
huangapple go评论58阅读模式

What's the correct HTML markup to use for headers for groups of table rows?





      <th colspan="3">Group 1</th>
      <th colspan="3">Group 2</th>
      <th colspan="3">Group 3</th>



I have a single table with rows that are grouped, and there should be a header above each group. What is the correct markup for this when it comes to semantics and accessibility?

I'm aware of the scope attribute for &lt;th&gt; elements, and I'm thinking the rowgroup and colgroup might be related to this, but I don't understand how to actually apply it properly, or whether the &lt;td&gt; or &lt;tbody&gt; elements need some attributes applied to them as well.

Here is an example table, without any accessibility attributes:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: false babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-css -->

table { border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center }
thead { background: #ccc }
th, td { padding: 0.25em 0.5em; border: 1px solid #ddd }
tbody th { background: #eee }

<!-- language: lang-html -->

      &lt;th colspan=&quot;3&quot;&gt;Group 1&lt;/th&gt;
      &lt;th colspan=&quot;3&quot;&gt;Gruppe 2&lt;/th&gt;
      &lt;th colspan=&quot;3&quot;&gt;Gruppe 3&lt;/th&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 3



row group”状态意味着标题单元格适用于行组中所有其余单元格。如果th元素的scope属性不是锚定在行组中的,则不得处于行组状态。



    <th colspan="3" scope="rowgroup">Group 2</th>




  • Firefox 112不会在可访问树中公开行组,但会公开<th>rowheader。NVDA 2023.1然后不会宣布它。


  <caption>Table for testing row group headings</caption>
      <th colspan="3" scope="rowgroup">Group 1</th>
      <th colspan="3" scope="rowgroup">Group 2</th>

scope=&quot;rowgroup&quot; would be the correct markup.

You already did a great job and used several &lt;tbody&gt; elements to group rows.

Don’t forget that a table also needs an accessible name, which you can provide by means of aria-label or &lt;caption&gt;.

The HTML Spec mentions for rowgroup:

> The row group state means the header cell applies to all the remaining cells in the row group. A th element's scope attribute must not be in the row group state if the element is not anchored in a row group.

So how exactly does one mark up a row group?

ARIA in HTML mentions that the the default element for the rowgroup role is &lt;tbody&gt;, as it’s already used in the question.

      &lt;th colspan=&quot;3&quot; scope=&quot;rowgroup&quot;&gt;Group 2&lt;/th&gt;

The row group concept in the HTML specification further mentions that also &lt;thead&gt; and &lt;tfoot&gt; establish such row groups.

The next question, then, is how browsers and screen readers actually expose this rowgroup. For concepts like section roles, the boundaries are announced, so when you navigate inside a new group, its name is announced. rowgroup is derived from section, so this behaviour would seem appropriate as well.

I doubt that a lot of screen readers actually announce this. I will look into this, if anybody has results to share already, that would be great.

  • Firefox 112 does not expose the row group in the accessibility tree, but the rowheader for the &lt;th&gt;. NVDA 2023.1 then does not announce it.

Here’s a sandbox for testing:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-html -->

  &lt;caption&gt;Table for testing row group headings&lt;/caption&gt;
      &lt;th colspan=&quot;3&quot; scope=&quot;rowgroup&quot;&gt;Group 1&lt;/th&gt;
      &lt;th colspan=&quot;3&quot; scope=&quot;rowgroup&quot;&gt;Group 2&lt;/th&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 1

你已经将数据分成了带有 tbody 元素的行组

th 元素上使用 scope="rowgroup",以仅将该标题应用于同一行组中剩余的数据。

或者(作为非常详细的替代方法),通过在数据单元格的 headers 属性 中列出每个标题的 ID,明确将标题与数据单元格关联

行组标题适用于同一行组中的所有剩余数据单元格,其中“剩余”意味着:其插槽的 x 和 y 坐标大于或等于标题插槽的坐标。

或者换句话说:所有属于标题单元格和行组的“最高”插槽(其中“最高”意味着:最高的 x 和 y 坐标)所限定的矩形中的单元格;行组的位于右下角的插槽(从左到右、从上到下的书写方向)。

