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How can I add the columns different dataframes in a loop?



inditest = ['SMA', 'EMA', 'WMA']
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in inditest: 
    indicator_url = f"https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function={i}&symbol={SYMBOL}&interval=15min&time_period=60&series_type=close&datatype=csv&apikey={API_KEY}"
    # 从API获取指标数据 
    data = requests.get(indicator_url)
    with open(location + f"{i}_{SYMBOL}_base.csv", 'wb') as fi: 

    # 为指标数据创建列 
    idf = pd.read_csv(location +  f"{i}_{SYMBOL}_base.csv")
    idata = idf.iloc[:, 1:len(idf.columns)]

    # 将指标列添加到现有数据框
    df = pd.concat([df, idata], axis=1, join="inner")



I am currently working with financial data for a fun project and want to add columns to an existing dataframe in the following way: I loop through a list of indicator names and make an API call for each of the different indicators recieving the data as csv. I then want to take the columns without the time column (since it is the same for each indicator) and append them to a dataframe with price data. So far I found out that the following code seems to have the problem since the code before works as it should.

inditest = ['SMA', 'EMA', 'WMA']
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in inditest: 
    indicator_url = f"https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function={i}&symbol={SYMBOL}&interval=15min&time_period=60&series_type=close&datatype=csv&apikey={API_KEY}"
    # get indicator data from api 
    data = requests.get(indicator_url)
    with open(location + f"{i}_{SYMBOL}_base.csv", 'wb') as fi: 

    # make columns for indicator data 
    idf = pd.read_csv(location +  f"{i}_{SYMBOL}_base.csv")
    idata = idf.iloc[:, 1:len(idf.columns)]

    # add indicator columns to existing dataframe
    df = pd.concat([df, idata], axis=1, join="inner")

I receive the data from the api just fine so it should be a problem with adding the columns.

To simplify I made an empty Dataframe. In the original df is defined outside of the loop and has 2 columns. SYMBOL variable in my case is AAPL for the apple stock.

Thanks in advance!


得分: 1

I'll provide the translation for the code portion:

from urllib.parse import urlencode

base_url = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?"

# 所有你的URL请求都共享这些参数
base_params = {
    "symbol": "MSFT",  # 你需要的股票符号
    "interval": "15min",
    "time_period": 60,
    "series_type": "close",
    "datatype": "csv",
    "apikey": "你的API密钥",

inditest = ["SMA", "EMA", "WMA"]
indicators = [
    # `urlencode` 会构建 "symbol=AAPL&interval=15min&..." 字符串
    # 我们只需要将其前缀设为 `base_url` 并添加 `function`。
    # 我们也将 `time` 移到索引,以便稍后 `pd.concat` 可以对齐数据帧。
    pd.read_csv(base_url + urlencode({**base_params, "function": i}), index_col="time")
    for i in inditest

result = pd.concat(indicators, axis=1)

Please note that I've removed the HTML entities (") for double quotes to make the code more readable.


Two things:

  • Move time to the index so pd.concat can line up the series correctly. Do not assume that you will receive the same data or in the same order for all series.
  • pd.read_csv can read from a URL so no need to save it locally.
from urllib.parse import urlencode

base_url = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?"

# All your URL requests share these parameters
base_params = {
    "symbol": "MSFT", # whatever symbol you are after
    "interval": "15min",
    "time_period": 60,
    "series_type": "close",
    "datatype": "csv",
    "apikey": "...",

inditest = ["SMA", "EMA", "WMA"]
indicators = [
    # `urlencode` will build the "symbol=AAPL&interval=15min&..." string
    # We only need to prefix it with the `base_url` and add `function`.
    # We also move `time` to the index so `pd.concat` can later align the dataframes.
    pd.read_csv(base_url + urlencode({**base_params, "function": i}), index_col="time")
    for i in inditest

result = pd.concat(indicators, axis=1)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月13日 21:22:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76242950.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
