
huangapple go评论50阅读模式

How do I message an end user that they are entering the wrong input and/or format without getting an Exception/Crash?


Here's the translated content:

“Eclipse IDE for Java Developers(包括孵化组件)版本:2023-03(4.27.0)”
[使用Java进行编程简介](https://math.hws.edu/javanotes/c3/s5.html) 第3.5.3节




	at java.base/java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Scanner.java:939)
	at java.base/java.util.Scanner.next(Scanner.java:1594)
	at java.base/java.util.Scanner.nextDouble(Scanner.java:2564)
	at UnitConversionTextBook.main(UnitConversionTextBook.java:22)”**


import java.util.Scanner;

public class UnitConversionTextBook {
public static void main(String[] args) {
	String units; 
	double measurement; 
	double inches, feet, yards, miles; 
				+ "以英寸、英尺、码或英里输入测量值。\n"
				+ "一些示例:1英寸或17英尺或2.73英里\n"
				+ "您可以使用缩写:in ft yd mi\n"
                + "在输入测量值后,请按回车键。\n"
				+ "我还会将您的输入转换为其他度量单位。\n"
				+ "");
		while (true) {
		Scanner stdio = new Scanner(System.in);
		measurement = stdio.nextDouble();
		units = stdio.next();
		units = units.toLowerCase();
		if (measurement == 0) {
		if (units.equals("inch") || units.equals("inches")|| units.equals("in")) {
		inches = measurement;
		else if (units.equals("foot") || units.equals("feet")|| units.equals("ft")) {
		inches = measurement * 12;
		else if (units.equals("yard") || units.equals("yards")|| units.equals("yd")) {
		inches = measurement * 36;
		else if (units.equals("mile") || units.equals("miles")|| units.equals("mi")) {
		inches = measurement * 12 * 5280;
		else {
                System.out.println("抱歉,我不明白\"" + units + "\"。");
		feet = inches / 12;
		yards = inches / 36;
		miles = inches / (12*5280);
			+ "相当于:\n"
			+ "%14.5g英寸\n"
			+ "%14.5g英尺\n"
			+ "%14.5g码\n"
			+ "%14.5g英里\n"
			+ "", inches, feet, yards, miles);



Please note that the code and text contain HTML-encoded characters like `"`, which are used for double quotes. If you need assistance with any specific part of the translation or have further questions, feel free to ask.


&quot;Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (includes Incubating components) Version: 2023-03 (4.27.0)&quot;
[Intro to Programming using Java](https://math.hws.edu/javanotes/c3/s5.html) Section 3.5.3

Sorry for the very long post. This is my first post anywhere about programming. Thanks for any help! I would appreciate any other recommendations if this book is not a good one to learn java from.

The below is from the above online textbook that I am using to try an learn Java. I have issues with Exceptions in the program. For Example: Once running the program, everything seems to be working fine until I enter a format that the program does not expect. I want it to skip to &quot;else&quot; and print the message if an incorrect format is entered, but for some reason it just Excepts out. The end user is suppose to enter something like &quot;56 inches&quot; or &quot;156 feet&quot; so that it can be converted and display in multiple different units, but if I just enter &quot;inches&quot; it gives me the blow exception because I skipped the measurement variable. 

How do I make this program output a reasonable message to the end user, if they are entering the incorrect format that afterwards places them back at the input directions?

**&quot;Enter your measurement, or 0 to end: inches
Exception in thread &quot;main&quot; java.util.InputMismatchException
	at java.base/java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Scanner.java:939)
	at java.base/java.util.Scanner.next(Scanner.java:1594)
	at java.base/java.util.Scanner.nextDouble(Scanner.java:2564)
	at UnitConversionTextBook.main(UnitConversionTextBook.java:22)&quot;**


import java.util.Scanner;

