CDO - Difference between "daymean" and "ydaymean" operators?
"daymean" 操作符用于计算每日的平均温度数据,而 "ydaymean" 操作符用于多年数据的年度平均温度数据。它们的主要区别在于时间尺度。如果你想计算每年的平均温度数据,应该使用 "ydaymean" 操作符。如果你只关心每日的平均温度,那么使用 "daymean" 操作符就足够了。所以,你的选择取决于你的分析需求。
I want to calculate daily mean of hourly temperature data from ERA5 data for 1975-2005. I have merged the downloaded hourly NETCDF files to create a single NETCDF file containing temperature and total precipitation data for all years. I think "daymean" operator would be suitable for this task but then I see another operator which is "ydaymean" for multi-year data in cdo. How are they both different and do they give different results? In which case using one can be beneficial over the other?
cdo -daymean -selvar,2 metre temperature infile outfile
cdo -ydaymean -selvar,2 metre temperature infile outfile
得分: 1
daymean 是简单的每日平均值,而 ydaymean 给出所有年份的每日平均值(所有 1 月 1 日的平均值,所有 1 月 2 日的平均值等等)- 只需查看输出文件中的日期,并不要忘记查看在线文档,它写得非常好。
daymean is the simply the daily mean, whereas ydaymean gives you the daily mean over all years (the average of all Jan1, the average of all Jan2 etc) - just look at the dates in the output file and don't forget to check the online documentation, it is very well written.