
huangapple go评论52阅读模式

How to register multiple instances "attacking" single enemy?





我需要创建某种“战士”列表,其中列出了当前正在接触敌人并执行 foreach 循环吗?



I recently I tried to write a script in which enemy would be receiving damage by multiple instances.

What baffled me is that the script does not consider other instances damage

I added cooldown, damage and attack speed inside enemy script to speed up the debugging process, but I can't figure out how to register multiple instances attacking at the same time.
do i need to make some kind of a list of "Warriors" that are currently touching the enemy and do a foreach loop?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class HealthSystemScript : MonoBehaviour
    private int AttackPower;
    public int maxHealth = 100;
    public int currentHealth;
    private float _TimeSinceLastAttack = 10f;
    private float attackCooldown = 5f;

    public HealthBar HealthBar;

    private void Start()
        currentHealth = maxHealth;
    void Update()
        if (currentHealth <= 0 || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F))
    private void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D collision)
        //Check if enemy was hit by Warrior
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Warrior" && Time.time > attackCooldown)
            // Abort if we already attacked recently.
            if (Time.time - _TimeSinceLastAttack < attackCooldown) return;
                    //if collided object has "Warrior" Tag then:
                    if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Warrior"))
                        Debug.Log("Boss took 20dmg!");
                        // Remember that we recently attacked.
                        _TimeSinceLastAttack = Time.time;

                                     if (currentHealth <= 0 || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F))

    public void TakeDamage(int damage)
        currentHealth -= damage;


得分: 1

Here is the translated code portion:

> do i need to make somekind of a list of "Warriors" that are currently touching the enemy and do a foreach loop?


`OnCollisionStay2D` is called for each individual touching collider yes, **however**, your entire code within it is purely time based!

Since you already re-assign

    _TimeSinceLastAttack = Time.time;

for the first touching warrior the other calls to `OnCollisionStay2D` for the remaining warriors won't pass the

     if (Time.time - _TimeSinceLastAttack < attackCooldown) return;

in that same frame anymore!


If I understood correctly you want to track individual attack times for each warrior so I would rather do something like e.g.

    public class HealthSystemScript : MonoBehaviour
        private int AttackPower;
        public int maxHealth = 100;
        public int currentHealth;
        public HealthBar HealthBar;

        private float attackCooldown = 5f;

        // maps each attacking warrior to its individual last attack time
        private readonly Dictionary<GameObject, float> _lastAttackTimes = new();

        private void Start()
            currentHealth = maxHealth;

        private void OnCollisionStay(Collision2D collision)
            // Check if enemy was hit by Warrior -> no -> ignore
            if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Warrior")) return;

            // This means either this didn't touch before or the previous attack is too recent -> ignore
            if(_lastAttackTimes.TryGetValue(colision.gameObject, out var lastAttackTime) && Time.time - lastAttackTime > attackCooldown) return;

            // otherwise inflict damage once now and track last attack time for this warrior
            Debug.Log("Boss took 20dmg!");
            _lastAttackTimes[colision.gameObject] = Time.time;

        private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D collision)
            //Check if enemy was hit by Warrior
            if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Warrior")) return;

            // remove from the map of warriors so next first touch is applied immediately

        public void TakeDamage(int damage)
            currentHealth -= damage;

            // by moving this check here you can be sure i is always applied when receiving damage
            // and you don't need to poll check anything each frame
            if (currentHealth <= 0)


if you rather want to just have one single timer for all warriors combined it gets a bit simpler:

    public class HealthSystemScript : MonoBehaviour
        private int AttackPower;
        public int maxHealth = 100;
        public int currentHealth;
        public HealthBar HealthBar;

        private float attackCooldown = 5f;

        private int touchingWarriorsAmount;

        private float lastAttackTime;

        private void Start()
            currentHealth = maxHealth;

        private void FixedUpdate()
            // run one shared timer for all attacks
            if (Time.time - lastAttackTime > attackCooldown)
                TakeDamage(20 * touchingWarriorsAmount);

                lastAttackTime = Time.time;

        private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
            //Check if enemy was hit by Warrior
            if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Warrior")) return;

