Copy and paste from one worksheet to another worksheet based on specific headers in VBA.

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VBA copy and paste from one worksheet to another worksheet base on specific headers



Sub pullData()

Dim header_count As Integer
Dim row_count As Integer
Dim col_count As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet

Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("模板") '请确保工作簿中的工作表名称与代码中的名称一致
Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("上个月") '请确保工作簿中的工作表名称与代码中的名称一致


header_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A8", Range("A8").End(xlToRight)))
col_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A8", Range("A8").End(xlToRight)))
row_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A8", Range("A8").End(xlDown)))

For i = 1 To header_count
    j = 1
    Do While j <= col_count
        If ws2.Cells(1, j) = ws1.Cells(1, j).Text Then
            ws1.Range(Cells(1, j), Cells(row_count, j)).Copy
            ws2.Cells(1, j).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
            Application.CutCopyMode = False
            j = col_count
        End If
        j = j + 1
Next i

With ws2
    .Cells(1, i).Select
End With

End Sub



I just new to this VBA and have been trying myself by looking at YTube and I want to learn more. I want to copy and paste from one sheet to another sheet using their identical header name. The source worksheet has over 30 columns and lots of formula, text and date.

I want to transfer only 7 columns to the destination worksheet.The destination and source worksheets's header are on row 8.

I have the following code but using this code, it only copy and paste to column 1. I didn't get the rest, even though the header name is the same and i can't figure out what is wrong with this code.

I am expecting to copy and paste value using the matching headers and give me all data.

Any help please and thank you in advance.

Sub pullData()

Dim header_count As Integer
Dim row_count As Integer
Dim col_count As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet

Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(&quot;Template&quot;)
Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(&quot;Prior Month&quot;)


header_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(&quot;A8&quot;, Range(&quot;A8&quot;).End(xlToRight)))
col_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(&quot;A8&quot;, Range(&quot;A8&quot;).End(xlToRight)))
row_count = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(&quot;A8&quot;, Range(&quot;A8&quot;).End(xlDown)))

For i = 1 To header_count
    j = 1
    Do While j &lt;= col_count
        If ws2.Cells(1, j) = ws1.Cells(1, j).Text Then
            ws1.Range(Cells(1, j), Cells(row_count, j)).Copy
            ws2.Cells(1, j).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
            Application.CutCopyMode = False
            j = col_count
        End If
        j = j + 1
Next i

With ws2
    .Cells(1, i).Select
End With

End Sub


得分: 1



Sub PullData()
    Dim template As Worksheet
    Dim priorMonth As Worksheet
    Dim priorMonthHeaderCount As Long
    Dim templateColCount As Long

    Set template = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("模板")
    Set priorMonth = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("上个月")
    priorMonthHeaderCount = priorMonth.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    templateColCount = template.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

    Dim priorMonthHeaderIndex As Long
    Dim templateColumnIndex As Long
    For priorMonthHeaderIndex = 1 To priorMonthHeaderCount
        For templateColumnIndex = 1 To templateColCount
            If priorMonth.Cells(1, priorMonthHeaderIndex) = template.Cells(1, templateColumnIndex) Then
                template.Columns(templateColumnIndex).Copy Destination:=priorMonth.Columns(priorMonthHeaderIndex)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next templateColumnIndex
    Next priorMonthHeaderIndex
End Sub

这不如您期望的工作,因为您写成了If ws2.Cells(1, j) = ws1.Cells(1, j).Text而不是If ws2.Cells(1, i) = ws1.Cells(1, j).Text



  • 为了提高可读性,将Do ... While更改为嵌套的For循环。
  • 删除了ActivateSelect,因为它们在此代码中不需要。
  • 给变量取了更具描述性的名称。
  • j = col_count更改为Exit For以提高可读性。
  • 根据ozgrid.com的建议,在.Copy方法中使用Destination:=参数会绕过剪贴板。因此,您无需清除剪贴板,我已经删除了Application.CutCopyMode = False

Here is a working version of your code:

Sub PullData()
    Dim template As Worksheet
    Dim priorMonth As Worksheet
    Dim priorMonthHeaderCount As Long
    Dim templateColCount As Long