HTML 规范的第 4.9.10 节 - th 元素包含一个说明哪些标题适用于哪些插槽的注释,包括行组标题。供视觉参考,请查看亮绿色的分支箭头



<!-- begin snippet: js hide: true console: true babel: false -->
<!-- language: lang-js -->
const table = document.querySelector("table");
table.addEventListener("click", evt => {
  const header = evt.target.closest("th");
  if (!header) return;
  const headerCoordinates = getCoordinatesOf(header);
  // 特定于此表格
  const isColumnHeader = headerCoordinates.y === 0;  
  const isRowHeader = !isColumnHeader && headerCoordinates.x === 1;
  const isRowGroupHeader = header.getAttribute("scope") === "rowgroup";
  for (let row of table.rows) {
    for (let cell of row.cells) {
      const cellCoordinates = getCoordinatesOf(cell);
      const followsColumnHeader = isColumnHeader && cellCoordinates.x === headerCoordinates.x
        && cellCoordinates.y >= headerCoordinates.y;
      const followsRowHeader = isRowHeader && cellCoordinates.y === headerCoordinates.y
        && cellCoordinates.x >= headerCoordinates.x;
      // 特定于此表格
      const hasSameRowGroup = cell.closest("tbody") === header.closest("tbody");
      const followsHeader = cellCoordinates.x >= headerCoordinates.x
        && cellCoordinates.y >= headerCoordinates.y;
      const followsRowGroupHeader = hasSameRowGroup && isRowGroupHeader && followsHeader;
      const shouldHighlight = followsColumnHeader || followsRowHeader || followsRowGroupHeader;
      cell.classList.toggle("highlight", shouldHighlight);
      cell.classList.toggle("rowgroup", followsRowGroupHeader);
      cell.classList.toggle("column", !followsRowGroupHeader && followsColumnHeader);
      cell.classList.toggle("row", !followsRowGroupHeader && followsRowHeader);

function getCoordinatesOf(cell) {
  return {
    x: cell.cellIndex,
    y: Array.from(cell.closest("table").rows).indexOf(cell.parentElement)

// 允许键盘交互
for (let row of table.rows) {
  for (let cell of row.cells) {
    if (cell.tagName !== "TH") continue;
    cell.tabIndex = 0;
table.addEventListener("keydown", evt => {
  if (evt.code === "Enter") evt.target.click();
table.addEventListener("keyup", evt => {
  if (evt.code === "Space") evt.target.click();
<!-- language: lang-css -->
th, td {
  border: 1px solid black;
  font-size: large;
  font-family: sans-serif;
th {cursor: default}

.highlight.column {background-color: orange}
.highlight.rowgroup {background-color: lightgreen}
.highlight.row {background-color: aquamarine}
<!-- language: lang-html -->
  <tr> <th> ID <th> Measurement <th> Average <th> Maximum
  <tr> <td> <th scope=rowgroup> Cats <td> <td>
  <tr> <td> 93 <th> Legs <td> 3.5 <td> 4
  <tr> <td> 10 <th> Tails <td> 1 <td> 1
  <tr> <td> <th scope=rowgroup> English speakers <td> <td>
  <tr> <td> 32 <th> Legs <td> 2.67 <td> 4
  <tr> <td> 35 <th> Tails <td> 0.33 <td> 1
<!-- end snippet -->

You have divided the data into row groups with tbody elements.

Use scope=&quot;rowgroup&quot; on the th element to apply that header only to the remaining data of the same row group.

Or (as very verbose alternative), explicitly associate headers to data cells by listing each header by its ID in the data cell's headers attribute.

Row group headers apply to all remaining data cells in the same row group, where "remaining" means: The cells whose slots' x- and y-coordinates are greater than or equal to the header's slots'.

Or in other words: All cells that are part of the rectangle bounding the header cell and the row group's 'highest' slot (where 'highest' means: hightest x- and y-coordinate); the row group's slot in the bottom-right corner (in left-to-right top-to-bottom writing direction).

