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Firestore: Do I get charged for a read operation when adding a document while listening to snapshots?


  1. 监听器是否立即触发,以便UI可以立即更新,而没有用户等待延迟?

  2. 我是否会被收取读取操作费用,因为更新的文档已经存在,无需从Firestore获取?


I develop an app in Flutter and use Cloud Firestore as Database. To get data in realtime I use following code:

class Database {
  final usersCol = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users');

  Stream<List<DataModel>> getDataModelStream() {
    return usersCol
        .orderBy('date', descending: true)
        .map((list) {
      return => DataModel.fromFirestore(['dataModel'])).toList();

To add / update a document in Firestore I use following code:

 Future addDataModel(String date, DataModel dataModel) async {
    await usersCol
      'date': date,
      'dataModel': DataModel.toFirestore(dataModel),

Now I add / update a document in Firestore with addDataModel while I am listening to a Stream with getDataModelStream.

I have two Questions:

  1. Does the listener gets triggered immediately so that the UI can get updated without any delay for user?

  2. Do I get charged for a read operation or not since the updated document is already present and don't need to get fetched from Firestore?


得分: 1



  1. 在写操作发送到服务器之前,你的监听器会立即触发本地数据,这会产生文档读取费用。

  2. 因为你有一个监听器,当写操作完成时,客户端也会从服务器获取数据。这产生一次文档读取费用。如果文档与第1步中提到的数据不同,你的监听器会再次被调用以获取更新后的数据。


Yes, in your scenario you pay a document read. Despite the information (likely) being the same as what the client already has, the server has to read the document and that is a charged operation.

To answer your more specific question:

  1. Your listener indeed immediately gets triggered with the local data for the write operation, before it's even sent to the server. This is not a charged document read.

  2. Because you have a listener, the client also gets the data back from the server when the write completes. This is a charged document read. If the document is different then what was raised in step 1, your listener gets called again with the updated data.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月14日 02:17:19
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