Lock correctness with compiler optimizations (C / gcc)

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Lock correctness with compiler optimizations (C / gcc)


When discussing concurrency with my professor, he mentioned that potential compiler optimizations around locks (re-ordering instructions, optimizing accesses, etc.), like pthread_mutex_lock() could cause problems. The reason this doesn’t occur (according to him) is that the compiler has to treat function calls like a black box and is unable to optimize accesses or re-order around it, as it does not know what the function may do to global state. He said that if you turn on something like link-time optimization, gcc -flto, you may find that your locks suddenly stop working.

他提到,当讨论并发性时,他的教授提到锁周围的潜在编译器优化(重新排序指令,优化访问等),例如pthread_mutex_lock()可能会导致问题。这种情况之所以不会发生(根据他的说法),是因为编译器必须将函数调用视为黑盒子,无法优化访问或在其周围重新排序,因为它不知道函数可能对全局状态做什么。他说,如果你打开类似链接时优化的东西,gcc -flto,你可能会发现你的锁突然停止工作。

He is a fairly reputable source, an old-school GNU guy who developed a lot of GNU core-utils and has even worked on gcc, but I am left wondering how this can be true, when the compiler is able to optimize things like memcpy to a single instruction, effectively looking across module boundaries without link-time optimization. Could it not then do the same to something like pthread_mutex_lock() and optimize accesses around it?


If this is true and the compiler can peer into the pthread_mutex_lock() function and sees it does not alter a certain variable, so it optimizes accesses, could this affect correctness, and if so how can such a core function be left so vulnerable to the possibility of not working correctly? Does this mean there has to be some other method employed to tell the compiler not to optimize accesses to these variables, such as the volatile construct? This gets even trickier when considering static locks that are module-specific, since a function defined in a different module could not possibly access it.



When discussing concurrency with my professor, he mentioned that potential compiler optimizations around locks (re-ordering instructions, optimizing accesses, etc.), like pthread_mutex_lock() could cause problems. The reason this doesn’t occur (according to him) is that the compiler has to treat function calls like a black box and is unable to optimize accesses or re-order around it, as it does not know what the function may do to global state. He said that if you turn on something like link-time optimization, gcc -flto, you may find that your locks suddenly stop working.

He is a fairly reputable source, an old-school GNU guy who developed a lot of GNU core-utils and has even worked on gcc, but I am left wondering how this can be true, when the compiler is able to optimize things like memcpy to a single instruction, effectively looking across module boundaries without link-time optimization. Could it not then do the same to something like pthread_mutex_lock() and optimize accesses around it?

If this is true and the compiler can peer into the pthread_mutex_lock() function and sees it does not alter a certain variable, so it optimizes accesses, could this affect correctness, and if so how can such a core function be left so vulnerable to the possibility of not working correctly? Does this mean there has to be some other method employed to tell the compiler not to optimize accesses to these variables, such as the volatile construct? This gets even trickier when considering static locks that are module-specific, since a function defined in a different module could not possibly access it.


得分: 4

Here are the translated parts of your text:

The reason this doesn’t occur (according to him) is that the compiler has to treat function calls like a black box and is unable to optimize accesses or re-order around it,


That's one reason, certainly.


Another reason that it might not occur specifically with the GNU toolchain is that GNU's link-time optimization applies only to functions that are compiled with the -flto option, and therefore carry with them additional information on which the optimization relies. All one needs to prevent GCC's link-time optimization from messing with pthread_mutex_lock() is to have a version of that function that does not carry the LTO information. (This ordinarily would be the responsibility of the system, not of the application developer.)

可能不会在GNU工具链中特别发生的另一个原因是GNU的链接时优化仅适用于使用-flto选项编译的函数,因此携带了优化所依赖的额外信息。防止GCC的链接时优化影响pthread_mutex_lock() 的方法只需拥有不携带LTO信息的该函数的版本。这通常是系统的责任,而不是应用程序开发人员的责任。

if you turn on something like link-time optimization, gcc -flto, you may find that your locks suddenly stop working.

如果您打开类似链接时优化的功能,比如gcc -flto,您可能会发现您的锁突然停止工作。

Possibly. And if you do see that, then it constitutes a flaw in your C implementation, whether you attribute it to compiler, linker, library, or all of the above. This is not to say that you should discount the possibility, but rather that it is something that people working on these tools are out to avoid and / or fix, so the likelihood of running into such an issue goes down over time.


