scraping with rvest got error no applicable method for 'xml_find_first' applied to an object of class "character"

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scraping with rvest got error no applicable method for 'xml_find_first' applied to an object of class "character"


I understand that you want me to provide the translated code parts without any additional information. Here are the translated code parts:

# 必要的包

# 搜索结果页面的基本URL
base_url <- ""

# 添加到搜索的参数以获取特定结果
params <- list(
  ss = "Firenze%2C+Toscana%2C+Italia",
  efdco = 1,
  label = "booking-name-L*Xf2U1sq4*GEkIwcLOALQS267777916051%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap22%2C563%2C000%3Aac%3Aap%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atikwd-65526620%3Alp9069992%3Ali%3Adec%3Adm%3Appccp",
  aid = 376363,
  lang = "it",
  sb = 1,
  src_elem = "sb",
  src = "index",
  dest_id = -117543,
  dest_type = "city",
  ac_position = 0,
  ac_click_type = "b",
  ac_langcode = "it",
  ac_suggestion_list_length = 5,
  search_selected = "true",
  search_pageview_id = "2e375b14ad810329",
  checkin = "2023-06-11",
  checkout = "2023-06-18",
  group_adults = 2,
  no_rooms = 1,
  group_children = 0,
  sb_travel_purpose = "leisure"

# 创建空向量以存储标题、评分、价格
titles <- c()
ratings <- c()
prices <- c()

### 循环遍历搜索结果的每一页
for (page_num in 1:35) {

  # 构建当前页面的URL
  url <- modify_url(base_url, query = c(params, page = page_num))

  # 读取新页面的HTML
  page <- read_html(url)

  # 从当前页面提取标题、评分、价格
  # 从页面的检查代码中获取元素
  titles_page <- page %>% html_elements("div[data-testid='title']") %>% html_text()

  prices_page <- titles_page %>% html_element("span[data-testid='price-and-discounted-price']") %>% html_text()
  ratings_page <- titles_page %>% html_element("div[aria-label^='Punteggio di']") %>% html_text()

  # 将当前页面的标题、评分、价格追加到向量中
  titles <- c(titles, titles_page)
  prices <- c(prices, prices_page)
  ratings <- c(ratings, ratings_page)

hotel <- data.frame(titles, prices, ratings)


Please note that the code you provided is in R, and I have translated it into Chinese.


I am trying to scrape a page in with rvest and the problem is that I need the code to return NA when a hotel does not have ratings for example, so the dataframe will have exact number of rows for each parameter Im trying to scrape.

The code that I am using which functions perfectly without returing NA is this:

