reusable textformfield getting all textformfields active
I understand your issue. To make the TextFormField active only when you tap or touch its area, you can set the autovalidateMode
to AutovalidateMode.disabled
for the TextFormField widgets you don't want to activate automatically. Here's how you can modify your code:
In your login_page.dart
, for the "Password" TextFormField, add autovalidateMode
as follows:
controller: _userPassword,
isPassword: true,
hintText: "Password",
hintStyle: CustomTextStyle.reusableTextStyle(
customColor: const Color(0xFF999EA1),
customFontSize: 14,
customFontWeight: FontWeight.w600),
borderColor: const Color(0xFFCDD1E0),
colorFilled: _color,
suffixIcon: Icons.remove_red_eye,
textFieldFocus: _textFieldFocus,
autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.disabled, // Add this line
This will prevent the "Password" TextFormField from getting activated automatically when you tap the "Email Address" TextFormField. Make sure to apply this change only to the specific TextFormField widgets you want to control in this way.
I have created a reusable textformfield. Which I can call at any file. However I do have a problem.
If I tap on the TextFormField of "Email Address" the TextFormField of "Password" is getting active too.
Here is the class based function that I am calling in my Stateful Widget.
// whenever I tap to input a email on this textformfield, it actives the textformfield
// of the userPassword as well.
controller: _userEmail,
hintText: "Email Address",
hintStyle: CustomTextStyle.reusableTextStyle(
customColor: const Color(0xFF999EA1),
customFontSize: 14,
customFontWeight: FontWeight.w600),
borderColor: const Color(0xFFCDD1E0),
colorFilled: _color,
textFieldFocus: _textFieldFocus,
const SizedBox(
height: 12,
controller: _userPassword,
isPassword: true,
hintText: "Password",
hintStyle: CustomTextStyle.reusableTextStyle(
customColor: const Color(0xFF999EA1),
customFontSize: 14,
customFontWeight: FontWeight.w600),
borderColor: const Color(0xFFCDD1E0),
colorFilled: _color,
suffixIcon: Icons.remove_red_eye,
textFieldFocus: _textFieldFocus,
This is my reusable textformfield's declaration and implementation.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class FormFields {
static textFormFieldWidget({
TextEditingController? controller,
String? hintText,
String? helpText,
IconData? prefixIcon,
IconData? suffixIcon,
bool? isPassword,
bool? enabled,
bool? readOnly,
Color? borderColor,
Color? borderSide,
Color? colorFilled,
FocusNode? textFieldFocus,
TextStyle? hintStyle,
}) {
return TextFormField(
autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.onUserInteraction,
controller: controller,
readOnly: readOnly == null ? false : true,
obscureText: isPassword == null ? false : true,
decoration: InputDecoration(
fillColor: colorFilled,
filled: true,
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: borderSide ?? const Color(0xFF6949FF),
width: 1.15
enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: borderSide ?? const Color(0xFFCDD1E0),
width: 1.15,
// dont forget this line
hintText: hintText ?? '',
hintStyle: hintStyle ?? TextStyle(),
helperText: helpText ?? '',
prefixIcon: null == prefixIcon ? null : Icon(prefixIcon),
suffix: null == suffixIcon ? null : Icon(suffixIcon),
enabled: null == enabled ? true : false,
focusNode: textFieldFocus,
textAlignVertical: TextAlignVertical.center,
I only want to make the textformfield active if I tap it or touch its area, not activate all textformfields.
得分: 0
Your two textfields
have the same FocusNode
, _textFieldFocus
Give them two different FocusNodes