 1

    StrVar = FromStr.Substring(0, p)

    Dim IntVar() = Split(FromStr.Substring(p), &quot;-&quot;)
    IntVar1 = IntVar(0)
    IntVar2 = IntVar(1)

End Sub

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月14日 19:11:35
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76247160.html



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