Adding custom event handling loop to Tkinter 添加自定义事件处理循环到Tkinter

huangapple go评论90阅读模式

Adding custom event handling loop to Tkinter




Is this an okay thing to do?

  1. from tkinter import *;
  2. from tkinter import ttk;
  3. import keyboard;
  4. root = Tk()
  5. root.title("Feet to Meters")
  6. ################# custom event handling loop
  7. while True:
  8. keyboard.wait('space');
  9. print('space was pressed! Waiting on it again...');
  10. #################
  11. root.mainloop()

The code runs fine so far I'm just wondering if I should expect troubles in the long run.


得分: 2

A while True loop will block the main thread, meaning you can't do anything else while it is running which is not ideal. Instead, use root.bind

  1. def callback(event):
  2. print('space was pressed! Waiting on it again...')
  3. root.bind('<space>', callback)

This will run callback whenever you press space. event is provided by Tkinter and contains more information about the keypress event.

Unlike your current method bind will only work when the window has focus. If this is a problem, use threading instead.

  1. import threading
  2. def wait_space():
  3. while True:
  4. keyboard.wait('space');
  5. print('space was pressed! Waiting on it again...')
  6. threading.Thread(target = wait_space).start()

This will run the while True loop in another thread, meaning the main thread can continue working.


A while True loop will block the main thread, meaning you can't do anything else while it is running which is not ideal. Instead, use root.bind

  1. def callback(event):
  2. print(&#39;space was pressed! Waiting on it again...&#39;)
  3. root.bind(&#39;&lt;space&gt;&#39;, callback)

This will run callback whenever you press space. event is provided by Tkinter and contains more information about the keypress event.

Unlike your current method bind will only work when the window has focus. If this is a problem, use threading instead.

  1. import threading
  2. def wait_space():
  3. while True:
  4. keyboard.wait(&#39;space&#39;);
  5. print(&#39;space was pressed! Waiting on it again...&#39;)
  6. threading.Thread(target = wait_space).start()

This will run the while True loop in another thread, meaning the main thread can continue working.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月6日 19:34:49
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