public class UnitConversionTextBook {
public static void main(String[] args) {
	String units; 
	double measurement; 
	double inches, feet, yards, miles; 
				Enter measurements in inches, feet, yards, or miles.
				Some examples: 1 inch or 17 feet or 2.73 miles
				You can use the abbreviations: in ft yd mi
                Please press enter after typing your measurement.
				I will also convert your input into the other units
				of measurements.
		while (true) {
		System.out.print(&quot;Enter your measurement, or 0 to end: &quot;);
		Scanner stdio = new Scanner(System.in);
		measurement = stdio.nextDouble();
		units = stdio.next();
		units = units.toLowerCase();
		if (measurement == 0) {
		if (units.equals(&quot;inch&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;inches&quot;)|| units.equals(&quot;in&quot;)) {
		inches = measurement;
		else if (units.equals(&quot;foot&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;feet&quot;)|| units.equals(&quot;ft&quot;)) {
		inches = measurement * 12;
		else if (units.equals(&quot;yard&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;yards&quot;)|| units.equals(&quot;yd&quot;)) {
		inches = measurement * 36;
		else if (units.equals(&quot;mile&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;miles&quot;)|| units.equals(&quot;mi&quot;)) {
		inches = measurement * 12 * 5280;
		else {
                System.out.println(&quot;Sorry, but I don’t understand \&quot;&quot;
		+ units + &quot;\&quot;.&quot;);
		feet = inches / 12;
		yards = inches / 36;
		miles = inches / (12*5280);
			That’s equivalent to:
			%14.5g inches
			%14.5g feet
			%14.5g yards
			%14.5g miles
			&quot;&quot;&quot;, inches, feet, yards, miles);

I have tried entering parameters into the while statement, other silly attempts, but I am just starting out so it is pretty pointless to share. I would like for something to work like

if end user does not enter numerical measurement first followed by unit measurement type then
message user they are not following directions and to please enter the input with the correct format that has been reasonably dictated.

first input should be a double(measurement)
second input should be string(unit)
the way this book codes it is they are both to be inputted on the same line followed by pressing the enter key.


得分: 1

Way 1: 高级别修复方法有两种


import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class UnitConversionTextBook {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String units;
        double measurement;
        double inches, feet, yards, miles;

                "Enter measurements in inches, feet, yards, or miles. Some examples: 1 inch or 17 feet or 2.73 miles. You can use the abbreviations: in ft yd mi. Please press enter after typing your measurement. I will also convert your input into the other units of measurements.");

        while (true) {

            try {
                System.out.print("Enter your measurement, or 0 to end: ");
                Scanner stdio = new Scanner(System.in);
                measurement = stdio.nextDouble();
                units = stdio.next();
                units = units.toLowerCase();

                if (measurement == 0) {
                if (units.equals("inch") || units.equals("inches") || units.equals("in")) {
                    inches = measurement;
                } else if (units.equals("foot") || units.equals("feet") || units.equals("ft")) {
                    inches = measurement * 12;
                } else if (units.equals("yard") || units.equals("yards") || units.equals("yd")) {
                    inches = measurement * 36;
                } else if (units.equals("mile") || units.equals("miles") || units.equals("mi")) {
                    inches = measurement * 12 * 5280;
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Sorry, but I don’t understand \"" + units + "\".");

                feet = inches / 12;
                yards = inches / 36;
                miles = inches / (12 * 5280);

                System.out.printf("That’s equivalent to: %14.5g inches %14.5g feet %14.5g yards %14.5g miles", inches,
                        feet, yards, miles);

            } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                System.out.println("Please read instructions again and retry");




public class UnitConversionTextBook {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String units;
        double measurement = 0;
        double inches, feet, yards, miles;

                "Enter measurements in inches, feet, yards, or miles. Some examples: 1 inch or 17 feet or 2.73 miles. You can use the abbreviations: in ft yd mi. Please press enter after typing your measurement. I will also convert your input into the other units of measurements.");

        while (true) {

            System.out.print("Enter your measurement, or 0 to end: ");
            Scanner stdio = new Scanner(System.in);
            try {

                measurement = stdio.nextDouble();
            } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                System.out.println("Please read instructions again and retry");
            units = stdio.next();
            units = units.toLowerCase();

            if (measurement == 0) {
            if (units.equals("inch") || units.equals("inches") || units.equals("in")) {
                inches = measurement;
            } else if (units.equals("foot") || units.equals("feet") || units.equals("ft")) {
                inches = measurement * 12;
            } else if (units.equals("yard") || units.equals("yards") || units.equals("yd")) {
                inches = measurement * 36;
            } else if (units.equals("mile") || units.equals("miles") || units.equals("mi")) {
                inches = measurement * 12 * 5280;
            } else {
                System.out.println("Sorry, but I don’t understand \"" + units + "\".");

            feet = inches / 12;
            yards = inches / 36;
            miles = inches / (12 * 5280);

