
huangapple go评论49阅读模式

Trigger onchange event of input in Reagent app


Sure, here's the translated code portion:


[:input {:on-change (fn [e] ...) :id :my-input}]

Reagent实现了React输入组件是受控的React输入因此我发现输入最终没有on-change函数它具有某种包含传递的on-change函数的React属性而输入元素对象中的默认on-change fn为nil


(let [input (.getElementById js/document "my-input")]
     (.onchange input))



(defn input
  (letfn [(f [] (let [e (js/Event. "change")
                      el (.getElementById js/document "my-input")]
                     (.dispatchEvent el e)))]

     [:<> [:input  {:id :my-input :on-change (fn [_] (println "Changed"))}]
          [:button {:on-click f} "Trigger on-change"]]))

Please note that this translation assumes that the code logic remains the same, and it may be necessary to adapt it to the context of your Reagent application.


How can I trigger the onchange event of a controlled input in a Reagent application?

[:input {:on-change (fn [e] ...) :id :my-input}]

Reagent implements React and the input components are Controlled React inputs so as I found out the input eventually doesn't have the on-change function. It has some kind of React property that contains the passed on-change function and the default on-change fn is nil in the input element object.

So therefore this doesn't working:

(let [input (.get-element-by-id js/document &quot;my-input&quot;)]
     (.onchange input))

The purpose is that I have input fields and I want to make a field value validator that could be called anytime (e.g. clicking on a submit button). So I put the validator in the on-change function and it works well but now I need to call the on-change function if I want validate the fields when Im clicking on the submit button.

I tried this but nothing happened:

(defn input
  (letfn [(f [] (let [e (js/Event. &quot;change&quot;)
                      el (.getElementById js/document &quot;my-input&quot;)]
                     (.dispatchEvent el e)))]
     [:&lt;&gt; [:input  {:id :my-input :on-change (fn [_] (println &quot;Changed&quot;))}]
          [:button {:on-click f} &quot;Trigger on-change&quot;]]))


得分: 1

你正在尝试的做法不太好,因为浏览器会对用户触发的事件和代码触发的事件有不同的处理方式。因此,你可能会发现在实际的 :on-change 上工作,但在其他情况下不起作用。相反,只需编写一个执行你想要的操作的函数。

(defn stuff-i-want-to-happen [maybe with args] ...)

(defn input []
  [:&lt;&gt; [:input {:on-change (fn [_] (println &quot;Changed&quot;) (stuff-i-want-to-happen 1 2 3)}]
       [:button {:on-click #(stuff-i-want-to-happen 4 5 6)} &quot;Trigger on-change&quot;]])



What you are trying to do is a bad idea, since the browser treats events triggered by the user differently than those triggered by code. So, you might find stuff work on the actual :on-change but not otherwise. Instead, just write a function to do what you want.

(defn stuff-i-want-to-happen [maybe with args] ...)

(defn input []
  [:&lt;&gt; [:input {:on-change (fn [_] (println &quot;Changed&quot;) (stuff-i-want-to-happen 1 2 3)}]
       [:button {:on-click #(stuff-i-want-to-happen 4 5 6)} &quot;Trigger on-change&quot;]])

If you need to track additional state, you can just move that to the appropriate place.


得分: 0

The purpose is that I have input fields and I want to make a field value validator that could be called anytime (e.g. clicking on a submit button).

Since you are using Reagent, I think what you want is to use form validator hooks. You can rummage around npm but one I would suggest is react hook form

It does require you to learn their concept of "registering" a validation but it will be able to keep up with all of your validation needs (which only grow as real users get involved).


> The purpose is that I have input fields and I want to make a field value validator that could be called anytime (e.g. clicking on a submit button).

Since you are using Reagent, I think what you want is to use form validator hooks. You can rummage around npm but one I would suggest is react hook form

It does require you to learn their concept of "registering" a validation but it will be able to keep up with all of you validation needs (which only grow as real users get involved).

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月11日 07:29:26
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76223202.html



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