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loop through rows to run meta analysis in R


I have a dataframe of summary statistics results [b/se/p] for different studies [different exposures]

Create the sample dataframe

  1. dat <- data.frame(
  2. Study = rep(c("Study 1", "Study 2", "Study 3", "Study 4", "Study 5"), each = 2),
  3. Stage = rep(c("Discovery", "Replication"), 5),
  4. b = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.15, 0.3, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.4, 0.08, 0.15),
  5. se = c(0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12))

Print the dataframe

  1. print(dat)

I want to run a meta-analysis for each pair of studies - so for 'study 1' or 'study 2', meta analysing the two sets of results - one result being Discovery and the other being Replication.

I have tried:

  1. # Create an empty list to store the meta-analysis results
  2. meta_results <- list()
  3. # Perform meta-analysis for each stage (Discovery and Replication)
  4. for (stage in c("Discovery", "Replication")) {
  5. # Filter the data for the current stage
  6. stage_data <- dat[dat$Stage == stage, ]
  7. # Run the meta-analysis using appropriate functions from the meta package
  8. meta_result <- meta::metagen(
  9. estimate = stage_data$b,
  10. se = stage_data$se,
  11. data = stage_data
  12. )
  13. # Store the meta-analysis result in the list
  14. meta_results[[stage]] <- meta_result
  15. }
  16. # Print the meta-analysis results
  17. print(meta_results)

However I get the error

  1. Error in meta::metagen(estimate = stage_data$b, se = stage_data$se, data = stage_data) :
  2. argument 2 matches multiple formal arguments

So I don't think I am specifying correctly that there is a set of results for each stage for each study.


I have a dataframe of summary statistics results [b/se/p] for different studies [different exposures]

Create the sample dataframe

  1. dat <- data.frame(
  2. Study = rep(c("Study 1", "Study 2", "Study 3", "Study 4", "Study 5"), each = 2),
  3. Stage = rep(c("Discovery", "Replication"), 5),
  4. b = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.15, 0.3, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.4, 0.08, 0.15),
  5. se = c(0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12))

Print the dataframe

  1. print(dat)

I want to run a meta analysis for each pair of studies - so for 'study 1' or 'study 2', meta analysing the two sets of results - one result being Discovery and the other being Replication.

I have tried:

  1. # Create an empty list to store the meta-analysis results
  2. meta_results <- list()
  3. # Perform meta-analysis for each stage (Discovery and Replication)
  4. for (stage in c("Discovery", "Replication")) {
  5. # Filter the data for the current stage
  6. stage_data <- dat[dat$Stage == stage, ]
  7. # Run the meta-analysis using appropriate functions from the meta package
  8. meta_result <- meta::metagen(
  9. estimate = stage_data$b,
  10. se = stage_data$se,
  11. data = stage_data
  12. )
  13. # Store the meta-analysis result in the list
  14. meta_results[[stage]] <- meta_result
  15. }
  16. # Print the meta-analysis results
  17. print(meta_results)

However I get the error

  1. Error in meta::metagen(estimate = stage_data$b, se = stage_data$se, data = stage_data) :
  2. argument 2 matches multiple formal arguments

So I don't think I am specifying correctly that there is a set of results for each stage for each study.


得分: 2

If you check ?meta::metagen, you'll see that there isn't a estimate and se arguments. The correct argument names are TE and seTE.

  1. # Create an empty list to store the meta-analysis results
  2. meta_results <- list()
  3. # Perform meta-analysis for each stage (Discovery and Replication)
  4. for (stage in c("Discovery", "Replication")) {
  5. # Filter the data for the current stage
  6. stage_data <- dat[dat$Stage == stage, ]
  7. # Run the meta-analysis using appropriate functions from the meta package
  8. meta_result <- meta::metagen(
  9. TE = Effect,
  10. seTE = Std_Error,
  11. data = stage_data
  12. )
  13. # Store the meta-analysis result in the list
  14. meta_results[[stage]] <- meta_result
  15. }


  1. $Discovery
  2. Number of studies combined: k = 5
  3. 95%-CI z p-value
  4. Common effect model 0.1316 [0.0706; 0.1927] 4.23 < 0.0001
  5. Random effects model 0.1321 [0.0661; 0.1981] 3.92 < 0.0001
  6. Quantifying heterogeneity:
  7. tau^2 = 0.0007 [0.0000; 0.0447]; tau = 0.0260 [0.0000; 0.2113]
  8. I^2 = 9.5% [0.0%; 81.2%]; H = 1.05 [1.00; 2.30]
  9. Test of heterogeneity:
  10. Q d.f. p-value
  11. 4.42 4 0.3524
  12. Details on meta-analytical method:
  13. - Inverse variance method
  14. - Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
  15. - Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
  16. $Replication
  17. Number of studies combined: k = 5
  18. 95%-CI z p-value
  19. Common effect model 0.2167 [0.1527; 0.2807] 6.63 < 0.0001
  20. Random effects model 0.2285 [0.1201; 0.3368] 4.13 < 0.0001
  21. Quantifying heterogeneity:
  22. tau^2 = 0.0092 [0.0000; 0.1134]; tau = 0.0959 [0.0000; 0.3368]
  23. I^2 = 61.9% [0.0%; 85.7%]; H = 1.62 [1.00; 2.64]
  24. Test of heterogeneity:
  25. Q d.f. p-value
  26. 10.50 4 0.0327
  27. Details on meta-analytical method:
  28. - Inverse variance method
  29. - Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
  30. - Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau

Bonus: what does the error mean?