# Necessary packages
# Base URL of the search results page
base_url &lt;- &quot;;
# Parameters we add to the search get the specific results 
params &lt;- list(
ss = &quot;Firenze%2C+Toscana%2C+Italia&quot;,
efdco = 1,
label = &quot;booking-name-L*Xf2U1sq4*GEkIwcLOALQS267777916051%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap22%2C563%2C000%3Aac%3Aap%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atikwd-65526620%3Alp9069992%3Ali%3Adec%3Adm%3Appccp&quot;,
aid = 376363,
lang = &quot;it&quot;,
sb = 1,
src_elem = &quot;sb&quot;,
src = &quot;index&quot;,
dest_id = -117543,
dest_type = &quot;city&quot;,
ac_position = 0,
ac_click_type = &quot;b&quot;,
ac_langcode = &quot;it&quot;,
ac_suggestion_list_length = 5,
search_selected = &quot;true&quot;,
search_pageview_id = &quot;2e375b14ad810329&quot;,
ac_meta = &quot;GhAyZTM3NWIxNGFkODEwMzI5IAAoATICaXQ6BGZpcmVAAEoAUAA%3D&quot;,
checkin = &quot;2023-06-11&quot;,
checkout = &quot;2023-06-18&quot;,
group_adults = 2,
no_rooms = 1,
group_children = 0,
sb_travel_purpose = &quot;leisure&quot;
# Create empty vectors to store the titles, rating, price
titles &lt;- c()
ratings &lt;- c()
prices &lt;- c()
### Loop through each page of the search results
for (page_num in 1:35) {
# Build the URL for the current page
url &lt;- modify_url(base_url, query = c(params, page = page_num))
# Read the HTML of the new page specificated
page &lt;- read_html(url)
# Extract the titles, rating, price from the current page
# Got the elements from Inspect code of the page
titles_page &lt;- page %&gt;% html_elements(&quot;div[data-testid=&#39;title&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
prices_page &lt;- titles_page %&gt;% html_element(&quot;span[data-testid=&#39;price-and-discounted-price&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
ratings_page &lt;- titles_page %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[aria-label^=&#39;Punteggio di&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
# Append the titles, ratings, prices from the current page to the vector
titles &lt;- c(titles, titles_page)
prices &lt;- c(prices, prices_page)
ratings &lt;- c(ratings, ratings_page)
hotel = data.frame(titles, prices, ratings)
I have seen being suggested to add a paretn and children node and I have tried this but it does not function:
```titles_page &lt;- page %&gt;% html_elements(&quot;div[data-testid=&#39;title&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
prices_page &lt;- titles_page %&gt;% html_element(&quot;span[data-testid=&#39;price-and-discounted-price&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
ratings_page &lt;- titles_page %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[aria-label^=&#39;Punteggio di&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()```
# 答案1
**得分**: 2
`titles_page &lt;- page %&gt;% html_elements(&quot;div[data-testid=&#39;title&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()` 正在创建一个字符字符串向量。
你不能在下一行的代码中解析 "titles_page"。
你跳过了创建父节点向量的步骤。请查看你之前的问题/回答 并查看答案中的 `properties &lt;- html_elements(page, xpath=&quot;.//div[@data-testid=&#39;property-card&#39;]&quot;)` 这一行。这将返回一个 XML 节点的向量。现在解析这个节点向量以获取所需的信息。
properties &lt;- html_elements(page, xpath=&quot;.//div[@data-testid=&#39;property-card&#39;]&quot;)
titles_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[data-testid=&#39;title&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
prices_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;span[data-testid=&#39;price-and-discounted-price&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()    
ratings_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[aria-label^=&#39;Punteggio di&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()


for (page_num in 1:35) { 
   # 构建当前页面的 URL
   url &lt;- modify_url(base_url, query = c(params, page = page_num))
   # 读取特定页面的 HTML
   page &lt;- read_html(url)
   # 解析出每个父节点
   properties &lt;- html_elements(page, xpath=&quot;.//div[@data-testid=&#39;property-card&#39;]&quot;)
   # 现在从每个父节点中查找信息
   titles_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[data-testid=&#39;title&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
   prices_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;span[data-testid=&#39;price-and-discounted-price&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()    
   ratings_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[aria-label^=&#39;Punteggio di&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
   # 将当前页面的标题、评分和价格附加到向量中
   titles &lt;- c(titles, titles_page)
   prices &lt;- c(prices, prices_page)
   ratings &lt;- c(ratings, ratings_page)

titles_page &lt;- page %&gt;% html_elements(&quot;div[data-testid=&#39;title&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text() is creating a vector of character strings.
You cannot parse "titles_page" in the next line of code.
You are skipping the step of creating a vector of parent nodes. Review your previous question/answer and look at the line properties &lt;- html_elements(page, xpath=&quot;.//div[@data-testid=&#39;property-card&#39;]&quot;) in the answer. This is returning a vector of xml nodes. Now parse this vector of nodes to obtain the desired information.

Error was not having these lines correct:

#find the parents
properties &lt;- html_elements(page, xpath=&quot;.//div[@data-testid=&#39;property-card&#39;]&quot;)
#getting the information from each parent
titles_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[data-testid=&#39;title&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
prices_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;span[data-testid=&#39;price-and-discounted-price&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()    
ratings_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[aria-label^=&#39;Punteggio di&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()

The full corrected loops is now:

for (page_num in 1:35) { 
# Build the URL for the current page
url &lt;- modify_url(base_url, query = c(params, page = page_num))
# Read the HTML of the new page specificated
page &lt;- read_html(url)
#parse out the parent node for each parent 
properties &lt;- html_elements(page, xpath=&quot;.//div[@data-testid=&#39;property-card&#39;]&quot;)
#now find the information from each parent
titles_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[data-testid=&#39;title&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
prices_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;span[data-testid=&#39;price-and-discounted-price&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()    
ratings_page &lt;- properties %&gt;% html_element(&quot;div[aria-label^=&#39;Punteggio di&#39;]&quot;) %&gt;% html_text()
# Append the titles, ratings, prices from the current page to the vector
titles &lt;- c(titles, titles_page)
prices &lt;- c(prices, prices_page)
ratings &lt;- c(ratings, ratings_page)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月20日 05:27:35
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