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PysimpleGui: pre-select an Item in a Combobox on Keyboard input


I have a GUI with PySimpleGUI that uses a combobox.

There are alphabetically sorted strings in the list for the combobox.

The Combobox is readonly (to only input the strings available), so the user gets the drop-down list right away when clicking anywhere on the combobox element.

When the drop-down list is open, the user can highlight items by the "up" and "down" keys. Also, selection of the highlighted item by the enter key is possible.

It would increase the usability if the highlight jumps to (or selects) the entry that starts with "S" when pushing the "s" key on the keyboard.

What I tried:

  • opening the window with return_keyboard_events=True but it would not change the behavior.

  • 使用return_keyboard_events=True打开窗口,但不会改变行为。

  • Fiddling with the enable_per_char_events=True for the combo element just shows that this method is no longer available in version 4.60.4 (though it is still in the docs) and the code crashes.

  • 尝试在组合元素上使用enable_per_char_events=True只是显示出该方法在版本4.60.4中已不再可用(尽管它仍在文档中),并且代码崩溃。



I have a GUI with pysimplegui that uses a combobox.
There are alphabetically sorted strings in the list for the combobox.

The Combobox is readonly (to only input the strings available),
so the user gets the drop down list right away when clicking anywhere on the combobox element.

When the drop-down list is open, the user can highlight items by the "up" and "down" keys.
Also selection of the highlighted item by the enter key is possible.

It would increase the usability, if the highlight jumps to (or selects) the entry that starts with S when pushing the "s" key on the keyboard.

What I tried

  • opening the window with return_keyboard_events=True but it would not change the behaviour.

  • Fiddeling with the enable_per_char_events=True for the combo element just shows that this method is no longer available in version 4.60.4 (though it is still in the docs) and the code crashes.




得分: 1

> Combo Element - 新参数 enable_per_char_events。当为True时,将在输入单个字符时获取事件。



> PySimpleGUI包中有代码,可将您以前使用pip安装的包升级到GitHub中的最新版本。
> 您可以使用命令 psgmain 运行测试工具或者使用 psgupgrade 调用GitHub升级代码。

或者,您可以调用 sg.main(),如下所示

  1. d:\>python
  2. Python 3.10.2 (tags/v3.10.2:a58ebcc, Jan 17 2022, 14:12:15) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
  3. Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  4. >>> import PySimpleGUI as sg
  5. >>> sg.main()




  1. import PySimpleGUI as sg
  2. lst = sorted([
  3. &#39;Global&#39;, &#39;USA&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;Brazil&#39;, &#39;Russian&#39;, &#39;France&#39;, &#39;UK&#39;, &#39;Italy&#39;,
  4. &#39;Spain&#39;, &#39;Germany&#39;, &#39;Colombia&#39;, &#39;Argentina&#39;, &#39;Mexico&#39;, &#39;Turkey&#39;, &#39;Poland&#39;,
  5. &#39;Iran&#39;, &#39;Ukraine&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;Peru&#39;, &#39;Netherlands&#39;])
  6. width = max(map(len, lst)) + 2
  7. font = (&quot;Courier New&quot;, 16)
  8. sg.theme(&quot;DarkBlue3&quot;)
  9. sg.set_options(font=font)
  10. layout = [[sg.Combo(lst, size=(width, 5), key=&#39;COMBO&#39;), sg.Button(&#39;Exit&#39;)]]
  11. window = sg.Window(&quot;COMBO&quot;, layout, finalize=True)
  12. combo = window[&#39;COMBO&#39;]
  13. combo.bind(&#39;&lt;Key&gt;&#39;, &#39; Key&#39;)
  14. combo.bind(&#39;&lt;Enter&gt;&#39;, &#39; Enter&#39;)
  15. user_event = False
  16. while True:
  17. event, values =
  18. if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, &#39;Exit&#39;):
  19. break
  20. elif event == &#39;COMBO Enter&#39;:
  21. combo.Widget.select_range(0, &#39;end&#39;)
  22. elif event == &#39;COMBO Key&#39;:
  23. entry = values[&#39;COMBO&#39;].lower()
  24. if user_event:
  25. user_event = False
  26. else:
  27. if entry:
  28. index = None
  29. for i, item in enumerate(lst):
  30. if item.lower().startswith(entry):
  31. index = i
  32. break
  33. if index is not None:
  34. user_event = True
  35. combo.Widget.set(lst[index])
  36. combo.Widget.event_generate(&#39;&lt;Key-Down&gt;&#39;)
  37. combo.Widget.current(index)
  38. print(event, values)
  39. window.close()



> Combo Element - new parameter enable_per_char_events. When True will get an event when individual characters are entered.

Please upgrade your PySimpleGUI from Github.

Not all enhancements added into the PyPI version.
Download from GitHub

>There is code in the PySimpleGUI package that upgrades your previously pip installed package to the latest version checked into GitHub.
> You can use the commands psgmain to run the test harness or psgupgrade to invoke the GitHub upgrade code.

or, you can call sg.main(), like

  1. d:\&gt;python
  2. Python 3.10.2 (tags/v3.10.2:a58ebcc, Jan 17 2022, 14:12:15) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
  3. Type &quot;help&quot;, &quot;copyright&quot;, &quot;credits&quot; or &quot;license&quot; for more information.
  4. &gt;&gt;&gt; import PySimpleGUI as sg
  5. &gt;&gt;&gt; sg.main()



Following code demo another way by binding for it, but tkinter code required here.

  1. import PySimpleGUI as sg
  2. lst = sorted([
  3. &#39;Global&#39;, &#39;USA&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;Brazil&#39;, &#39;Russian&#39;, &#39;France&#39;, &#39;UK&#39;, &#39;Italy&#39;,
  4. &#39;Spain&#39;, &#39;Germany&#39;, &#39;Colombia&#39;, &#39;Argentina&#39;, &#39;Mexico&#39;, &#39;Turkey&#39;, &#39;Poland&#39;,
  5. &#39;Iran&#39;, &#39;Ukraine&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;Peru&#39;, &#39;Netherlands&#39;])
  6. width = max(map(len, lst)) + 2
  7. font = (&quot;Courier New&quot;, 16)
  8. sg.theme(&quot;DarkBlue3&quot;)
  9. sg.set_options(font=font)
  10. layout = [[sg.Combo(lst, size=(width, 5), key=&#39;COMBO&#39;), sg.Button(&#39;Exit&#39;)]]
  11. window = sg.Window(&quot;COMBO&quot;, layout, finalize=True)
  12. combo = window[&#39;COMBO&#39;]
  13. combo.bind(&#39;&lt;Key&gt;&#39;, &#39; Key&#39;)
  14. combo.bind(&#39;&lt;Enter&gt;&#39;, &#39; Enter&#39;)
  15. user_event = False
  16. while True:
  17. event, values =
  18. if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, &#39;Exit&#39;):
  19. break
  20. elif event == &#39;COMBO Enter&#39;:
  21. combo.Widget.select_range(0, &#39;end&#39;)
  22. elif event == &#39;COMBO Key&#39;:
  23. entry = values[&#39;COMBO&#39;].lower()
  24. if user_event:
  25. user_event = False
  26. else:
  27. if entry:
  28. index = None
  29. for i, item in enumerate(lst):
  30. if item.lower().startswith(entry):
  31. index = i
  32. break
  33. if index is not None:
  34. user_event = True
  35. combo.Widget.set(lst[index])
  36. combo.Widget.event_generate(&#39;&lt;Key-Down&gt;&#39;)
  37. combo.Widget.current(index)
  38. print(event, values)
  39. window.close()


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月13日 23:13:36
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:



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