
huangapple go评论71阅读模式

Is it possible to extract generic arguments of a type as an array/tuple from an array/tuple of generic types?


I have translated the code portions you provided. Here they are:


type Fn<T = any, TReturn = any> = (arg: T) => TReturn;

type FnArg<T extends Fn> = T extends Fn<infer TArg> ? TArg : unknown;
type FnArgTuple<T extends Fn[]> = { [key in keyof T]: FnArg<T[key]> };

type FnReturn<T extends Fn> = T extends Fn<any, infer TReturn> ? TReturn : unknown;
type FnReturnTuple<T extends Fn[]> = { [key in keyof T]: FnReturn<T[key]> };

const fnZip = <T extends ((arg: any) => any)[]>(
  fns: [...T],
): Fn<FnArgTuple<T>, FnReturnTuple<T>> => (
) => fns.map((fn, idx) => fn(args[idx])) as FnReturnTuple<T>;


type Fn<T = any, TReturn = any> = (arg: T) => TReturn;

const fnZip = <T extends any[], TReturn extends any[]>(
  fns: { [key: number]: Fn<T[key], TReturn[key]> },
): Fn<T, TReturn> => (args) => fns.map((fn, idx) => fn(args[idx])) as TReturn;


[Type<A1, B1>, Type<A2, B2>, ...etc] => Type<[A1, A2, ..etc], [B1, B2, ...etc]>


type Fn<T = any, TReturn = any> = (arg: T) => TReturn;

const fnZip = <T extends any[], TReturn extends { [key in keyof T]: any }>(
  fns: [...{ [key in keyof T]: Fn<T[key], TReturn[key]> }],
): Fn<T, TReturn> => (args) => fns.map((fn, idx) => fn(args[idx])) as TReturn;

const zipped = fnZip([
  (x: string) => x.length,
  (y: number) => y.toFixed(),



I want to create a function that takes an array of generic functions and "zips" them into a single function that takes all of the input functions' arguments and returns all of the outputs of those functions in a single call. The only way I was able to make it type-safe is with infer'ing each generic functions' individual component:

type Fn&lt;T = any, TReturn = any&gt; = (arg: T) =&gt; TReturn;

type FnArg&lt;T extends Fn&gt; = T extends Fn&lt;infer TArg&gt; ? TArg : unknown;
type FnArgTuple&lt;T extends Fn[]&gt; = { [key in keyof T]: FnArg&lt;T[key]&gt; };

type FnReturn&lt;T extends Fn&gt; = T extends Fn&lt;any, infer TReturn&gt; ? TReturn : unknown;
type FnReturnTuple&lt;T extends Fn[]&gt; = { [key in keyof T]: FnReturn&lt;T[key]&gt; };

const fnZip = &lt;T extends ((arg: any) =&gt; any)[]&gt;(
  fns: [...T],
): Fn&lt;FnArgTuple&lt;T&gt;, FnReturnTuple&lt;T&gt;&gt; =&gt; (
) =&gt; fns.map((fn, idx) =&gt; fn(args[idx])) as FnReturnTuple&lt;T&gt;;

However, I was wondering whether there was more elegant and/or idiomatic way to extract functions' arguments and return types as tuples from a given array of functions. Here's a (non-working) illustration of what I mean:

type Fn&lt;T = any, TReturn = any&gt; = (arg: T) =&gt; TReturn;

const fnZip = &lt;T extends any[], TReturn extends any[]&gt;(
  fns: { [key: number]: Fn&lt;T[key], TReturn[key]&gt; },
): Fn&lt;T, TReturn&gt; =&gt; (args) =&gt; fns.map((fn, idx) =&gt; fn(args[idx])) as TReturn;

EDIT: What I effectively want to express is the following:

[Type&lt;A1, B1&gt;, Type&lt;A2, B2&gt;, ...etc] =&gt; Type&lt;[A1, A2, ..etc], [B1, B2, ...etc]&gt;

EDIT: @jcalz proposed a solution that would've worked perfectly if TS could infer the second generic type correctly, but it doesn't for unknown reason:

type Fn&lt;T = any, TReturn = any&gt; = (arg: T) =&gt; TReturn;

const fnZip = &lt;T extends any[], TReturn extends { [key in keyof T]: any }&gt;(
  fns: [...{ [key in keyof T]: Fn&lt;T[key], TReturn[key]&gt; }],
): Fn&lt;T, TReturn&gt; =&gt; (args) =&gt; fns.map((fn, idx) =&gt; fn(args[idx])) as TReturn;

const zipped = fnZip([
//     ^? const zipped: Fn&lt;[string, number], [any, any]&gt;
  (x: string) =&gt; x.length,
  (y: number) =&gt; y.toFixed(),