            // simply increase the counter on enter

        private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D collision)
            //Check if enemy was hit by Warrior
            if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Warrior")) return;

            // simply decrease the counter on exit

        public void TakeDamage(int damage)
            currentHealth -= damage;

            if (currentHealth <= 0)

if each warrior has different damage power later (just a guess due to the `AttackPower`) you again might want to use a list and iterate over them of course but still do the time check only once - as said depends on your needs


In general I would rather go the other way round and instead of checking collisions and receive damage I would rather make the attacker the responsible/driving instance and inflict damage on the thing it is colliding with. This way it would be more trivial to have those attack intervals.

> do i need to make somekind of a list of "Warriors" that are currently touching the enemy and do a foreach loop?


OnCollisionStay2D is called for each individual touching collider yes, however, your entire code within it is purely time based!

Since you already re-assign

_TimeSinceLastAttack = Time.time;

for the first touching warrior the other calls to OnCollisionStay2D for the remaining warriors won't pass the

 if (Time.time - _TimeSinceLastAttack < attackCooldown) return;

in that same frame anymore!

If I understood correctly you want to track individual attack times for each warrior so I would rather do something like e.g.

public class HealthSystemScript : MonoBehaviour
    private int AttackPower;
    public int maxHealth = 100;
    public int currentHealth;
    public HealthBar HealthBar;

    private float attackCooldown = 5f;

    // maps each attacking warrior to its individual last attack time
    private readonly Dictionary<GameObject, float> _lastAttackTimes = new();

    private void Start()
        currentHealth = maxHealth;

    private void OnCollisionStay(Collision2D collision)
        // Check if enemy was hit by Warrior -> no -> ignore
        if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Warrior")) return;

        // This means either this didn't touch before or the previous attack is too recent -> ignore
        if(_lastAttackTimes.TryGetValue(colision.gameObject, out var lastAttackTime) && Time.time - lastAttackTime > attackCooldown) return;
        // otherwise inflict damage once now and track last attack time for this warrior
        Debug.Log("Boss took 20dmg!");
        _lastAttackTimes[colision.gameObject] = Time.time;

    private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D collision)
        //Check if enemy was hit by Warrior
        if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Warrior")) return;

        // remove from the map of warriors so next first touch is applied immediately

    public void TakeDamage(int damage)
        currentHealth -= damage;

        // by moving this check here you can be sure i is always applied when receiving damage
        // and you don't need to poll check anything each frame
        if (currentHealth <= 0)

if you rather want to just have one single timer for all warriors combined it gets a bit simpler:

public class HealthSystemScript : MonoBehaviour
    private int AttackPower;
    public int maxHealth = 100;
    public int currentHealth;
    public HealthBar HealthBar;

    private float attackCooldown = 5f;

    private int touchingWarriorsAmount;

    private float lastAttackTime;

    private void Start()
        currentHealth = maxHealth;

    private void FixedUpdate()
        // run one shared timer for all attacks
        if (Time.time - lastAttackTime > attackCooldown)
            TakeDamage(20 * touchingWarriorsAmount);

            lastAttackTime = Time.time;

    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
        //Check if enemy was hit by Warrior
        if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Warrior")) return;

        // simply increase the counter on enter

    private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D collision)
        //Check if enemy was hit by Warrior
        if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Warrior")) return;

        // simply decrease the counter on exit

    public void TakeDamage(int damage)
        currentHealth -= damage;

        if (currentHealth <= 0)

if each warrior has different damage power later (just a guess due to the AttackPower) you again might want to use a list and iterate over them of course but still do the time check only once - as said depends on your needs

In general I would rather go the other way round and instead of checking collisions and receive damage I would rather make the attacker the responsible/driving instance and inflict damage on the thing it is colliding with. This way it would be more trivial to have those attack intervals.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月10日 23:15:12
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76220119.html



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