DotVVM – 如何在DotVVM页面中集成/引用DevExpress WebForms控件?

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DotVVM - How to integrate/reference DevExpress webforms controls in DotVVM pages?


I have a webforms app that uses controls and devexpress controls. The page is already converted to use the DotMVVM "dot" prefix instead of "asp" and I need to adjust also the "dx" prefix for all the DevExpress controls.

In the original webforms page the registry was done on the top of the page using:
<%@ Register Assembly="DevExpress.Web.v19.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=XXXXXXXXXXXX" Namespace="DevExpress.Web" TagPrefix="dx" %>

The controls appear in the aspx code like this:
<dx:ASPxRibbon ID="ribbon" ...
But now, it must be adjusted to be used in the DotVVM context. How?

Already tried to register the component in the web.config file:
<pages> <controls> <add assembly="DevExpress.Web.v19.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=XXXXXXX" namespace="DevExpress.Web" tagPrefix="dx"/> </controls> </pages>


I have a webforms app that uses controls and devexpress controls. The page is already converted to use the DotMVVM "dot" prefix instead of "asp" and I need to adjust also the "dx" prefix for all the DevExpress controls.

In the original webforms page the registry was done on the top of the page using:
&lt;%@ Register Assembly=&quot;DevExpress.Web.v19.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=XXXXXXXXXXXX&quot; Namespace=&quot;**DevExpress**.Web&quot; TagPrefix=&quot;**dx**&quot; %&gt;

The controls appear in the aspx code like this:
&lt;**dx**:ASPxRibbon ID=&quot;ribbon&quot; ...
But now, it must be adjusted to be used in the DotVVM context. How?

Already tryed to register the component in the web.config file:
&lt;add assembly=&quot;DevExpress.Web.v19.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=XXXXXXX&quot; namespace=&quot;**DevExpress.Web**&quot; tagPrefix=&quot;**dx**&quot;/&gt;


得分: 1

抱歉,DotVVM 无法使用为 ASP.NET Web Forms 开发的组件 - 这是一个完全不同的框架,具有不同的控件模型。

  1. DotVVM 拥有类似于DevExpress或Telerik的一组组件。它被称为 DotVVM Business Pack。您可以在那里找到许多类似的组件。
  2. 或者,您可以集成DevExpress组件的React版本,并使用 DotVVM React集成 对其进行包装。包装所有组件可能不容易,但如果只使用其中一些,这可能是一种方法。请注意,这需要一些JavaScript技能,一些复杂的控件,如GridView可能会难以完全包装。

请在 Gitter聊天 中告诉我们您的具体情况,我们将很乐意提供帮助。


Unfortunately, DotVVM cannot use components developed for ASP.NET Web Forms - it is a completely different framework with different control model.

  1. DotVVM has a similar set of components to what DevExpress or Telerik have. It is called DotVVM Business Pack. You can find many similar components there.
  2. Alternatively, you can integrate React version of DevExpress components and wrap them using DotVVM React integration. It may not be easy to wrap all the components, but if you use just a few of them, it might be the way to go. Please note that this requires some JavaScript skills, and some complex controls like GridView would probably be difficult to cover completely.

Please let us know what is your scenario at Gitter chat - we'll be happy to help.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月14日 00:16:01
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