得分: 1


"The "elegant" answer to your question is to use two generic type parameters, corresponding to the tuple A of function argument types and the tuple R of their corresponding return types, and then the input fns would be a mapped type over one of these (say, A):

const fnZip = <A extends any[], R extends { [I in keyof A]: any }>(
  fns: [...{ [I in keyof A]: Fn<A[I], R[I]> }],
): Fn<A, R> => (args) => fns.map((fn, idx) => fn(args[idx])) as R;

(Well, it's actually a mapped type wrapped in a variadic tuple type to prompt the compiler to infer a tuple type for A instead of some unordered array type of arbitrary length.)

That version "works", in the sense that if you manually specify the A and R type arguments, you'll get the expected output:

const zipped = fnZip<[string, number], [number, string]>(
  [x => x.length, y => y.toFixed(2)]
// const zipped: Fn<[string, number], [number, string]> 👍

But if you'd like the type arguments to be inferred, you're going to have a bad time:

const zipped = fnZip([(x: string) => x.length, (y: number) => y.toFixed(2)]);
// const zipped: Fn<[string, number], [any, any]> 👎

Here A is inferred correctly but R is not. That's because inference from mapped types only infers the type whose properties you're mapping over. Since fns's type maps over the keys of A, only A can get properly inferred. R ends up falling back to the constraint.

You can switch to R instead of A but that just moves the problem:

const fnZip = <A extends { [I in keyof R]: any }, R extends any[]>(
  fns: [...{ [I in keyof R]: Fn<A[I], R[I]> }],
): Fn<A, R> => (args) => fns.map((fn, idx) => fn(args[idx])) as R;

const zipped = fnZip([(x: string) => x.length, (y: number) => y.toFixed(2)]);
// const zipped: Fn<[any, any], [number, string]> 👎

You could try to make it a mapped type over both A and R at once somehow, but everything I tried either didn't help or caused at least one compiler error somewhere, and the quotation marks around the word "elegant" were becoming more and more sarcastic as I tried different and weirder things. Here's the closest I could get:

const fnZip = <A extends { [I in keyof R]: any } & any[], R extends { [I in keyof A]: any }>(
  fns: [...{ [I in keyof (A & R)]: Fn<A[I], R[I]> }], // error! 
  // -> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  // A rest element type must be an array type.(2574)
): Fn<A, R> => (args) => fns.map((fn, idx) => fn(args[idx])) as R;

const zipped = fnZip([(x: string) => x.length, (y: number) => y.toFixed(2)]);
// const zipped: Fn<[string, number], [number, string]> 👍

Here the inference works, hooray! But the call signature causes a compiler error I can't resolve without breaking the inference.

For now, this doesn't quite look possible. Even if I found a way that worked I'd be worried that it'd be too fragile to rely on. This is at or beyond the edge of TypeScript's abilities right now.

Instead I think it's much more straightforward to make the inference work out by doing the simple thing of having fns's type be the type parameter F or [...F], and then spend a little effort unrolling that into A and R. Like you've done, or like this:

const fnZip = <F extends ((arg: any) => any)[]>(
  fns: [...F]
): (args: { [I in keyof F]: Parameters<F[I]>[0] }) =>
    fns.map((fn, idx) => fn(args[idx])) as
    { [I in keyof F]: ReturnType<F[I]> };

And it's a judgment call but I wouldn't say it's that inelegant. And it has the benefit of actually working:

const zipped = fnZip([(x: string) => x.length, (y: number) => y.toFixed(2)]);
// const z: (args: [string, number]) => [number, string] 😊

