
huangapple go评论72阅读模式

Singleton pattern with Go generics





type Cache[T any] struct{}

var (
	cacheOnce sync.Once
	cache     Cache[any] // 全局单例

func getOrCreateCache[T any]() Cache[T] {
	cacheOnce.Do(func() {
		typedCache := buildCache()
		cache = typedCache.(Cache[any]) // 无效的类型断言
	return cache.(Cache[T]) // 无效的类型断言


stringCache := getOrCreateCache[string]()


import "reflect"

type Cache[T any] struct{}

var (
	cacheOnce sync.Once
	cache     interface{} // 全局单例

func getOrCreateCache[T any]() Cache[T] {
	cacheOnce.Do(func() {
		typedCache := buildCache()
		cache = reflect.ValueOf(typedCache).Convert(reflect.TypeOf(Cache[T]{})).Interface()
	return cache.(Cache[T])



I'm trying to work out the least-bad approach for implementing a singleton for a generic variable in Golang. Using the normal sync.Once pattern with a global var is unworkable since generic type information is not available there (below).

This example is contrived, but in practice the code that maintains the singleton could be separate, such as in a library, from the client code that defines T.

Assume this library code, where the concrete value of T is not known:

type Cache[T any] struct{}

var (
	cacheOnce sync.Once
	cache     Cache[any] // Global singleton

func getOrCreateCache[T any]() Cache[T] {
	cacheOnce.Do(func() {
		typedCache := buildCache()
		cache = typedCache.(Cache[any]) // Invalid type assertion
	return cache.(Cache[T]) // Invalid type assertion

And assume this separate client code, where T is defined as a string:

stringCache := getOrCreateCache[string]()

What's the best approach for accomplishing this?


得分: 2



// 泛型单例类型
type Cache[T any] struct {
	value [1024]T

type CacheProducer[T any] func() *Cache[T]

func NewProducer[T any]() CacheProducer[T] {
	var cache *Cache[T]
	return func() *Cache[T] {
		if cache != nil {
			return cache
		cache = &Cache[T]{ /* 初始化字段 */ }
		return cache


var getInstance CacheProducer[byte]

func init() {
	getInstance = NewProducer[byte]()

func main() {
	a := getInstance()
	b := getInstance()
	c := getInstance()

	fmt.Println(a == b) // true(同一实例)
	fmt.Println(b == c) // true(同一实例)

Playground: https://go.dev/play/p/lwWR43zq5D6




Generics are supposed to allow parametric polymorphism at compile time, that's the entire point. So a generic singleton seems rather counter-intuitive. There's nothing "generic" in it.

If your goal is to abstract some complex initialization code — that is reusable with different types — into a library, you can use a memoized function. This allows the client code to choose the type parameter when the producer function is called.

// generic singleton type
type Cache[T any] struct {
	value [1024]T

type CacheProducer[T any] func() *Cache[T]

func NewProducer[T any]() CacheProducer[T] {
	var cache *Cache[T]
	return func() *Cache[T] {
		if cache != nil {
			fmt.Println("returning cached")
			return cache
		cache = &Cache[T]{ /* initialize fields */ }
		return cache

And then you use it by storing the producer function in a global variable, and ensuring there's only one using the package init function.

var getInstance CacheProducer[byte]

func init() {
	getInstance = NewProducer[byte]()

func main() {
	a := getInstance()
	b := getInstance()
	c := getInstance()

	fmt.Println(a == b) // true (same instance)
	fmt.Println(b == c) // true (same instance)

Playground: https://go.dev/play/p/lwWR43zq5D6

You can also use sync.Once if initialization is supposed to occur at a later time in the program execution. The point is that you initialize the producer function instead of the type itself. This doesn't dispense you from choosing a concrete type parameter at the time you write the client code.

You may read more about the difference here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51953191/difference-between-init-and-sync-once-in-golang.


得分: 1

我使用atomic.Pointer API解决了这个问题,并将其整合到一个简单的库中,供其他人使用,如果他们有兴趣的话:singlet。使用singlet重新编写原始帖子的代码如下:


type Cache[T any] struct{}

var singleton = &singlet.Singleton{}

func getOrCreateCache[T any]() (Cache[T], error) {
    return singlet.GetOrDo(singleton, func() Cache[T] {
        return Cache[T]{}


stringCache := getOrCreateCache[string]()


var ErrTypeMismatch = errors.New("the requested type does not match the singleton type")

type Singleton struct {
    p   atomic.Pointer[any]
    mtx sync.Mutex

func GetOrDo[T any](singleton *Singleton, fn func() T) (result T, err error) {
    maybeResult := singleton.p.Load()
    if maybeResult == nil {
        // Lock to guard against applying fn twice
        defer singleton.mtx.Unlock()
        maybeResult = singleton.p.Load()

        // Double check
        if maybeResult == nil {
            result = fn()
            var resultAny any = result
            return result, nil

    var ok bool
    result, ok = (*maybeResult).(T)
    if !ok {
        return *new(T), ErrTypeMismatch
    return result, nil



I ended up solving this using the atomic.Pointer API, and rolled it into a simple library for others to use if they're interested: singlet. Re-working the original post with singlet looks like this:

Example library code:

type Cache[T any] struct{}

var singleton = &singlet.Singleton{}

func getOrCreateCache[T any]() (Cache[T], err) {
	return singlet.GetOrDo(singleton, func() Cache[T] {
		return Cache[T]{}

Client code:

stringCache := getOrCreateCache[string]()

And the Singlet library code that supports this:

var ErrTypeMismatch = errors.New("the requested type does not match the singleton type")

type Singleton struct {
	p   atomic.Pointer[any]
	mtx sync.Mutex

func GetOrDo[T any](singleton *Singleton, fn func() T) (result T, err error) {
	maybeResult := singleton.p.Load()
	if maybeResult == nil {
		// Lock to guard against applying fn twice
		defer singleton.mtx.Unlock()
		maybeResult = singleton.p.Load()

		// Double check
		if maybeResult == nil {
			result = fn()
			var resultAny any = result
			return result, nil

	var ok bool
	result, ok = (*maybeResult).(T)
	if !ok {
		return *new(T), ErrTypeMismatch
	return result, nil

I hope that helps anyone else who comes across this situation.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月29日 23:47:57
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76137102.html



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