R has partial matching for function parameters. That's why you can do seq(1, by = 1, length = 10), even though seq doesn't have a length argument, only a length.out argument. R has matched the length to length.out. In your case, as R couldn't find a se argument, it tried matching, but found two possible matches for that word, and that's what the error means.

I recommend avoiding partial matching. Check this SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15264994/prevent-partial-argument-matching


Changing the order of the loop:

  1. # Create an empty list to store the meta-analysis results
  2. meta_results <- list()
  3. # Perform meta-analysis for each stage (Discovery and Replication)
  4. for (study in unique(dat$Study)) {
  5. # Filter the data for the current stage
  6. stage_data <- dat[dat$Study == study, ]
  7. # Run the meta-analysis using appropriate functions from the meta package
  8. meta_result <- meta::metagen(
  9. TE = Effect,
  10. seTE = Std_Error,
  11. data = stage_data
  12. )
  13. # Store the meta-analysis result in the list
  14. meta_results[[study]] <- meta_result
  15. }
  16. # Print the meta-analysis results
  17. print(meta_results)

If you check ?meta::metagen, you'll see that there isn't a estimate and se arguments. The correct argument names are TE and seTE.

  1. # Create an empty list to store the meta-analysis results
  2. meta_results &lt;- list()
  3. # Perform meta-analysis for each stage (Discovery and Replication)
  4. for (stage in c(&quot;Discovery&quot;, &quot;Replication&quot;)) {
  5. # Filter the data for the current stage
  6. stage_data &lt;- dat[dat$Stage == stage, ]
  7. # Run the meta-analysis using appropriate functions from the meta package
  8. meta_result &lt;- meta::metagen(
  9. TE = Effect,
  10. seTE = Std_Error,
  11. data = stage_data
  12. )
  13. # Store the meta-analysis result in the list
  14. meta_results[[stage]] &lt;- meta_result
  15. }


  1. $Discovery
  2. Number of studies combined: k = 5
  3. 95%-CI z p-value
  4. Common effect model 0.1316 [0.0706; 0.1927] 4.23 &lt; 0.0001
  5. Random effects model 0.1321 [0.0661; 0.1981] 3.92 &lt; 0.0001
  6. Quantifying heterogeneity:
  7. tau^2 = 0.0007 [0.0000; 0.0447]; tau = 0.0260 [0.0000; 0.2113]
  8. I^2 = 9.5% [0.0%; 81.2%]; H = 1.05 [1.00; 2.30]
  9. Test of heterogeneity:
  10. Q d.f. p-value
  11. 4.42 4 0.3524
  12. Details on meta-analytical method:
  13. - Inverse variance method
  14. - Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
  15. - Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
  16. $Replication
  17. Number of studies combined: k = 5
  18. 95%-CI z p-value
  19. Common effect model 0.2167 [0.1527; 0.2807] 6.63 &lt; 0.0001
  20. Random effects model 0.2285 [0.1201; 0.3368] 4.13 &lt; 0.0001
  21. Quantifying heterogeneity:
  22. tau^2 = 0.0092 [0.0000; 0.1134]; tau = 0.0959 [0.0000; 0.3368]
  23. I^2 = 61.9% [0.0%; 85.7%]; H = 1.62 [1.00; 2.64]
  24. Test of heterogeneity:
  25. Q d.f. p-value
  26. 10.50 4 0.0327
  27. Details on meta-analytical method:
  28. - Inverse variance method
  29. - Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
  30. - Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau

Bonus: what does the error mean?

R has partial matching for function parameters. That's why you can do seq(1, by = 1, length = 10), even though seq doesn't have a length argument, only a length.out argument. R has matched the length to length.out. In your case, as R couldn't find a se argument, it tried matching, but found two possible matches for that word, and that's what the error means.

I recommend avoiding partial matching. Check this SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15264994/prevent-partial-argument-matching


Changing the order of the loop:

  1. # Create an empty list to store the meta-analysis results
  2. meta_results &lt;- list()
  3. # Perform meta-analysis for each stage (Discovery and Replication)
  4. for (study in unique(dat$Study)) {
  5. # Filter the data for the current stage
  6. stage_data &lt;- dat[dat$Study == study, ]
  7. # Run the meta-analysis using appropriate functions from the meta package
  8. meta_result &lt;- meta::metagen(
  9. TE = Effect,
  10. seTE = Std_Error,
  11. data = stage_data
  12. )
  13. # Store the meta-analysis result in the list
  14. meta_results[[study]] &lt;- meta_result
  15. }
  16. # Print the meta-analysis results
  17. print(meta_results)


得分: 1

你也可以通过使用 purrr 来简化,例如:

  1. dat |&gt;
  2. split(dat$Study) |&gt;
  3. purrr::map(~meta::metagen(
  4. TE = b,
  5. seTE = se,
  6. data = .x
  7. ))

You could also simplify by using purrr, e.g.

  1. dat |&gt;
  2. split(dat$Study) |&gt;
  3. purrr::map(~meta::metagen(
  4. TE = b,
  5. seTE = se,
  6. data = .x
  7. ))

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月10日 20:42:21
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