Vivado VHDL锁存器去除

huangapple go评论50阅读模式

Vivado VHDL latch removal






I'm using VHDL and Vivado for a sort of clocked filter that reads one bit at a time from an i_w channel when an input i_start is given and stays active, converting it into a memory address from which it then reads, and finally it loads the value inside of the address in one of four different registers, also depending on the first two bits read of the i_w signal, and outputs a "done" signal to notify that it has finished.

I've created an internal counter that keeps track of how many clock cycles have elapsed from the reading start.

architecture rtl of project is
	signal internal_counter: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
	signal internal_done: std_logic := '0';
	signal internal_regChannel: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
	signal internal_memAddress: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
	--Registry Bank
	signal internal_regValue0: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal internal_regValue1: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal internal_regValue2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal internal_regValue3: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);


	COUNTER: process(i_clk)
	if i_rst ='1' then 
		--reset the counter
		internal_counter <= (others => '0');
	    internal_done <= '0';
		if i_clk = '1' and i_start = '1' then
			--start counting
			internal_counter <= internal_counter + 1;
		    internal_done <= '0';
			internal_counter <= internal_counter;
		end if;
		if i_clk = '1' and internal_counter /= "00000" then
			--keep counting
			internal_counter <= internal_counter + 1;
		    internal_done <= '0';
		end if;
		if i_clk = '1' and internal_counter = "10100" then
			--the counter has finished
			--count for one more cycle so then the done signal can be put back to 0
			internal_counter<= internal_counter + 1;
			internal_done <= '1';
		end if;
		if i_clk = '1' and internal_counter = "10101" then
			internal_counter <= "00000";
			internal_done <= '0';
		end if;
	end if;
	end process;

	W_FILTER: process(i_clk)
		if i_rst ='1' then
		internal_memAddress <= (others => '0');
		internal_regChannel <= (others => '0');
		if i_clk = '1' and i_clk'event then
			if  i_start = '1' and internal_counter < "00010" then
                                --generate the registry Flag
				internal_regChannel <= internal_regChannel(0) & i_w;
			else if i_start = '1' and internal_counter >= "00010" then 
                                --generate the memory Address
				internal_memAddress <= internal_memAddress(14 downto 0) & i_w;
				end if;
			end if;
			if i_start = '0' and internal_counter > "00000" then
                                --memory address is safe to output
				o_mem_addr <= internal_memAddress;
			end if;
			if internal_done = '1' then
				internal_memAddress <= (others => '0');
				internal_regChannel <= (others => '0');
			end if;
		end if;
	   end if;
	end process;
	REG_BANK: process(i_clk)
		if i_rst = '1' then
		internal_regValue0 <= (others => '0');
		internal_regValue1 <= (others => '0');
		internal_regValue2 <= (others => '0');
		internal_regValue3 <= (others => '0');
		if internal_counter = "10100" then
			case internal_regChannel is
				when "00" =>
					internal_regValue0 <= i_mem_data;
				when "01" =>
					internal_regValue1 <= i_mem_data;
				when "10" =>
					internal_regValue2 <= i_mem_data;
				when "11" =>
					internal_regValue3 <= i_mem_data;
				when others =>
                                    --placeholder; others condition can never occur
				    internal_regValue0 <= i_mem_data;
			end case;
		end if;

	end if;
	end process;

	o_done <= internal_done;
end rtl;

However, when synthesizing the project, Vivado signals 6 inferred latches on all the signals, except for the one used by the W_FILTER process, internal_regChannel and internal_memAddress.

WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'internal_done_reg' [C:/.../project.vhd:57]
WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'internal_regValue0_reg' [C:/.../project.vhd:114]
WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'internal_regValue1_reg' [C:/.../project.vhd:115]
WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'internal_regValue2_reg' [C:/.../project.vhd:116]
WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'internal_regValue3_reg' [C:/.../project.vhd:117]
WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'internal_counter_reg' [C:/.../project.vhd:56]

I tried looking at the lines of code listed in the warnings, and I tried to follow what little guidance I could find online, but I still fail to understand what I should be doing to fix this issue.


得分: 2

To properly synthesize clocked registers, make the process sensitive to the rising clock edge. You don't have this issue for the second process because there you use i_clk = '1' and i_clk'event.

But in the first process you use:

    if i_clk = '1' and i_start = '1' then

Change it to

elsif i_clk = '1' and i_clk'event then
    if i_start = '1' then

or better

elsif rising_edge(i_clk) then
    if i_start = '1' then



To properly synthesize clocked registers, make the process sensitive to the rising clock edge. You don't have this issue for the second process because there you use i_clk = '1' and i_clk'event.

But in the first process you use:

> else
> if i_clk = '1' and i_start = '1' then

Change it to

elsif i_clk = '1' and i_clk'event then
    if i_start = '1' then

or better

elsif rising_edge(i_clk) then
    if i_start = '1' then


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月10日 20:04:06
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