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Can I Use Telnet to Verify What Kind of Service a Port on a Different Host Is Running?


使用Ubuntu 22.04在我的笔记本上,我有不同机器的套接字地址192.168.38.201:8080。当我通过终端使用telnet登录时,似乎有效,屏幕上会出现以下信息:

$ telnet 8080
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> display




Using Ubuntu 22.04 on my laptop, and I have the socket address of a different machine. When I log in via telnet on my terminal, it does seem to work, as in a screen appears saying this

$ telnet 8080
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> display

But what kind of conclusion can I draw from this? That I have firewall access to that specific port, and some service (which may be http, SSH, redis etc.) is running on that port? Once I connect, can I query anything more, like what kind of service is running, what protocol it supports etc.?

If the telnet-ing fails, can I conclude either no service is running or I do not have firewall access?


得分: 1



它主要用作与基于文本的远程服务进行双向通信的便利工具 - 而不是安全工具。

您基本上想要使用诸如nmap(应该在任何主要的GNU / Linux发行版中作为软件包提供)之类的工具来进行任何类型的“询问”操作。

它有很多选项,但您可以在线找到一些不错的使用指南 - 例如https://phoenixnap.com/kb/nmap-commands或https://www.stationx.net/nmap-cheat-sheet/

回答您的“如果telnet失败” - 这涉及到“它是如何失败的?”的问题。


  • telnet使用TCP协议 - 因此,它对UDP / ICMP或其他协议一无所知。
  • 您的防火墙可能只允许单向通信。虽然这通常会导致telnet“失败” - 但您的防火墙可能配置得如此糟糕,以至于它将允许建立TCP连接所需的所有控制数据包,但仍然不允许发送任何数据。
  • 您连接的服务可能不支持任何输入和/或输出








由于您在问题中使用了私有IP地址,请注意,您应该真正使用类似于nmap的工具来针对您的公共IP地址运行 - 并且来自您网络之外的计算机。



All that telnet does is that it opens a connection to that port and tries to establish an "interactive session" - in the way that everything that you type will be sent the remote host and that everything the remote host replies will be echo'ed back to you.

It is primarily intended as a convenience tool for bi-directional communication with a text-based remote service - and NOT a security tool.

You pretty much want to use a tool such as nmap (that should be availabe as a package in any major GNU / Linux distribution) for any kind of "inquisitative" questions.

It has quite a lot of options, but you can find several decent guides on how to use it online - for instance https://phoenixnap.com/kb/nmap-commands or https://www.stationx.net/nmap-cheat-sheet/

To answer your "If the telnet-ing fails" - this leads to the issue of "how did it fail?".

Because there might be several different ways how it might "fail" that may not be obvious:

  • telnet uses the TCP protocol - so it tells you nothing about UDP / ICMP or other protocols.
  • Your firewall may only allow traffic in one direction. And while this would normally cause telnet to "fail" - your firewall could possibly misconfigured so badly that it would allow all of those control packets that are required for a TCP connection to be established - but still not allow any data being sent.
  • The service that you connected to may not support any input and/or output

To give you a little bit more background: TCP is just one of the many protocols that are implemented on top of IP - or "the internet" as it's generally perceived.

TCP is a stateful, connection-based protocol.

UDP is stateless and connection-less. Several core services use UDP, such as for instance DNS.

Security oriented tools such as nmap have been designed to do their best to figure out what exactly is going on. But there are many things that could cause telnet to "fail".

Historically, telnet was used prior to the wide-spread adoption of encrypted shells such as ssh; you'd use telnet to get an interactive command prompt at a remote computer. But oftentimes, it already failed miserably when the two couldn't agree on a common character set.

It was never meant to handle any binary data either.

So basically, if telnet succeeds, then a bi-directional text-based communication channel could be established. If it doesn't succeed, nothing else can reliably be assumed.

Since you're using a private IP address in your question - please be aware that you should really run a tool such as nmap against your public IP address - and from a machine outside your network.

You could, for instance use the Free Tier of a Cloud Provider such as Amazon AWS to deploy a very basic image of something like Debian or Alpine to run the nmap against your public IP from the "outside".

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月10日 16:17:55
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76216281.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