I am left wondering how this can be true, when the compiler is able to optimize things like memcpy to a single instruction, effectively looking across module boundaries without link-time optimization. Could it not then do the same to something like pthread_mutex_lock() and optimize accesses around it?


What you're talking about now is optimization of specific functions. For example, the compiler knows all about memcpy() in particular, based on its specifications, and in some cases based on being part of the same, integrated C implementation. It can optimize (say) some memcpy calls at compile time because it knows what that function is supposed to do, and it recognizes usage idioms that it can optimize without actually looking into the library at all.


A compiler could, in principle, do the same with pthread_mutex_lock(), but this would not be a problem because such specific-function optimizations are aware of (and rely on) the semantics of the function involved. There's no reason to think that such an optimization of pthread_mutex_lock() would fail to preserve that function's well-documented memory-order semantics.


If this is true and the compiler can peer into the pthread_mutex_lock() function and sees it does not alter a certain variable, so it optimizes accesses, could this affect correctness,


Can compilers have bugs? Yes, they can and do.


Do current versions of any C compilers have a specific bug along those lines? I don't know.


and if so how can such a core function be left so vulnerable to the possibility of not working correctly?


Nobody is leaving functions open to such failures. To the extent that opportunities for such incorrect optimizations exist, "people" are interested in and motivated to fix their compilers, linkers, and libraries to close those holes.



> The reason this doesn’t occur (according to him) is that the compiler has to treat function calls like a black box and is unable to optimize accesses or re-order around it,

That's one reason, certainly.

Another reason that it might not occur specifically with the GNU toolchain is that GNU's link-time optimization applies only to functions that are compiled with the -flto option, and therefore carry with them additional information on which the optimization relies. All one needs to prevent GCC's link-time optimization from messing with pthread_mutex_lock() is to have a version of that function that does not carry the LTO information. (This ordinarily would be the responsibility of the system, not of the application developer.)

> if you turn on something like link-time optimization, gcc -flto, you may find that your locks suddenly stop working.

Possibly. And if you do see that, then it constitutes a flaw in your C implementation, whether you attribute it to compiler, linker, library, or all of the above. This is not to say that you should discount the possibility, but rather that it is something that people working on these tools are out to avoid and / or fix, so the likelihood of running into such an issue goes down over time.

> I am left wondering how this can be true, when the compiler is able to optimize things like memcpy to a single instruction, effectively looking across module boundaries without link-time optimization. Could it not then do the same to something like pthread_mutex_lock() and optimize accesses around it?

What you're talking about now is optimization of specific functions. For example, the compiler knows all about memcpy() in particular, based on its specifications, and in some cases based on being part of the same, integrated C implementation. It can optimize (say) some memcpy calls at compile time because it knows what that function is supposed to do, and it recognizes usage idioms that it can optimize without actually looking into the library at all.

A compiler could, in principle, do the same with pthread_mutex_lock(), but this would not be a problem because such specific-function optimizations are aware of (and rely on) the semantics of the function involved. There's no reason to think that such an optimzation of pthread_mutex_lock() would fail to preserve that function's well-documented memory-order semantics.

> If this is true and the compiler can peer into the pthread_mutex_lock() function and sees it does not alter a certain variable, so it optimizes accesses, could this affect correctness,

Can compilers have bugs? Yes, they can and do.

Do current versions of any C compilers have a specific bug along those lines? I don't know.

> and if so how can such a core function be left so vulnerable to the possibility of not working correctly?

Nobody is leaving functions open to such failures. To the extent that opportunities for such incorrect optimizations exist, "people" are interested in and motivated to fix their compilers, linkers, and libraries to close those holes.

Understand also that it is common for new optimizations to be tested carefully for an extended period -- sometimes years and multiple compiler versions -- before being designated safe for production use. If ever they are.

> Does this mean there has to be some other method employed to tell the compiler not to optimize accesses to these variables, such as the volatile construct?

No. Generally speaking, you should rely on functions and language constructs to behave according to their documentation. Especially functions defined by the C language itself. Almost as much so functions defined by the platform's core specifications, such as POSIX on a POSIX-conforming system.

