返回按钮不触发带有位置作为依赖项的 useEffect。

huangapple go评论87阅读模式

Back Button doesn't fire useEffect with location as dependency


On pressing back button of browser the useEffect doesn't fire although the location is being changed. Redirecting url using window.open() doesn't fire a change in this useEffect once I press back button and return to page from where I was redirected.

  1. const location = useLocation();
  2. useEffect(() => {
  3. // something that needs to run when there is a change in url
  4. }, [location.pathname])
  5. window.open(someUrl,"_self");

Things happening after window.open

  1. I am using SAML method to authenticate hence it redirects to a 3rd party server on logout
  2. Multiple redirects happen once 3rd party receives the logout request
  3. Once the logout is successful, I am redirected to my site from the server.

On pressing back button of browser the useEffect doesn't fire although the location is being changed. Redirecting url using window.open() doesn't fire a change in this useEffect once I press back button and return to page from where I was redirected.

  1. const location = useLocation();
  2. useEffect(() => {
  3. // something that needs to run when there is a change in url
  4. }, [location.pathname])
  5. window.open(someUrl,"_self");

Things happening after window.open

  1. I am using SAML method to authenticate hence it redirects to a 3rd party server on logout
  2. Multiple redirects happen once 3rd party receives the logout request
  3. Once the logout is successful, I am redirected to my site from the server.


得分: 2


  1. export interface Path {
  2. pathname: string;
  3. search: string;
  4. hash: string;
  5. }
  6. export interface Location extends Path {
  7. state: any;
  8. key: string;
  9. }


  1. const location = useLocation();
  2. useEffect(() => {
  3. // 需要在URL路径变化时运行的一些操作
  4. }, [location.pathname]);


  1. const { pathname } = useLocation();
  2. useEffect(() => {
  3. // 需要在URL路径变化时运行的一些操作
  4. }, [pathname]);


返回按钮不触发带有位置作为依赖项的 useEffect。

  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. The `useLocation` hook returns a `Location` object with the following interface ([source][1]):
  4. ```typescript
  5. export interface Path {
  6. pathname: string;
  7. search: string;
  8. hash: string;
  9. }
  10. export interface Location extends Path {
  11. state: any;
  12. key: string;
  13. }

There is no path property. The useEffect hook should use location.pathname as the dependency.

  1. const location = useLocation();
  2. useEffect(() =&gt; {
  3. // something that needs to run when there is a change in url path
  4. }, [location.pathname]);


  1. const { pathname } = useLocation();
  2. useEffect(() =&gt; {
  3. // something that needs to run when there is a change in url path
  4. }, [pathname]);


返回按钮不触发带有位置作为依赖项的 useEffect。

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月10日 13:33:12
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76215183.html



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