Section 4.9.10 The th element of the HTML specification contains a note showing which headers apply to which slots, including row group headers. For visual reference, see the bright-green branching arrows:


Or see this interactive table which highlights all affected cells for a clicked header:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: true console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

const table = document.querySelector(&quot;table&quot;);
table.addEventListener(&quot;click&quot;, evt =&gt; {
const header = evt.target.closest(&quot;th&quot;);
if (!header) return;
const headerCoordinates = getCoordinatesOf(header);
// Specific to this table
const isColumnHeader = headerCoordinates.y === 0;  
const isRowHeader = !isColumnHeader &amp;&amp; headerCoordinates.x === 1;
const isRowGroupHeader = header.getAttribute(&quot;scope&quot;) === &quot;rowgroup&quot;;
for (let row of table.rows) {
for (let cell of row.cells) {
const cellCoordinates = getCoordinatesOf(cell);
const followsColumnHeader = isColumnHeader &amp;&amp; cellCoordinates.x === headerCoordinates.x
&amp;&amp; cellCoordinates.y &gt;= headerCoordinates.y;
const followsRowHeader = isRowHeader &amp;&amp; cellCoordinates.y === headerCoordinates.y
&amp;&amp; cellCoordinates.x &gt;= headerCoordinates.x;
// Specific to this table
const hasSameRowGroup = cell.closest(&quot;tbody&quot;) === header.closest(&quot;tbody&quot;);
const followsHeader = cellCoordinates.x &gt;= headerCoordinates.x
&amp;&amp; cellCoordinates.y &gt;= headerCoordinates.y;
const followsRowGroupHeader = hasSameRowGroup &amp;&amp; isRowGroupHeader &amp;&amp; followsHeader;
const shouldHighlight = followsColumnHeader || followsRowHeader || followsRowGroupHeader;
cell.classList.toggle(&quot;highlight&quot;, shouldHighlight);
cell.classList.toggle(&quot;rowgroup&quot;, followsRowGroupHeader);
cell.classList.toggle(&quot;column&quot;, !followsRowGroupHeader &amp;&amp; followsColumnHeader);
cell.classList.toggle(&quot;row&quot;, !followsRowGroupHeader &amp;&amp; followsRowHeader);
function getCoordinatesOf(cell) {
return {
x: cell.cellIndex,
y: Array.from(cell.closest(&quot;table&quot;).rows).indexOf(cell.parentElement)
// Allow keyboard interaction
for (let row of table.rows) {
for (let cell of row.cells) {
if (cell.tagName !== &quot;TH&quot;) continue;
cell.tabIndex = 0;
table.addEventListener(&quot;keydown&quot;, evt =&gt; {
if (evt.code === &quot;Enter&quot;) evt.target.click();
table.addEventListener(&quot;keyup&quot;, evt =&gt; {
if (evt.code === &quot;Space&quot;) evt.target.click();

<!-- language: lang-css -->

th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
font-size: large;
font-family: sans-serif;
th {cursor: default}
.highlight.column {background-color: orange}
.highlight.rowgroup {background-color: lightgreen}
.highlight.row {background-color: aquamarine}

<!-- language: lang-html -->

&lt;tr&gt; &lt;th&gt; ID &lt;th&gt; Measurement &lt;th&gt; Average &lt;th&gt; Maximum
&lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt; &lt;th scope=rowgroup&gt; Cats &lt;td&gt; &lt;td&gt;
&lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt; 93 &lt;th&gt; Legs &lt;td&gt; 3.5 &lt;td&gt; 4
&lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt; 10 &lt;th&gt; Tails &lt;td&gt; 1 &lt;td&gt; 1
&lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt; &lt;th scope=rowgroup&gt; English speakers &lt;td&gt; &lt;td&gt;
&lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt; 32 &lt;th&gt; Legs &lt;td&gt; 2.67 &lt;td&gt; 4
&lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt; 35 &lt;th&gt; Tails &lt;td&gt; 0.33 &lt;td&gt; 1

<!-- end snippet -->

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月10日 14:57:22
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76215673.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