    Set template = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(&quot;Template&quot;)
    Set priorMonth = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(&quot;Prior Month&quot;)    
    priorMonthHeaderCount = priorMonth.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    templateColCount = template.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Dim priorMonthHeaderIndex As Long
    Dim templateColumnIndex As Long
    For priorMonthHeaderIndex = 1 To priorMonthHeaderCount
        For templateColumnIndex = 1 To templateColCount
            If priorMonth.Cells(1, priorMonthHeaderIndex) = template.Cells(1, templateColumnIndex) Then
                template.Columns(templateColumnIndex).Copy Destination:=priorMonth.Columns(priorMonthHeaderIndex)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next templateColumnIndex
    Next priorMonthHeaderIndex
End Sub

This was not working for you as expected because you wrote
If ws2.Cells(1, j) = ws1.Cells(1, j).Text instead of
If ws2.Cells(1, i) = ws1.Cells(1, j).Text

It may take you a minute to see the difference between the two. This is why giving meaningful names to your variables can be so helpful.

Some changes:

  • Changed the Do ... While to a nested For loop for better readability
  • Removed the Activate and Select, since they are not needed for this code
  • Gave more descriptive variable names
  • Changed j = col_count to Exit For for better readability
  • According to, using the Destination:= argument in the .Copy method bypasses the Clipboard. Therefore you don't need to clear it and I was able to remove Application.CutCopyMode = False.


得分: 0


Sub PullData()

    ' 定义常量

    Const SRC_SHEET As String = "模板"
    Const SRC_HEADER_ROW As Long = 8
    Const DST_SHEET As String = "上个月"
    Const DST_HEADER_ROW As Long = 8

    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' 包含此代码的工作簿

    ' 引用源范围。

    Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Sheets(SRC_SHEET)

    Dim shrg As Range, sdrg As Range, srCount As Long

    With sws.UsedRange
        Set shrg = Intersect(sws.Rows(SRC_HEADER_ROW), .Cells)
        srCount = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row - SRC_HEADER_ROW
        Set sdrg = shrg.Resize(srCount).Offset(1)
    End With

    ' 引用目标范围。

    Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Sheets(DST_SHEET)

    Dim dhrg As Range, ddrg As Range

    With dws.UsedRange
        Set dhrg = Intersect(dws.Rows(DST_HEADER_ROW), .Cells)
        Set ddrg = dhrg.Offset(1).Resize(srCount)
    End With

    ' 拉取数据。

    Dim scIndexes: scIndexes = Application.Match(dhrg, shrg, 0)

    Dim scIndex, dc As Long

    For Each scIndex In scIndexes
        dc = dc + 1
        If IsNumeric(scIndex) Then
            ddrg.Columns(dc).Value = sdrg.Columns(scIndex).Value
        End If
    Next scIndex

    ' 提示信息。

    MsgBox "数据已拉取。", vbInformation

End Sub

Copy Data Based on Headers

Copy and paste from one worksheet to another worksheet based on specific headers in VBA.

<!-- language: lang-vb -->

Sub PullData()
    &#39; Define constants
    Const SRC_SHEET As String = &quot;Template&quot;
    Const SRC_HEADER_ROW As Long = 8
    Const DST_SHEET As String = &quot;Prior Month&quot;
    Const DST_HEADER_ROW As Long = 8
    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook &#39; workbook containing this code
    &#39; Reference the source ranges.
    Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Sheets(SRC_SHEET)

    Dim shrg As Range, sdrg As Range, srCount As Long

    With sws.UsedRange
        Set shrg = Intersect(sws.Rows(SRC_HEADER_ROW), .Cells)
        srCount = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row - SRC_HEADER_ROW
        Set sdrg = shrg.Resize(srCount).Offset(1)
    End With
    &#39; Reference the destination ranges.
    Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Sheets(DST_SHEET)

    Dim dhrg As Range, ddrg As Range

    With dws.UsedRange
        Set dhrg = Intersect(dws.Rows(DST_HEADER_ROW), .Cells)
        Set ddrg = dhrg.Offset(1).Resize(srCount)
    End With
    &#39; Pull.
    Dim scIndexes: scIndexes = Application.Match(dhrg, shrg, 0)
    Dim scIndex, dc As Long
    For Each scIndex In scIndexes
        dc = dc + 1
        If IsNumeric(scIndex) Then
            ddrg.Columns(dc).Value = sdrg.Columns(scIndex).Value
        End If
    Next scIndex
    &#39; Inform.
    MsgBox &quot;Data pulled.&quot;, vbInformation

End Sub

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月11日 20:14:02
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