            System.out.printf("That’s equivalent to: %14.5g inches %14.5g feet %14.5g yards %14.5g miles", inches,
                    feet, yards, miles);




There are two ways at high level to fix this

Way 1: You need to wrap your logic inside a try-catch. Here it needs the InputMismatchException handling as you are expecting double but it is coming as something else you may have other scenarios as well where you can make it multi-catch.

import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class UnitConversionTextBook {
public static void main(String[] args) {

	String units;
double measurement;
double inches, feet, yards, miles;
&quot;Enter measurements in inches, feet, yards, or miles.Some examples: 1 inch or 17 feet or 2.73 miles You can use the abbreviations: in ft yd mi Please press enter after typing your measurement.  I will also convert your input into the other units of measurements.&quot;);
while (true) {
try {
System.out.print(&quot;Enter your measurement, or 0 to end: &quot;);
Scanner stdio = new Scanner(System.in);
measurement = stdio.nextDouble();
units = stdio.next();
units = units.toLowerCase();
if (measurement == 0) {
if (units.equals(&quot;inch&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;inches&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;in&quot;)) {
inches = measurement;
} else if (units.equals(&quot;foot&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;feet&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;ft&quot;)) {
inches = measurement * 12;
} else if (units.equals(&quot;yard&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;yards&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;yd&quot;)) {
inches = measurement * 36;
} else if (units.equals(&quot;mile&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;miles&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;mi&quot;)) {
inches = measurement * 12 * 5280;
} else {
System.out.println(&quot;Sorry, but I don’t understand \&quot;&quot; + units + &quot;\&quot;.&quot;);
feet = inches / 12;
yards = inches / 36;
miles = inches / (12 * 5280);
System.out.printf(&quot;That’s equivalent to: %14.5g inches %14.5g feet %14.5g yards %14.5g miles&quot;, inches,
feet, yards, miles);
} catch (InputMismatchException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println(&quot;Please read instructions again and retry&quot;);


Way 2:
Wrap only double reading code in try - catch
But remember to initilize a value to local variable

public class UnitConversionTextBook {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String units;
double measurement=0;
double inches, feet, yards, miles;
&quot;Enter measurements in inches, feet, yards, or miles.Some examples: 1 inch or 17 feet or 2.73 miles You can use the abbreviations: in ft yd mi Please press enter after typing your measurement.  I will also convert your input into the other units of measurements.&quot;);
while (true) {
System.out.print(&quot;Enter your measurement, or 0 to end: &quot;);
Scanner stdio = new Scanner(System.in);
try {
measurement = stdio.nextDouble();
} catch (InputMismatchException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println(&quot;Please read instructions again and retry&quot;);
units = stdio.next();
units = units.toLowerCase();
if (measurement == 0) {
if (units.equals(&quot;inch&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;inches&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;in&quot;)) {
inches = measurement;
} else if (units.equals(&quot;foot&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;feet&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;ft&quot;)) {
inches = measurement * 12;
} else if (units.equals(&quot;yard&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;yards&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;yd&quot;)) {
inches = measurement * 36;
} else if (units.equals(&quot;mile&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;miles&quot;) || units.equals(&quot;mi&quot;)) {
inches = measurement * 12 * 5280;
} else {
System.out.println(&quot;Sorry, but I don’t understand \&quot;&quot; + units + &quot;\&quot;.&quot;);
feet = inches / 12;
yards = inches / 36;
miles = inches / (12 * 5280);
System.out.printf(&quot;That’s equivalent to: %14.5g inches %14.5g feet %14.5g yards %14.5g miles&quot;, inches,
feet, yards, miles);


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月7日 13:43:29
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76192362.html



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