Angular [restService] error 400 {“Message”:”请求无效。”}

huangapple go评论79阅读模式

Angular [restService] error 400 {"Message":"The request is invalid."}


I am trying to display the values in the detailed View on click on the search button. Below is my listView.html code.

<span class="link" ng-click="vm.openDetailsView("><i class="fa fa-search"></i>&nbsp;View</span>

And respective listView typescript file, where I'm passing as a parameter and redirecting to the detail view page.

openDetailsView(fwId: string) {
  this.$window.location.href = `#/firmwareCatalog/firmware/${fwId}`;

My detailView.ts file is shown below:

export class FirmwareController {
  isLoading: boolean = false;
  private logger: ILogger;
  private firmwareId: any;
  private firmware: any;

    private $stateParams: any,
    logger: LoggerService,
    private firmwareService: FirmwareService,
    private modalService: ModalService,
    private $window: any
  ) {
    this.firmwareId = $stateParams.firmwareId;
    this.logger = logger.getLogger('firmware');

  loadFirmwareDetails() {
    this.isLoading = true;
      .then((fw: any) => {
        this.firmware = fw;
      .finally(() => {
        this.isLoading = false;

Respective DetailView.service.ts file:

private routes = {
  getFirmwareById: '/firmwares/{:firmwareId}',

getFirmware(id: any): any {
  const uri = this.routes.getFirmwareById.replace('{:firmwareId}', id);
  return this.restService
    .get(uri, null, true)
    .then((response: any) => {
      if ( {
    .catch((response: any) => {
      return this.$q.reject(response);

Below is my Controller.cs:

public Firmware GetById(int firmwareId)
    this.logService.Debug($"Entering GET api/firmwares/{firmwareId}");

    var connectedUser = this.permissionService.GetConnectedUser();
    this.permissionService.CheckRolePermission(connectedUser.Role, PermissionConstant.ViewFirmwares);

    var result = Firmware.From(this.etpService.GetFirmwarefromEtpById(firmwareId));
    return result;

Below is my model class:

public class Firmware
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string DeviceType { get; set; }

    public string Filename { get; set; }

    public int Size { get; set; }

    public DateTime UploadDate { get; set; }

    public string Url { get; set; }

    public string Version { get; set; }

    public static EtpFirmwareModel From(EtpFirmwareModel model)
        => model == null ? null : new EtpFirmwareModel
            Id = model.Id,
            DeviceType = model.DeviceType,
            Filename = model.Filename,
            Size = model.Size,
            UploadDate = model.UploadDate,
            Url = model.Url,
            Version = model.Version

I am using GET verb in order to get the data from the API and not able to hit my Controller.cs file. Here is the error details:

[restService] {"Message":"The request is invalid."}

I am new to Angular, please help me fix this. Thanks in advance.


I am trying to display the values in the detailed View on click on search button. Below is my listView.html code.

&lt;span class=&quot;link&quot; ng-click=&quot;vm.openDetailsView(;&gt;&lt;i class=&quot;fa fa-search&quot;&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&amp;nbsp;View&lt;/span&gt;

And respective listView typescript file, where Im passing as parameter and redirecting to detail view page.

    openDetailsView(fwId: string) {
      this.$window.location.href = `#/firmwareCatalog/firmware/${fwId}`;

My detailView.ts file shown below:

  export class FirmwareController {
    isLoading: boolean = false;

    private logger: ILogger;

    private firmwareId: any;

    private firmware: any;

    constructor(private $stateParams: any,
      logger: LoggerService,
      private firmwareService: FirmwareService,
      private modalService: ModalService,
      private $window: any) {


      this.firmwareId = $stateParams.firmwareId;


      this.logger = logger.getLogger(&#39;firmware&#39;);

    loadFirmwareDetails() {
      this.isLoading = true;
        .then((fw: any) =&gt; {
          this.firmware = fw;
        .finally(() =&gt; {
          this.isLoading = false;

respective DetailView.service.ts file:

    private routes = {
      getFirmwareById: &#39;/firmwares/{:firmwareId}&#39;,

getFirmware(id: any): any {
      const uri = this.routes.getFirmwareById.replace(&#39;{:firmwareId}&#39;, id);
      return this.restService
        .get(uri, null, true)
        .then((response: any) =&gt; {
          if ( {
        .catch((response: any) =&gt; {
          return this.$q.reject(response);

Below is my Controller.cs:

        public Firmware GetById(int firmwareId)
            this.logService.Debug($&quot;Entering GET api/firmwares/{firmwareId}&quot;);

            var connectedUser = this.permissionService.GetConnectedUser();
            this.permissionService.CheckRolePermission(connectedUser.Role, PermissionConstant.ViewFirmwares);

            var result = Firmware.From(this.etpService.GetFirmwarefromEtpById(firmwareId));
            return result;

Below is my model class :

public class Firmware
        public string Id { get; set; }

        public string DeviceType { get; set; }

        public string Filename { get; set; }

        public int Size { get; set; }

        public DateTime UploadDate { get; set; }

        public string Url { get; set; }

        public string Version { get; set; }

        public static EtpFirmwareModel From(EtpFirmwareModel model)
                =&gt; model == null ? null : new EtpFirmwareModel
                    Id = model.Id,
                    DeviceType = model.DeviceType,
                    Filename = model.Filename,
                    Size = model.Size,
                    UploadDate = model.UploadDate,
                    Url = model.Url,
                    Version = model.Version

I am using GET verb inorder to get the data from API. and not able to hit to my Controller.cs file Here is the Error details :

[restService] {&quot;Message&quot;:&quot;The request is invalid.&quot;} 

I am new to angular, Please help me to fix this. Thanks in advance.


得分: 0

"The error message 'The request is invalid' means path is not correct that is written

Please cross check the controller path. I can see the path mentioned in controller that is [Route('firmwares/{firmwareId}')]. so path should be firmwares instead of firmware.

Can you try the below path

this.$window.location.href = /firmwares/${fwId};"


The error message "The request is invalid" means path is not correct that is written

Please cross check the controller path. I can see the path mentioned in controller that is [Route("firmwares/{firmwareId}")]. so path should be firmwares instead of firmware.

Can you try the below path

this.$window.location.href = /firmwares/${fwId};

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