Each item in a loop is an array. How do I use one item in the array when looping?

huangapple go评论66阅读模式

Each item in a loop is an array. How do I use one item in the array when looping?


Here's the translated code section:

我有一个任务,用来循环遍历一些JSON数据(这是有关Confluence页面及其附件的信息,来自Confluence REST API):

  "results": [
      "title": "page0",
      "children": {
        "attachment": {
          "results": [
              "title": "page0attachment0",
              "history": {}
              "title": "page0attachment1",
              "history": {}
      "title": "page1",
      "children": {
        "attachment": {
          "results": [
              "title": "page1attachment0",
              "history": {}
              "title": "page1attachment1",
              "history": {}


var.json.results | subelements('children.attachment.results')


例如,在循环中如果我调用 {{ item.0.title }},我会得到以下结果:

"msg": "page0"
"msg": "page0"
"msg": "page1"
"msg": "page1"

如果我调用 {{ item.1.title }},我会得到:

"msg": "page0attachment0"
"msg": "page0attachment1"
"msg": "page1attachment0"
"msg": "page2attachment1"



- name: 获取项目信息
    region: "{{ region }}"
    bucket_name: "{{ bucket }}"
    object_name: "file/path/{{ item.1.title }}"
  loop: "{{ var.json.results | subelements('children.attachment.results') }}"


- name: 获取项目信息
  include_tasks: get_s3_object_info.yml
  loop: "{{ var.json.results | subelements('children.attachment.results') }}"




也许类似var.json.results | subelements('children.attachment.results') | foreach(index=1)的东西?



I have a task that loops through some JSON data (it&#39;s information about Confluence pages and their attachments, from the Confluence REST API):

  &quot;results&quot;: [
      &quot;title&quot;: &quot;page0&quot;,
      &quot;children&quot;: {
        &quot;attachment&quot;: {
          &quot;results&quot;: [
              &quot;title&quot;: &quot;page0attachment0&quot;,
              &quot;history&quot;: {}
              &quot;title&quot;: &quot;page0attachment1&quot;,
              &quot;history&quot;: {}
      &quot;title&quot;: &quot;page1&quot;,
      &quot;children&quot;: {
        &quot;attachment&quot;: {
          &quot;results&quot;: [
              &quot;title&quot;: &quot;page1attachment0&quot;,
              &quot;history&quot;: {}
              &quot;title&quot;: &quot;page1attachment1&quot;,
              &quot;history&quot;: {}

This is the filter I'm using to loop:

var.json.results | subelements(&#39;children.attachment.results&#39;)

This works fine, but when looping for some reason, the page information is the first element then the attachment information is the second element.

For example, in the loop if I call {{ item.0.title }} I'll get the following:

&quot;msg&quot;: &quot;page0&quot;
&quot;msg&quot;: &quot;page0&quot;
&quot;msg&quot;: &quot;page1&quot;
&quot;msg&quot;: &quot;page1&quot;

And if I call {{ item.1.title }} I get:

&quot;msg&quot;: &quot;page0attachment0&quot;
&quot;msg&quot;: &quot;page0attachment1&quot;
&quot;msg&quot;: &quot;page1attachment0&quot;
&quot;msg&quot;: &quot;page2attachment1&quot;

So it appears that the loop contains an array with the page information as the first element, repeated for each attachment and the attachment as the second element.

Again, it's working fine in a regular playbook with a task like this:

- name: Get item info
    region: &quot;{{ region }}&quot;
    bucket_name: &quot;{{ bucket }}&quot;
    object_name: &quot;file/path/{{ item.1.title }}&quot;
  loop: &quot;{{ var.json.results | subelements(&#39;children.attachment.results&#39;) }}&quot;

The problem is I want the task to be separated into a tasks directory and use include_tasks like this:

- name: Get item info
  include_tasks: get_s3_object_info.yml
  loop: &quot;{{ var.json.results | subelements(&#39;children.attachment.results&#39;) }}&quot;

So, since I still need to capture the second element within the loop I don't want to have to write the item.1.title thing into the get_s3_object_info.yml task because I want to be able to use that task elsewhere so I want to just call item.title within that task.

NOTE I also need to access the history attribute, which is why I can't just get a flat list of attachment titles, I need to iterate through a list of objects that contain both the title and history attributes.

Bottom line--whether by modifying the jinja template, or using loop_control or otherwise, how can I turn item.1 into just item?

Maybe something like var.json.results | subelements(&#39;children.attachment.results&#39;) | foreach(index=1) or something like that?

Also, each item has a type attribute: page, attachment, etc. Is there a way I can add a where(type=&#39;attachment&#39;) or something similar?


得分: 2

Here's the translated content:

预备说明: 使用名为 var 的变量绝不是一个好主意,因为它没有意义,可能与Ansible/Python中的其他名称冲突。我在下面的答案中将其更改为 confuence_api_page_request。根据您的需要进行适应。

在您的包含任务中,只需按照您要使用的方式精确描述变量,例如在 get_s3_object_info.yml 中:

- name: 从S3获取附件信息
    region: &quot;{{ region }}&quot;
    bucket_name: &quot;{{ bucket }}&quot;
    object_name: &quot;file/path/{{ attachment.title }}&quot;


- name: 获取附件信息
    attachment: &quot;{{ item.1 }}&quot;
  include_tasks: get_s3_object_info.yml
  loop: &quot;{{ confuence_api_page_request.json.results
    | subelements(&#39;children.attachment.results&#39;) }}&quot;

此外,由于您在上述任务中没有在任何地方使用顶层元素页面信息,您可以轻松地从您的JSON中提取它作为一个单一的列表,并直接在附件信息上进行循环。保持上述相同的包含文件,只需更改 include_tasks 循环为:

- name: 获取附件信息
  include_tasks: get_s3_object_info.yml
  loop: &quot;{{ confuence_api_page_request.json.results
    | map(attribute=&#39;children.attachment.results&#39;) | flatten }}&quot;
    loop_var: attachment

在所有情况下,您可以使用 attachment.history 从包含文件中访问历史记录。

还请注意,第二个解决方案将允许您在任何包含的任务中使用默认的 item 循环变量(如果需要),因为包含循环变量不会与其冲突。


preliminary note: having a variable called var is anything but a good idea as it is not meaningful and might conflict with other names in ansible/python. I changed the name to confuence_api_page_request in the below answer. Adapt to your need

In your included task, just describe the variable exactly as you want to use it, e.g. in get_s3_object_info.yml:

- name: Get attachment info from S3
    region: &quot;{{ region }}&quot;
    bucket_name: &quot;{{ bucket }}&quot;
    object_name: &quot;file/path/{{ attachment.title }}&quot;

Then pass the variable exactly as needed to your included task file:

- name: Get attachment info
    attachment: &quot;{{ item.1 }}&quot;
  include_tasks: get_s3_object_info.yml
  loop: &quot;{{ confuence_api_page_request.json.results
    | subelements(&#39;children.attachment.results&#39;) }}&quot;

Moreover, since you are not using the top element page information anywhere in the above tasks, you can easily extract that as a single list from your json and loop directly on the attachement information. Keeping the exact same include file above, just change the include_tasks loop to:

- name: Get attachment info
  include_tasks: get_s3_object_info.yml
  loop: &quot;{{ confuence_api_page_request.json.results
    | map(attribute=&#39;children.attachment.results&#39;) | flatten }}&quot;
    loop_var: attachment

In all cases, you can access history from the included file with attachment.history

Note also the second solution will let you use the default item loop var in any of your included tasks if needed as the include loop var will not conflict with it.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月13日 11:09:12
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76240913.html



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