Also, generally speaking, you should approach compiler options with care and diligence. Some produce non-conforming behavior by design. Some come with caveats. And if I see an option that comes with such lengthy documentation as GCC's -flto does, I usually take it as a sign that it is an expert feature that I shouldn't mess with unless I've invested the time and effort to make myself an expert with it.


得分: 3



  • 在最基本的级别,您可以(滥用)使用gcc的扩展汇编:asm("" : : : "memory");将强制编译器假定内存中的任何对象都可以被读取或写入,因此编译器无法重新排序加载和存储指令。这可以与内联汇编屏障指令一起使用,该指令防止CPU本身重新排序加载和存储的可见性。

  • 后来,gcc引入了一系列同步内置函数。因此,您可以在代码中插入__sync_synchronize(),这样可以防止编译器重新排序并插入必要的屏障指令。更可能的情况是,您已经在那里使用了其他读-修改-写原语之一,这些原语也会插入完整的屏障。

  • 从C11开始,该语言具有正式的内存模型,本质上提供了有关允许的重新排序种类的保证。这包括像atomic_thread_fence这样的标准函数,编译器必须特殊处理它们,再次产生适当类型的屏障,以抑制不希望的重新排序。



In the very old days, yes, multithreading had to rely on things like opaque function boundaries to serve as a makeshift memory barrier. It's true that LTO would break that. Fortunately, this was before LTO was widely implemented.

In modern times, compilers support explicit memory barriers. For gcc in particular, there are several possible approaches:

  • At the most basic level, you can (ab)use gcc's extended asm: asm("" : : : "memory"); will force the compiler to assume that any object in memory could be read or written, so that the compiler cannot reorder load and store instructions around it. This could be used in conjunction with an inline asm barrier instruction, which prevents the CPU itself from reordering the visibility of loads and stores.

  • Later, gcc introduced a series of synchronization builtins. So you could insert __sync_synchronize() into the code, which would likewise prevent compiler reordering and insert barrier instructions as needed. More likely you'd already be using one of the other read-modify-write primitives there, which also insert a full barrier.

  • From C11 onward, the language has a formal memory model, that in essence provides guarantees as to exactly what kinds of reorderings are allowed. This includes standard functions like atomic_thread_fence that the compiler must handle specially, again producing a barrier of an appropriate kind, so as to inhibit unwanted reordering.

So, using at least one of these methods, the implementation of pthread_mutex_lock would include a memory barrier. Then it can be inlined as much as you like, whether at compile or at link time, and the barrier will still be respected, preventing any reorderings that would violate its semantics.


得分: 2





快进22年,现在一切都是基准测试,编译器最近已经赶上了Link Optimising;所以现在,简单地藏在外部函数调用后面是不够的。


id = get_my_thread_id();
if  (cswap(mutex, 0, id) != 0) {
return 0;




To give your prof a break, what they said has been true for the last 70+ years (50 years for C). Will it remain true? Tough question.

The language "C" is no longer a lightweight systems programming language. Thanks to the relentless efforts of a series of Karen committees; it now includes precise specifications for unrelated libraries, and behaviour that is prefers micro-optimising compilers to a general systems programming language. If one were unkind, they are taking out the failure of their preferred language ( Pascal, Modula-2, Euclid, soon-to-be rust ) by undermining "C"; but that is a side issue.

The compiler can recognize memcpy because it is defined by stdc. Pthread_mutex_mumble is not defined by stdc, so it can't. (Yet, its growing).

In general, the compiler cannot look beyond its compilation unit (= source file) to get hints about what is going on. This changed a fair bit in 1991 when Plan9 introduced "Link-Optimising-Compilers". Of course, the plan/9 folks were just interested in better technology, not winning micro benchmarks.

Fast forward 22 years, and it is all benchmarks baby; and compilers have recently caught up to Link Optimising; so know, simply hiding behind an external function call is not enough.

Fortunately, pthread mutex lock, for most implementations looks something like:

id = get_my_thread_id();
if  (cswap(mutex, 0, id) != 0) {
return 0;

which would be incomprehensible to a link-time-optimiser, so your prof's initial statement stands.

As a final; since pthread_mutex_lock forces an acquire-release semantic at the minimum; and possibly a full discard in the case of a system call; it guarantees that the various updates made during its lock achieve global visibility before another locker can acquire it. This is extremely important.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月7日 06:57:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76191534.html



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