Comparison operators in a for loop body do什么?

huangapple go评论56阅读模式

What do the comparison operators in the body of a for loop do?



#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
   int x = 1, y = 1;

   for (; y; printf("%d %d |", x, 
        y = x++ <= 5;


   return 0;


I've entered my programming class' exam where i've encountered a question in which i was asked to interpret what would the result of the code block written in C would be and the code block is as follows...

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

int main(void)
   int x = 1, y = 1;

   for (; y; printf(&quot;%d %d |&quot;, x, 
        y = x++ &lt;= 5;


   return 0;

What struck me ass odd is that a comparison operator (=<) is put inside the body of the for loop instead of the condition-test part of the for loop.
Could you explain what it does?
I tried to be as descriptive as i can, hope you understood well.


得分: 2

First of all, a for-loop has the form:

for(<init>; <condition>; <iteration>) {<body>}

which is exactly equivalent to the following (except that all occurrences of outer-loop continue in the <body> must be substituted with <iteration>; continue):

   while(<condition>) {

Hence, the for-loop in the OP code (with obvious corrections) can be written as:

   while(y) {
      y = x++ <= 5;
      printf("%d %d |", x, y);

The expression y = x++ <= 5; assigns to y the result of the boolean expression x++ <= 5. There is nothing "magic" about this. It will assign 1 to y if and only if x <= 5 and then increment x by one. The value of y (0 or 1) will then be the condition for executing the next iteration of the loop.

Thus, the loop will run for x (initially in the body) being 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. When x is 6, y will become 0, and the printf statement will be run a final time with x having the incremented value, 7.

The result of this code is simple, but it is unnecessarily difficult to understand. A better version could be:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
   for(int x = 2; x <= 7; x++) {
     int y = (x == 7) ? 0 : 1;
     printf("%d %d |", x, y);

   return 0;

First of all, a for-loop has the form

  for(&lt;init&gt;; &lt;condition&gt;; &lt;iteration&gt;) {&lt;body&gt;}

which is exactly equivalent to the following (except that all occurrences of outer-loop continue in the &lt;body&gt; must be substituted with &lt;iteration&gt;; continue):

     while(&lt;condition&gt;) {

Hence, the for-loop in the OP code (with obvious corrections) can be written as:

     while(y) {
        y = x++ &lt;= 5;
        printf(&quot;%d %d |&quot;, x, y));

The expression y = x++ &lt;= 5; assigns to y the result of the boolean expression x++ &lt;= 5. There is nothing "magic" about this. It will assign 1 to y if and only if x &lt;= 5 and then increment x by one. The value of y (0 or 1) will then be the condition for executing the next iteration of the loop.

Thus, the loop will run for x (initially in the body) being 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. When x is 6, y will become 0 and the printf-statement will be run a final time with x having the incremented value, 7.

The result of this code is simple, but it is unnecessarily difficult to understand. A better version could be:

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

int main(void)
   for(int x = 2; x &lt;= 7; x++) {
     int y = (x == 7) ? 0 : 1;
     printf(&quot;%d %d |&quot;, x, y));

   return 0;

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