[Playground link to code](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?noErrorTruncation=true&ts=5.0.4#code/HYQwtgpgzgDiDGEAEApeIA2AvJBvAUEkgC4CeMyAYsADwCCANEgEoB8SAvEgBQgBOAcwBcSOgEpO7ZgG58hJKEiwEyAKIYIAkMGIBJKAAsAQgFc9wAGYQ+EYIkogAlhih45RIvAD2wKMSQWwABajjCcSPRIEAAexLYAJq7apADaALpMzFGxCa64SCm6SI7ASADWEKReFqJpIslIAL6s3PIeAb4iKQB0vfmFxaUVVTV0dUjU9IUZLNPsjRltSGIik4ws7BzsvIJQElsdUN1gIDDc3IFMjvHR++yBOwJQKdfRaWISIK4y7h7evv4sKEKPEABJgMDhQIhGA0FJ+PglARMYAmMAAI2sMxSqIx1iYCKRaRaSyIKWikiQ0W6GmAAmIBiYpEppG6xC8lEc0Qg8W4ACYxGklmJZO0APRipD-PxI


The "elegant" answer to your question is to use two generic type parameters, corresponding to the tuple A of function argument types and the tuple R of their corresponding return types, and then the input fns would be a mapped type over one of these (say, A):

const fnZip = &lt;A extends any[], R extends { [I in keyof A]: any }&gt;(
  fns: [...{ [I in keyof A]: Fn&lt;A[I], R[I]&gt; }],
): Fn&lt;A, R&gt; =&gt; (args) =&gt; fns.map((fn, idx) =&gt; fn(args[idx])) as R;

(Well, it's actually a mapped type wrapped in a variadic tuple type to prompt the compiler to infer a tuple type for A instead of some unordered array type of arbitrary length.)

That version "works", in the sense that if you manually specify the A and R type arguments, you'll get the expected output:

const zipped = fnZip&lt;[string, number], [number, string]&gt;(
  [x =&gt; x.length, y =&gt; y.toFixed(2)]
// const zipped: Fn&lt;[string, number], [number, string]&gt; &#128077;

But if you'd like the type arguments to be inferred, you're going to have a bad time:

const zipped = fnZip([(x: string) =&gt; x.length, (y: number) =&gt; y.toFixed(2)]);
// const zipped: Fn&lt;[string, number], [any, any]&gt; &#128078;

Here A is inferred correctly but R is not. That's because inference from mapped types only infers the type whose properties you're mapping over. Since fns's type maps over the keys of A, only A can get properly inferred. R ends up falling back to the constraint.

You can switch to R instead of A but that just moves the problem:

const fnZip = &lt;A extends { [I in keyof R]: any }, R extends any[]&gt;(
  fns: [...{ [I in keyof R]: Fn&lt;A[I], R[I]&gt; }],
): Fn&lt;A, R&gt; =&gt; (args) =&gt; fns.map((fn, idx) =&gt; fn(args[idx])) as R;

const zipped = fnZip2([(x: string) =&gt; x.length, (y: number) =&gt; y.toFixed(2)]);
// const zipped: Fn&lt;[any, any], [number, string]&gt; &#128078;

You could try to make it a mapped type over both A and R at once somehow, but everything I tried either didn't help or caused at least one compiler error somewhere, and the quotation marks around the word "elegant" were becoming more and more sarcastic as I tried different and weirder things. Here's the closest I could get:

const fnZip = &lt;A extends { [I in keyof R]: any } &amp; any[], R extends { [I in keyof A]: any }&gt;(
  fns: [...{ [I in keyof (A &amp; R)]: Fn&lt;A[I], R[I]&gt; }], // error! 
  // -&gt; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  // A rest element type must be an array type.(2574)
): Fn&lt;A, R&gt; =&gt; (args) =&gt; fns.map((fn, idx) =&gt; fn(args[idx])) as R;

const zipped = fnZip([(x: string) =&gt; x.length, (y: number) =&gt; y.toFixed(2)]);
// const zipped: Fn&lt;[string, number], [number, string]&gt; &#128077;

Here the inference works, hooray! But the call signature causes a compiler error I can't resolve without breaking the inference.

For now, this doesn't quite look possible. Even if I found a way that worked I'd be worried that it'd be too fragile to rely on. This is at or beyond the edge of TypeScript's abilities right now.

