估算Twitch聊天机器人客户端的Google Cloud Run成本

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Estimating Google Cloud Run costs for Twitch Chatbot Client


我正在开发一个Twitch聊天机器人,并计划在Google Cloud Run上部署聊天机器人客户端。我打算使用NodeJS API,因为我对这门语言比较熟悉。

在这之前,我想了解IRC客户端会如何影响Cloud Run的账单。





I am working on a Twitch Chatbot and am planning to deploy the chatbot client on Google Cloud Run. I am planning to use the NojeJS API plainly because I am familiar with the language.

Before I do that I would like to understand how an IRC client would impact the cloud run bill.

I am not able to wrap my head around IRC client implementation. Can someone please help me understand how can I calculate/estimate pricing for my application.

Would also like to know if there are any other cheap recommended approach to implement this?

Thanks in advance!.


得分: 2

'Cloud Run' 是一个托管服务,它仅根据您使用的资源(分配的 CPU 和内存)来计费,按照下一个 100 毫秒进行四舍五入。每种资源都有免费套餐。价格表中列出的资源总和将代表您的最终 Cloud Run 账单。

您可以使用 Google Cloud 平台定价计算器 来估算使用 Cloud Run 的成本。

另一个选择是 compute engine,但如果您可以维护基础架构的话,也可以考虑使用它。

还可以查看 这篇文章这份文档 来查看定价表格。


'Cloud run' is a managed service that costs you just for the resources (CPU and Memory allocated) that you utilize, rounded up to the next 100 millisecond. There is a free tier for each of these resources. The sum of the resources listed in the price table will represent your final Cloud Run bill.

You may estimate the cost of using Cloud Run by using the Google Cloud Platform Pricing Calculator.

Another option would be compute engine but, If you are okay with maintaining infrastructure, you can consider using it.

Also look at this article and this document to check the pricing table

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月11日 09:08:20
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76223495.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
