In Swift 5.7+ why is `if let name = name { }` preferred instead of `if let newName { }`?

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In Swift 5.7+ why is `if let name = name { }` preferred instead of `if let newName { }`?


I’m coming back to Swift after several years. 在过去几年后,我回到了Swift。

I had a situation at work recently where I thought I was being pushed to reuse variable names. 最近在工作中,我遇到了一种情况,我觉得我被迫重用变量名。

I followed an if let example from the latest edition of Apple’s Swift manual in which a new variable name is created. 我按照Apple的Swift手册的最新版本中的if let示例,其中创建了一个新的变量名。

I was told that the community as a whole has opted to reuse variable names. 有人告诉我,整个社区已选择重用变量名。

I’m curious why this preferred and why declaring a new name is frowned upon. 我很好奇为什么这是首选,为什么声明新名称被看不好。

Understanding the logic behind this would help me understand why I should do it this way (after all, I’m coming from years of TypeScript where this is not OK). 了解背后的逻辑将帮助我理解为什么我应该这样做(毕竟,我来自多年使用TypeScript的经验,那里不允许这样做)。

Example from Swift manual: Swift手册中的示例:

if let name = optionalName { … }

Standard way: 标准方式:

if let name = name { … }


I’m coming back to Swift after several years. I had a situation at work recently where I thought I was being pushed to reuse variable names. I followed an if let example from the latest edition of Apple’s Swift manual in which a new variable name is created. I was told that the community as a whole has opted to reuse variable names. I’m curious why this preferred and why declaring a new name is frowned upon. Understanding the logic behind this would help me understand why I should do it this way (after all, I’m coming from years of TypeScript where this is not OK).

Example from Swift manual:

if let name = optionalName { … }

Standard way:

if let name = name { … }


得分: 1

我认为最常见的原因是这些是常见的准则,如在官方的Ray Wenderlich Swift Style Guide中提到的。

我也相信这是由于苹果/Swift本身的偏好,根据提案SE-0345,该提案介绍了对现有可选变量进行影子化的速记法,该提案在Swift 5.7中引入。



I think the most common reason is that these are common guidelines, such as mentioned in the official Ray Wenderlich Swift Style Guide.

I also believe this is preferred by Apple/Swift itself given proposal SE-0345 with shorthand for shadowing existing optional variables, which was introduced in Swift 5.7.

Similar question:


得分: 1



if let newName = name { ... }


let optionalFoo: String? = ...


if let foo = optionalFoo { ... }


SE 345之前,人们发现他们经常写

if let foo = foo { ... }

新的语法被引入只是上面的简写,没有其他含义,尽管它似乎在与guard一起使用时神奇地将可选值更改为非可选值。它并没有 实际上 更改变量,它用新的非可选值“复制”隐藏了原始值。



> I’m curious why this preferred and why declaring a new name is frowned upon.

It isn't. You can still do

if let newName = name { ... }

and it is probably the most appropriate thing to do in some places. For example,

let optiionalFoo: String? = ...


if let foo = optionalFoo { ... }

It's up to you.

Prior to SE 345, people were finding that they were writing

if let foo = foo { ... }

quite a lot. The new syntax was introduced as a shorthand for the above, nothing more, although it does appear to magically change an optional to a non optional, particularly when used with guard. It doesn't actually change the variable, it shadows the original with a new non optional "copy".

Use it or don't use it depending on your preference or your project's style guide.

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