Instead I think it's much more straightforward to make the inference work out by doing the simple thing of having fns's type be the type parameter F or [...F], and then spend a little effort unrolling that into A and R. Like you've done, or like this:

const fnZip = &lt;F extends ((arg: any) =&gt; any)[]&gt;(
  fns: [...F]
) =&gt; (args: { [I in keyof F]: Parameters&lt;F[I]&gt;[0] }) =&gt;
    fns.map((fn, idx) =&gt; fn(args[idx])) as
    { [I in keyof F]: ReturnType&lt;F[I]&gt; };

And it's a judgment call but I wouldn't say it's that inelegant. And it has the benefit of actually working:

const zipped = fnZip([(x: string) =&gt; x.length, (y: number) =&gt; y.toFixed(2)]);
// const z: (args: [string, number]) =&gt; [number, string] &#128578;

Playground link to code


得分: 0

I think it's safe to say the answer is no.

And I say that because Ben Lesh, and the brilliant people he works with to create and improve RXJS don't have a great answer either despite RXJS being wildly popular, open source code.

So if there was an elegant solution, they'd adopt it.

Instead, (as of 7-MAY-2023), their solution is a brute-force method of overloading, 0 through 9 arguments, and then for the 10th argument onward the code is "now we're getting silly so just make sure they're single-parameter functions and call that good enough!"

import { identity } from './identity';
import { UnaryFunction } from '../types';

export function pipe(): typeof identity;
export function pipe<T, A>(fn1: UnaryFunction<T, A>): UnaryFunction<T, A>;
export function pipe<T, A, B>(fn2: UnaryFunction<T, A>, fn2: UnaryFunction<A, B>): UnaryFunction<T, B>;
export function pipe<T, A, B, C>(fn1: UnaryFunction<T, A>, fn2: UnaryFunction<A, B>, fn3: UnaryFunction<B, C>): UnaryFunction<T, C>;
export function pipe<T, A, B, C, D>(
  fn1: UnaryFunction<T, A>,
  fn2: UnaryFunction<A, B>,
  fn3: UnaryFunction<B, C>,
  fn4: UnaryFunction<C, D>
): UnaryFunction<T, D>;
// ... (more overloaded functions) ...
 * pipe() can be called on one or more functions, each of which can take one argument ("UnaryFunction")
 * and uses it to return a value.
 * It returns a function that takes one argument, passes it to the first UnaryFunction, and then
 * passes the result to the next one, passes that result to the next one, and so on.
export function pipe(...fns: Array<UnaryFunction<any, any>>): UnaryFunction<any, any> {
  return pipeFromArray(fns);

/** @internal */
export function pipeFromArray<T, R>(fns: Array<UnaryFunction<T, R>>): UnaryFunction<T, R> {
  if (fns.length === 0) {
    return identity as UnaryFunction<any, any>;

  if (fns.length === 1) {
    return fns[0];

  return function piped(input: T): R {
    return fns.reduce((prev: any, fn: UnaryFunction<T, R>) => fn(prev), input as any);

My advice to you is to use RXJS's solution instead of writing your own. If their code was insufficient then they'd have changed it. Also, if you're already using RXJS as a dependency, or don't mind including it, then you'll get any improvements automatically.


I think it's safe to say the answer is no.

And I say that because Ben Lesh, and the brilliant people he works with to create and improve RXJS don't have a great answer either despite RXJS being wildly popular, open source code.

So if there was an elegant solution, they'd adopt it.

Instead, (as of 7-MAY-2023), their solution is a brute-force method of overloading, 0 through 9 arguments, and then for the 10th argument onward the code is "now we're getting silly so just make sure they're single-parameter functions and call that good enough!"

import { identity } from &#39;./identity&#39;;
import { UnaryFunction } from &#39;../types&#39;;

export function pipe(): typeof identity;
export function pipe&lt;T, A&gt;(fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;): UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;;
export function pipe&lt;T, A, B&gt;(fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;, fn2: UnaryFunction&lt;A, B&gt;): UnaryFunction&lt;T, B&gt;;
export function pipe&lt;T, A, B, C&gt;(fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;, fn2: UnaryFunction&lt;A, B&gt;, fn3: UnaryFunction&lt;B, C&gt;): UnaryFunction&lt;T, C&gt;;
export function pipe&lt;T, A, B, C, D&gt;(
  fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;,
  fn2: UnaryFunction&lt;A, B&gt;,
  fn3: UnaryFunction&lt;B, C&gt;,
  fn4: UnaryFunction&lt;C, D&gt;
): UnaryFunction&lt;T, D&gt;;
export function pipe&lt;T, A, B, C, D, E&gt;(
  fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;,
  fn2: UnaryFunction&lt;A, B&gt;,
  fn3: UnaryFunction&lt;B, C&gt;,
  fn4: UnaryFunction&lt;C, D&gt;,
  fn5: UnaryFunction&lt;D, E&gt;
): UnaryFunction&lt;T, E&gt;;
export function pipe&lt;T, A, B, C, D, E, F&gt;(
  fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;,
  fn2: UnaryFunction&lt;A, B&gt;,
  fn3: UnaryFunction&lt;B, C&gt;,
  fn4: UnaryFunction&lt;C, D&gt;,
  fn5: UnaryFunction&lt;D, E&gt;,
  fn6: UnaryFunction&lt;E, F&gt;
): UnaryFunction&lt;T, F&gt;;
export function pipe&lt;T, A, B, C, D, E, F, G&gt;(
  fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;,
  fn2: UnaryFunction&lt;A, B&gt;,
  fn3: UnaryFunction&lt;B, C&gt;,
  fn4: UnaryFunction&lt;C, D&gt;,
  fn5: UnaryFunction&lt;D, E&gt;,
  fn6: UnaryFunction&lt;E, F&gt;,
  fn7: UnaryFunction&lt;F, G&gt;
): UnaryFunction&lt;T, G&gt;;
export function pipe&lt;T, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H&gt;(
  fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;,
  fn2: UnaryFunction&lt;A, B&gt;,
  fn3: UnaryFunction&lt;B, C&gt;,
  fn4: UnaryFunction&lt;C, D&gt;,
  fn5: UnaryFunction&lt;D, E&gt;,
  fn6: UnaryFunction&lt;E, F&gt;,
  fn7: UnaryFunction&lt;F, G&gt;,
  fn8: UnaryFunction&lt;G, H&gt;
): UnaryFunction&lt;T, H&gt;;
export function pipe&lt;T, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I&gt;(
  fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;,
  fn2: UnaryFunction&lt;A, B&gt;,
  fn3: UnaryFunction&lt;B, C&gt;,
  fn4: UnaryFunction&lt;C, D&gt;,
  fn5: UnaryFunction&lt;D, E&gt;,
  fn6: UnaryFunction&lt;E, F&gt;,
  fn7: UnaryFunction&lt;F, G&gt;,
  fn8: UnaryFunction&lt;G, H&gt;,
  fn9: UnaryFunction&lt;H, I&gt;
): UnaryFunction&lt;T, I&gt;;
export function pipe&lt;T, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I&gt;(
  fn1: UnaryFunction&lt;T, A&gt;,
  fn2: UnaryFunction&lt;A, B&gt;,
  fn3: UnaryFunction&lt;B, C&gt;,
  fn4: UnaryFunction&lt;C, D&gt;,
  fn5: UnaryFunction&lt;D, E&gt;,
  fn6: UnaryFunction&lt;E, F&gt;,
  fn7: UnaryFunction&lt;F, G&gt;,
  fn8: UnaryFunction&lt;G, H&gt;,
  fn9: UnaryFunction&lt;H, I&gt;,
  ...fns: UnaryFunction&lt;any, any&gt;[]
): UnaryFunction&lt;T, unknown&gt;;

 * pipe() can be called on one or more functions, each of which can take one argument (&quot;UnaryFunction&quot;)
 * and uses it to return a value.
 * It returns a function that takes one argument, passes it to the first UnaryFunction, and then
 * passes the result to the next one, passes that result to the next one, and so on.  
export function pipe(...fns: Array&lt;UnaryFunction&lt;any, any&gt;&gt;): UnaryFunction&lt;any, any&gt; {
  return pipeFromArray(fns);

/** @internal */
export function pipeFromArray&lt;T, R&gt;(fns: Array&lt;UnaryFunction&lt;T, R&gt;&gt;): UnaryFunction&lt;T, R&gt; {
  if (fns.length === 0) {
    return identity as UnaryFunction&lt;any, any&gt;;

  if (fns.length === 1) {
    return fns[0];

  return function piped(input: T): R {
    return fns.reduce((prev: any, fn: UnaryFunction&lt;T, R&gt;) =&gt; fn(prev), input as any);

My advice to you is to use RXJS's solution instead of writing your own. If their code was insufficient then they'd have changed it. Also, if you're already using RXJS as a dependency, or don't mind including it, then you'll get any improvements automatically.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月7日 06:02:56
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76191363.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
